K- Dramas

Can anyone recommend any Kdramas for me to watch? I've been addicted to them for a while and Im going through withdrawal symptoms because I can't find any that interest me. I also watch other forms of Asian dramas,if that helps and Im not really picky, so help me please?!! Q__q

Thank you

I'll mention some of the ones ive already watched but i can't remember all since theres too many

  1. You're Beautiful      Heartstrinjgs
  2. Hana Kimi                   Full House
  3. Personal Taste             Lie to Me
  4. Coffee Prince               Protect the Boss
  5. Playful Kiss                      Attention Please
  6. City Hunter                                Iljimae
  7. My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho               Baby Faced Beauty
  8. Nobuta Wo Produce                        Witch Yoo Hee
  9. Secret Garden                                      Romance Town
  10. Mary Stayed Out All Night                     Sungkyunkwan Scandal  
  11. Boys over Flowers                                  
  12. Yamato Nadeshiko Shinchi Henge


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I just started watching I love you 1000 times and golden Bride. Both are pretty sad, but have fun moments. Also, I adore Sungkyunkwan Scandal
I watch a lot of Asian Dramas. My favorite Kdramas lately have been Secret Garden, Heartstrings, Mischievous (Playful) Kiss, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.

If you liked Boys Over Flowers, try the Japanese version, Hana Yori Dango. If you liked You're Beautiful, try the Japanese version, Ikemen Desu Ne.
