Insurgent, surging as the better winner. (warning: fairly biased review)

Before anything, let me use Infinite to illustrate my reactions.

Folks, the day I agreed that I would watch Insurgent made me feel:

Yeah, you see Woohyun? That was me.

So yes, I watched Divergent with a huge expectations in hand, only to be met with a very disappointed anger as I walked out of the studio, dramatically flailing my arms in agony and tears. ranting.

Now, when Insurgent came up along with Cinderella, in which both were not the best options to date, my friend picked out Insurgent, which I have to admit, does seem to be better, promotions and poster releases.

I'm going to cut my thoughts short since I feel so tired right now, but here goes nothing.

My reaction throughout the whole movie is perfectly described here.

Thanks, Soo.

The good:

Shailene Woodley. The girl knows how to act, period. I really love her in this movie, and so much for breathing in and out a character that is really human. She gets the emotions well and made the movie more remarkable overall.

The visuals, the action sequence. It got a little bit too redundant by the end, but the actions are cool and otherwise, a nice one. The stunts are STUNning (pun intended).

Also, did I tell you I found two new favourite characters? They're just the side characters, though. With wasted potentials.

The bad:

Waste, waste, waste. Good grief, movie, there could've been so much to do with interesting characters and more! I know since this is supposed to be a trilogy, but dang it. Justified with the fact that they even exist. It's kinda frustrating as much as it makes me one to smash my head.

The romance. Fairly biased, but I just feel it's rather awkward, you know.

Lastly, the film as an overall made me feel horribly bored, but it is definitely better. If you want to argue about the movie (I didn't read the books yet) put it on the comments section below.

Also, enjoy this gif.

Reminds you of anything?

Also, pun of the day:

Don't lock the door.

The odoor stinks.


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