


well it's been like forever! I just came back from a trip to Anaheim, and now i'm sick (_ _|||) . Of course I would get sick , especially because it's midterm week lol . Well I'll be back to updating my story soon, or re-writing the chapters .


Well this blog is a random rant, but yeah it kind of bothers me a lot. So I see a lot of fanfics that have that romantic scene where the main couple is cooking kimchi, and they finish like in 20 minutes.


Like hold the up sir.

You made kimchi, from scratch in like 20 minutes?


can you even kimchi?!


Like seriously!


If you're gonna make kimchi, you need like way more than 20 minutes, like maybe like a day or so. And how the is there no complains about the fermenting of the kimchi?!


Man, this seems like a really random rant, but it really does bother me a lot.


well byee~~


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Can I just say something.......wait...ahahahaa! OK. I totally get your point and I agree with you but omfg I cannot get over the fact that you said, hold the up, can you even kimchi??!! I laughed out loud so damn bad. Ahaha!!!
Hrm, for me, I feel like a lot of times, ppl who write fanfics don't take the time to actually make it realistic but ppl continue to read it and comment saying that it is a good story. I personally will not continue to read a fanfic if the whole situation of a story seems to vague or unreal and if the scene feels rushed.

But girl, lmao. I cannot get over your rant. BTW: talking about rant, I will say this. I'm currently reading this wolf fanfic that is pretty good. It is getting a good amount of attention and upvotes because the story is good. I am subscribed to the story and I usually comment but then one day I get this advertisement on my wall and it just so happens to be her story that she is advertising. I'm like wtf? Really? You reply to my comments and appreciate but you can't even make out the fact that I happen to be one of your readers. I mean sure, I get have a ton of readers/subscribers but for you to advertise on my wall seems a little redundant.

I don't even want to go on with my rant BC it might seem a little too cruel to say such things. But anyway, thanks for the awesome blog. It really entertained me. You have such a great sense of humor.