ficlet: sehun loves lipstick

She closed the door with a soft thud and spun on her heels, brown hair in soft curls bouncing as she did. Sehun was sitting in front of his computer, as usual, and Luhan breaks into a smile. She dropped her bag on the floor launched herself onto Sehun, thin bony arms hugging the younger’s neck from behind.


“What the —noona!” he yanked her arms away, making his older sister frown. Her lips juts out bit by bit out as she crosses her arms around her chest. It was shinny and pinkish and nice.“Sehunnie,” her frown deepens “I told you not to curse, right? That’s not good! Good boys don’t swear.” her voice, honey-like in Sehun’s ears. The younger looked away, returning to face his laptop. Playing online games can be a good distraction.


“Whatever, get out and lock the door.”


Luhan hmmped, stomping her feet hard on the wood flooring. She looked back to see his brother starting a new game she doesn’t want to know. Boys. Luhan rolled her eyes and bent down to fish something from her bag. She held on the small tube with a smirk glazing her pink lips.


”Sehunnie,” she called out cutely with a tilt of her head, brown hair falling to her side ,and Sehun’s jaw tenses. Online games. Distraction.


Being completely ignored didn’t sway Luhan a bit. She was even happy that his younger brother was playing hard to get again and Luhan loves it more when Sehun’s brow furrows in annoyance though he can’t resist her for long. Definitely can’t. No matter how much he scowls, by the end of the night, Luhan will smile at him triumphantly like a good noona she is.


“Sehunnie,” Luhan purred, hot breath fanning Sehun’s cheeks. Online game. Distraction. Luhan’s ed blouse. Sehun can feel his face reddening down to his chest. She’s too close that Sehun could smell her cologne, peaches and lemon. It smells nice. Stop it, Sehun, he told his mind.


“Move, noona.” he warned Luhan but the older jumped on his lap, effectively straddling the younger. Sehun was caught off guard. He choked a breath like someone punched him hard in the gut. Luhan’s blouse ed, pink lacy undergarments peeking out, skirt ridding ridiculously high Sehun could see the milky white thighs. He loves kissing those thighs, so much, every other night when he eats her out—no, he shouldn’t be thinking of those. “What are you doing?” he growled but Luhan smiles at him teasingly, inching her way up to fully seat on top of Sehun’s crotch. Hot, so hot. It feels so hot and Sehun’s only wearing his thin basketball shorts.


“I bought something we could use, Sehunnie.” she opened her palm, there was a tube of lipstick. Sehun’s twitched under her, holy . It was pulsating. Sehun can feel his sweat forming on his forehead. Why is it so hot? The air conditioner was in full blast since last night!




The tube smells chocolate. Luhan uncaps it and twist it up. It was chocolate, Sehun’s favorite. “I was thinking of you when I bought it with Jongin earlier.” Sehun felt his insides twist. Jongin? The one courting his noona? She bought it with Jongin? With Jongin? Sehun despises Jongin with deep passion. He hates him because he likes his noona, his Luhan.


His possessiveness acts out as he pushed Luhan against the computer table making her yelp in pain. It stings, the edges of the table hit Luhan’s back. Sehun is mad, no one can touch his noona. “Why are you with Jongin?” he growled, hands gripping hard on Luhan’s thin waist. “I told you to stay away from that motherer!”


There are growing tears in Luhan’s eyes, Sehun wants to wipe it away but he’s mad. How could his noona, his Luhan do that to him? “I did! I-I-m sorry, Sehunnie, but he followed me around. I was with Baekhee and Minseon when he spotted us. I’m sorry! I just wanted to buy this one. This is my gift for you.” She choked, hands gripping tight on the lipstick trapped on her hold. “I was just teasing you about Jongin, you’re ignoring me. I thought when I mention his name you’ll notice me!”


Sehun softens, sighing as he loosens his grip on Luhan. He draped his arms around her waist instead, pulling her into his chest. Online games, distraction—Sehun really can’t resist his noona. Even if he made a resolve that last night will be the last time he’ll taste her. But she bought him a chocolate lipstick. Sehun just can’t—“I’m sorry. I just don’t want to see you with that Jongin.” Luhan hummed against his neck then subtly placed a kiss there. She nosed Sehun’s jaw, tongue peeking out to some of his skin. Sehun’s shorts feels tighter.


Computer games. Distraction. Its normal, Luhan kissing his neck is normal. Yeah.


Sehun shrugged the though and hugged his sister instead, not minding she was a column of his throat. It’s normal, he used to do that to her too.


They stay close for a few minutes before Luhan pulled out with a big Cheshire grin. “Let’s use this?” she beams brightly that Sehun forgot why he couldn’t love his own sister.


Sehun watched her pull away to swipe the chocolate across her lips, painting it dark brown. Sehun’s mouth waters at the sight, Luhan diligently coloring her plush petals, eyes closed, long lashes fluttering. Sehun his own chapped lips. She’s beautiful. Sehun wants to kiss her, so bad, so bad that he didn’t even let Luhan finish covering her lips with chocolate. Sehun caught her wrist with lipstick, the contains painting some on her cheek, and leans in for a searing kiss, tongue running across Luhan’s lower lips to taste the sweetness of it. Chocolate. Luhan immediately fell into the kiss, hand drifts to Sehun’s neck to pull him in.


The chocolate melts under their wet sloppy kisses, it smudges and Sehun them clean, tongue swiping every inch where he can taste the sweet flavor of his chocolate. Luhan moaned, pressing her s against Sehun’s chest, she could feel her brother’s rapid heartbeat. It was nice, like a song to her ears. She caught Sehun’s hand resting around her waist and bought it up to fumble with her chest, squeezing it slowly. “Ngh,” she moaned, lips parting open, eyes tightly shut close. Sehun repeated the action, this time more rough that made his sister arching for more pleasure.


Sehun grabbed the lipstick from Luhan’s hold, twisting the tube until the chocolate peeks out and starts drawing patterns from Luhan’s lips down to her chest, dirtying her undergarments with chocolate. He dropped the tube on the floor where it rolls under the table. Sehun caught her lips again, this time kissing harder, her tongue in his mouth. They kiss, Luhan pressed herself closer, closer, and ruts slowly against Sehun growing bulge. It feels nice, it feels really nice.


“,” the younger groaned as they pull out to gasp for oxygen. Luhan looks so wrecked and dirty and covered with chocolate and Sehun wants to ravish her more, more. “Good boys… ngh, don’t swear, Sehunnie,” she managed to say in between her moans. Sehun’s goes back to life, her voice makes him want to her hard, harder than last night.


And so he did, until they were in the bed, Luhan riding him as he the sweet chocolate in her s. It was so good and so bad and they ran out of lipstick.


Luhan needs to buy another one.

okay. what in the freaking hell is this?
oh gosh i think i have sinned.
sorry for spamming you a lot of this. i just cant post my ficlets in public.
this is a total embarrassment.


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Now I feel hot...
ItsPandiBruhxP #2
This reminded me of KissxSis xD It's an anime. Don't ask me why I watched it, I just came acrossed it.
Hawt! Zurfer hawt! huhuhu grabe!
This is hot damnit kzkakadjkaoqqass St
omg this is really hot i can't-- i love genderbend and hunhan ; u ; ♡
/showers you with sarangs. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡