Please seek help

I say this in all seriousness and sincerity:

If you enjoy reading and/or writing stories involving a 4 year old child, you need to make a change. Perhaps all you need is a reality check--imagining or researching the horrible, devastating, life long effects of child abuse. Perhaps you need to seek therapy from a mental health care professional.

Someone else beat me to report the content, thank you. I wish I would have known that before I followed the link to make sure the story contained what it claimed to. I honestly feel like I'm going to vomit or cry or both. I can't's just awful. A child. Dear Lord, please help those who find such things pleasing and please protect the children. 



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Wait there was actually a story like that on here? *shaking my head* I don't understand how someone can possibly 'enjoy' the thought of a child or anyone for that matter being abused or get '' by abuse. I don't wish ill will upon people like that but only that they get the proper help they are clearly in need of
tvxq4ever #2
I can't even...