ficlet: luhan plus one

So maybe Luhan is famous for his honey-dripping sarcasm—no, not maybe. He really is feared for his tongue and arched brows. Some people changes tracks whenever they’re about to walk past him because Luhan’s sees everything, even a single stray hair in your head, he sees that and his mouth is unstoppable.


What I’m trying to point out here is that it would be a shocker to know that Luhan actually dates human—people. He’s seeing one right now as a matter of fact. YES. He is dating someone.


“Lock the door when we leave.”


Sehun side eyed him. “Duh, of course unless you want to get robbed then I’ll leave the door open.”


“Oh why yes, leave it open and don’t complain if the TV got stolen and you’ll have nothing to watch your silly Adventure Time.” The older examined his nails, hmm. They need some cleaning and cutting.


“You’re gonna buy me a new one anyway, you’re loss not mine.” Sehun retorted, smirking at his boyfriend.


“I really love you so much, Sehunnie, so much that I am itching to push you off of this building!” Luhan squealed, hugging Sehun’s right arm. “Shut up, brat or I’ll smash your head against the plasma.” Then he growled like a feral beast.


They are soulmates, Baekhyun sobs at the good news. Finally, after some gazillion years of waiting, someone can tame Luhan or well, tolerate his mouth. Sehun says all he needs to do is attack Luhan’s mouth with his own and he’s done for good. No more sarcasm, just sweet pleas and melodious . Oops, I have shared Sehun’s deepest secret but he won’t know it anyway.


“Wow, you’re taking me to a restaurant?” they stopped outside of a fancy establishment, SOO EAT’S IT ALL Restaurant, really fancy except for the print ad of a gigantic man-boy with gigantic ears smiling creepily while holding a bowl of fried rice.


Luhan chuckled, smiling sweetly at Sehun, “This is actually a laundry shop, Sehunnie.” The smile drops in a second. “You know? Where people drops their dirty clothes for washing?—of course I’m taking you to a restaurant. Isn’t it obvious? I told you we’re going out to eat, right?” he rolled his eyes heavenwards.


“Oh my, I’m sorry, hyung.” Sehun pouted and sighed dramatically, “I guess being godly handsome has some downsides too. I’m partly deaf, you know? From all the girls who screams my name, it’s hardly a miracle my ears are still functional.” He wipes out some invisible tears. “You really can’t have it all.”


“What a shame no one hits you in the face.” Luhan sadly smiles, ruffling his boyfriend’s hair. “I’ll cry a river if they did, happiness Sehunnie.”


Sehun laughed at him, finding Luhan extremely cute whenever they have these small banters. He grabbed the older’s hand, interlacing their fingers together as he pulled him inside.


Upon entering, a man in coat approached them, smiling. “Table for two, sir?”


Luhan’s ears twitched. He heard something he doesn’t like. “For two? Of course table for two, unless you have some imaginary friend here then make it three.”


“T-Table for two, it is, s-sir.”


Luhan muttered something under his breath that made Sehun laugh until they reach their designated seats. Luhan rolled an eye as soon as the waiter left. “Why are they so dumb, Sehunnie?” he asked Sehun.


“I don’t know, how would I know? I am not dumb.” The younger answered, bored expression adorning his handsome features and Luhan beams at him. “That’s why I love you, Sehunnie!”


Later than night, Luhan complained about his laptop missing and Sehun did the trick to shut him up. In the morning, Luhan nagged non-stop about the dishes, subtly sending the younger some hints. Sehun threw the magazine he was reading and cornered Luhan against the kitchen counter, kissing him just as the older wanted…


Baekhyun sobs again, because they are so loud next door he couldn’t sleep with Kris.

this is not as good as the first one. 


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hahaha poor baekie! Luhan being noisy just to get Sehun attention.... In other word just to get w. Sehun... Hahahahahahahahaha!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is what I meant by "sarcasm is happiness"! Gosh- I love this so muchhhhh! I really hope you would continue it. Plus it's mah fave couple! My No 1 fave! HunHan's here!Sarcasm is just being the cherry on top! Well maybe it would either be more like the cake but I've decided the cake would be HunHan so the cherry it is. Oh no. I am in love. Save mehh. ♥W♥
Wow.. I want some more.. ^^
OHH SHEEETTTTT THIS IS WHAT I WANTTT OMG THANKS HEAVEN I CAN LIVE MY LIFE PEACELY /wailing / MOREEEE I WANT MOREEE MUAHAHAHA btw I love sehuna's character it make me cry damn hard ● 3● you're so talented taedaebaeshii thanks for your hard work /lol this is funneh why I wrote liek that/
Pls make this a fic. Huhuhu pota bakla gaming strong af si Lulu.
railai #6
HAHAHAHAHAHA I really love Luhan and Sehun's character here! You should create a humorish yet fluffy chapter fic about this!