K-Pop Survey #1


01. Who was the first Korean band you heard? 
Big Bang! :D
They will always be my Number 1 
Hehe, See what I did there? :P

02. Who's the most recent Korean band you've heard?
It's currently playing on my ipod :D

03. Who's your favorite Korean band?
Big Bang
I love how they act and their music!

04. Name 6 other bands you like: 
U-Kiss, B2ST, 2NE1, Wonder Girls, MBLAQ, SHINee

05. Are you a fangirl/boy? 
-Check pants-
Well, I see that I am a girl and I am currently being a fan 
So a fangirl!

06. If yes, of who? 
I've been obsessed with them lately
Especially Kevin, Dongho, and Eli

07. Do you learn the dances?
Yes I do!
I know A LOT of dances.
I currently want to learn Wonder Girls- Be My Baby

08. Do you like Super Junior? 
I like them, but they aren't my favorite
-runs away from all the ELFs-

09. What's your favourite SuJu song?
Mr. Simple.
Nuff. Said.

10. Do you like hip hop groups or non hip hop? 
Both works xD

11. What's the first Korean song you heard? 
We Belong Together- Big Bang ;)

12. What's the last song you heard?
Shut Up!- U-Kiss
It's very manly ;D

13. Have you ever been to any Korean concerts? 
I've been to a Wonder Girls concert!
I lost my voice the next day :D

14. What would you do if you saw any Korean idol walking down the street in your town? 
Say Hi! 
Then offer to show them around. 

15. Which K-Idol are you most in love/lust with? 
I have too many to count.
G-Dragon, Lee Joon, Kevin, Dongho, Wooyoung, etc.

16. Which three idols would you most love to meet in person (dead or alive)? 
G-Dragon [Big Bang] 
Jay Park [2PM]
Kevin [U-Kiss]

17.Three things you would like to say to/ask them? 
How was your day today? :D
Can I touch your hair? Teehee
Can I have a picture with you please?

18. Which three idols can you relate to most? 
Onew [Shinee] - I have really bad Onew Condition
Jonghyun [Shinee] - I am the Skinship Queen >:D
Any maknaes - I'm the youngest in my group of friends and I always get picked on >.<

19. Which three Korean songs do you constantly replay? 
0330- U-Kiss
Beautiful Target- B1A4
Troublemaker- Hyuna & Hyunseung

20. Do you have any idols as your background? 
I have G-Dragon on my laptop and on my ipod

21. Which idol would you most like to get fashion/makeup advice from? 
G. Pho-King. Dragon. 

22. Do you read K-Idol fan fiction?
If I didn't, I wouldn't be right now would I? XD

23. What is your favourite K-Idol related dream?
I married G-Dragon xD
and Kevin from U-Kiss became my best friend :P

24. How many Korean MP3s do you have? 
.....I'm not counting all those songs....

25. And, finally, if you could sleep with any three idols, who would they be? 
The clean version or the....dirty version? I'LL DO BOTH >:D

G-Dragon [Big Bang]
Nichkhun [2PM]
Kevin [U-Kiss]

G-Dragon [Big Bang]
Lee Joon [MBLAQ]
Junhyung [B2ST]


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