Wow Has It Really Been 3 Years Already? lulz

So... Hi everybody. 

I'm not even sure if anybody remembers me anymore since I've been gone for so long now. Seriously, pushing 3 years since I've last logged on. How crazy is that? I used to religiously log onto this site, hover by my updates icon, would get a minor heart attack of happiness whenever I got notified of new subscriptions/comments/wall posts/etc. How crazy how time has flown! 

Well, I figure it's now time for me to kind of explain myself. During the last 3 years of my life, a lot has changed for me. I graduated high school, I started college, I pledged and crossed for a sorority (luuulz, who would have ever thought), I went through hardships, a breakup, a death of a close friend, and so much other that was just so tastic, I can't even properly put it into words. Needless to say, my life has done a complete 180 compared to what was happening back in my angsty, high school days lol seriously, reading through all my old posts and , I have no idea HOW you guys put up with me... I was literally angry about everything LOL

Anyways... I know this isn't what y'all wanted to hear, but I don't think I will be continuing with my stories because of the following reasons:

A) I've lost the motivation to write. I just don't have time for it, and I was honestly never really good at it... lulz

B) I kind of grew out of KPop and don't really even know what goes on in the world of Super Junior or anything anymore (sad, I know)

C) I literally have no ing idea or any recollection of how my stories were supposed to end or what direction the stories were supposed to go anymore

So... Yeah... was that enough explanation? idk, I'm a terrible person for leaving everyone so in the dark for this long. I really am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, and I want everyone to know just how much y'all mean to me for sticking by my side all these many years, staying so faithful and loyal to me and my characters, and above all else, for loving me and accepting me for who I am from the very beginning to now. You guys will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I love every single one of you <3

If ur ever in Austin, hit a girl up! I'll show you around and show you a good time. :)

Until then, rest easy and have a great life everybody. Until we meet again <3


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Girl, I missed you! I know, it's been a while.
Yeah, a lot happens in 3 years, and I don't blame you for not continuing to write. Thank you so much for this update!
Sorry to hear about all the sad things that's happened over these few years, but I hope that you are well or progressively getter better. :)
Hi, Angie! You were a great author, you know. It's kinda saddening to know you won't continue your stories and that you're not into SJ anymore but don't worry, I understand. People change. I'm just glad to know you're alright now :)
Ay! I liked your stories! And it's all right:)

Just to tell you: Uki Seohae Choi has crossed my mind several times up to not too long ago, so I guess her character made an impression

I don't religiously follow kpop anymore, I only know what my Facebook/YouTube feed tells me. As for Super Junior, "Evanesce" is a quite nice song.