Updates, ya'll! I'll be posting soon! :) xoxo

haiii everyone! :)

Well, I've had the wildest/craziest week and weekend EVER so far of 2015. HAHA.
I'vee been a little sick with the stomach flu or some kind of virus since last

If it doesnt go away by this Thursday my mom wants to take me to the doctor to get
a check-up and see what's up.

I'm hoping I'll get some updates done, soon. I am actually working on the next Chapter
for my Donghae fic, since I havent updated there, and I'm prob going to continue updating
my SHINee fic and Super Junior apply fic.

If you guys havent seen that or applied yet, GO, GO, GO!
I don't know how long i'm gonna keep the apps open!

So yeah, that's pretty much it. I have been MIA because I've been feeling ill, and
this weekend was totally bizzarr-o land for me. heheheheheehehehe.

That's all for now!
I'll try to keep you posted.

OH YEAH! I am hoping to go back to the mall where that cute game guy I told you guys
about before is and I'm gonna try and strike up a conversation...some how? XD LOL.




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Unnie! I'm glad that you're feeling better. Please be careful with your health. ^^
Hehe, I want to know what happens with the guy. Fighting!
I've never done apply fics before but I'll see of I can find some spare time to apply! Apply fics are like, one applies and they become the oc, right?