Celestial Application (Maya)




username — starlightshower

nickname — Sica

activity rate — 9/10


Character name — Maya
Korean Name — Bae Sohyun, Maya Bae

nickname — Hyunnie; Mayonnaise

birthdate & Age — December 12th, 1996 & 18

birthplace — Cleveland, Ohio

hometown — Busan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean


Height — 169cm
Weight — 50kg


language — 
001. Korean - Fluent
002. English - Fluent
003. Mandarin - Semi-Fluent





face claim — Lee Eunji

gallery — [1] [2] [3]


backup face claim — Lee Geumhee

gallery — [1] [2] [3]


fashion style — If there's anything that could give her seniors, company stylists and fellow trainees a major headache and embarrassment, that is Maya's sense of fashion that doesn't do her any justice. Labeled by her older sisters and closest friends as a fashion terrorist since her early teens, this airhead enjoys wearing mismatched clothing of different colours whenever she's out from the vicinity of the company grounds. Excluding the stylish dance costumes and event clothing that she once donned in the past, her most normal and 'considered fashionable' style would still be an oversized hoodie paired with a pair of tight-fitting trackbottoms and a beanie that she likes to wear to her daily dance practices.




plotline — Spring

traits — [positive]Bubbly and outgoing(tends to be a little mischievious at times), Caring, Hardworking, Patient                    [negative]Stubborn, Naive, Loud, Indecisive

personality — 

Maya is a very talkative girl and is considered to be a social butterfly who enjoys making new friends with everyone she meets. Bubbly and outgoing, she warms up to people easily and is excellent in starting random conversations within her big circle of friends or strangers alike, as well as her sense of humour and quick reflexes that helps to prevent the atmosphere from becoming too awkward if something goes wrong. Maya tends to be ambitious at times and she will do whatever it takes, including sacrificing her sleep  just to achieve her goals. Armed with strong determination and diligence, she would tire herself out until she've reached her limit or she would not have stopped at all, especially in her genre--dancing. However being somewhat naive, she is easily influenced by others, as well as from perceived authorities, rendering her to be sometimes quite vulnerable to jokes and pranks if she isn't paying enough attention. Even so, being an open minded person with a mixture of patience, she would laugh it off and make a joke out of it as well.  

Being somewhat indecisive, Maya tends to be follower more than being a leader due to her lack of confidence. She would accept whatever that was planned for her and go along with it without any protest. Every moon has a dark side in which he or she would never show to anyone else. Maya is one of those moons. She prefers to keep her own problems to herself rather than voicing it out, and thanks to her ability to act, she could briefly hide her own disappoinments beneath a shiny facade when she's in public. She is a good listener and is generally trustworthy, although she would sometimes make mistakes due to her lost of focus,. Maya would always attempt to initiate an activity or a game but she doesn't always finish what she've started, unless it is something that is of interest to her. Loud and sometimes obnoxious, she is deemed as the happy virus of her family and friends with her never ending 4D randomness.  She never fails to make people laugh at her silly actions and the stupid jokes that she makes.


background —


Maya was born in Cleveland Ohio, United States into an artistic family. Her deceased paternal grandmother, a famous shoe designer was a Korean who fled her home country during the Korean War, while her parents, both also Koreans and are vocal and dance coaches, met and fell in love with each other in the state itself, then proceeding to walk down the church aisle after four years of dating. The Bae family migrated back to South Korea when Maya was 6 years old, due to her father being transferred over to SOPA as a dance coach. To be honest, she isn't as intelligent as her sucessful sisters and she possessed a great deal of flaws; her grades were just above average and she is beyond clumsy. The only talent that she was proud of at the moment was her dancing skills, thanks to her father although she didn't shine as much. Her big break came on her 7th birthday just so happened when she was out at a nearby playground roleplaying a self-scribbled script , where she was scouted by a co-director to protray the younger self of a queen in a historical drama. That drama shot her to fame due to her almost perfect demeanor of a young queen as she began to gain more offers of movies and dramas as well as children comercials and variety shows. Most of her time during childhood whenever she was free from schedules were spent dancing to various genres of music in her sister's dance studio. The limelight on her dimmed along the years of growing up and the flow of drama offers eventually slowed down to a complete stop when she was sixteen. Maya had once thought that its the end of her career, but fate proved her wrong when she stumbled upon a JYP promotional video for an annual global audition on YouTube. Thus starts a new chapter of her life as a trainee when she succeeded in her auditions.   


likes — 
001. Dancing to various genres of music
002. Cooking and baking
003. Fruit Juice and pepero
004. Bright colours

005. Chocolate

006. Puppies


dislikes — 
001. The dark
002. Bitter food or drinks
003. Bugs
004. Pretentious individuals
005. The sight of blood


hobbies — 
001. Dancing
002. Jamming on her piano and guitar
003. Scribbling random lyrics in her notebook
004. Acting
005. Toying with her music synthesizer on her laptop

006. Playing pranks


habits — 
001. Wrinkles her nose whenever she is deep in thought
002. Sleeptalk and sleepwalk frequently
003. Stutters when she does a mistake
004. Touches her bracelet when she's confused over something
005. Eats whenever she sees food


trivia —

001. Acted in various well rated dramas, and once appeared as a brief cameo in one of Taylor Swift's music videos
002. Her father is a dance coach at SOPA
003. Her eldest sister is involved in the partnership of Jessica Jung's BLANC & ECLAIRE
004. She's allergic to pollen
005. She loves the numbers 6 and 12


001. She was once caught making out with an unnamed actor in an alley.




family — 

— Wilson Bae Yoomin | Father | 53 | Lecturer

— Kim Shiwon | Mother | 50 | Vocal coach

— Tiffany Bae Jooyeon | Sister | 24 | Businesswoman; BLANC & ECLAIRE major stockholder

— Valerie Bae Soonyoung | Sister | 21 | TREND Magazine Chief Editor



friends — 

— Wendy Son Seunghwan | Best Friend | 21 | Member of Red Velvet

— Krystal Jung Soojung | Friend | 21 | ctress and member of f(x)

— Kim Joonhee | Childhood friend | 19 | Web model and ulzzang


Love Interest


love interest — -she doesn't have a definite love interest yet-

backup love interest — ---


personality — na. atm.






insert witty title here

comments/suggestions — Love this concept. Good luck with the future updates and I hope you'll like my character.♥

scene requests — None. I prefer to go with the flow.

password — Super Junior D&E - Growing Pains ; APink - Not An Angel

turn in — back to the story



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