目覚め: 神々! | Kang Lina | The Koi.

Kang lina

wishiwasazn / ash / 8-9

character name

Kang Lina


Navi -- after the fairy from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time; her friends call her this when her advice can be too much or if she is being annoying with her nagging at times
Appa/Hyung/Oppa -- Because of her rather boyish style, her classmates and friends (especially the Ookami and Kitsune) call her this in order to
Yin (or) Yang -- The other gods/goddesses in the shrine call her either Yin or Yang depending on her mood. If she is overly happy or calm, they call her Yang but if she is towards the angrier side or sad, they call her Yin

birthdate & age

09/13/1993 + 21

birthplace & hometown

Athens, Greece ++ Tongyeong, South Korea




Greek - Fluent - mother's language, taught at home
Korean - Fluent - father's language, native language

the outside.

face claim & backup

Park YoungHee


Lina is not really one to keep up with fashion, girl's fashion at least. She prefers boy's clothes for their comfort and utility but also because she has a horrible clothing coordination sense. Her style is a mix of tomboy and punk but she "cleans up well". She wears a lot of dark or themed clothing. When she does themed, they are usually based on her favorite video game or disney characters. When she wears dark clothes, she tends to accent it with bright colors. Combat boots and Nike tennis shoes are her normal choice in footwear. When she doesn't have to look nice for the public, she defaults to jeans, t-shirts, hoodies and cargo shorts. She accents herself with a lot of jewelry when she can and never goes anywhere without a hat or her necklace.

In the dorms or when she is just lazing around, she wears sweatpants and t-shirts or tanktops. Her hair is pulled back by a small ponytail and a headband to keep it out of her eyes while she makes notes on her sheet music. She also enjoys wearing patterned socks with her favorite band logos or animated characters on them. Her t-shirts are usually dark disney themed (when she isn't going for the full on disney character) or plain. She wears less jewelry except for her necklace, of course, and sometimes a ring or two. 

Inside the shrine, her hanbok and kimono are pastel blue leaning towards the color of water. Being the koi, she opted for something that was linked towards water rather than other choices she was presented.




the inside.


Lina has a very maternal/paternal personality. A protector and nurterer, standing up for her friends and making sure they are taken care of. She listens to people with an open heart and gets angry for other people when they don't (or won't). Along with this, she has a quick temper, sarcastic tone, and an uncontrollable bodyguard complex (a fighter and overprotective person in general). She will fight for what she believes in, even if it is wrong or people are against it. She never fights only for herself. A lot of people take this attitude the wrong way and think her unapproachable. The attitude she carries doesn't help make people understand that, underneath everything, she is truly a kind person. She doesn't take crap from anyone, being unafraid to show her true colors. She judges people at face value even though she doesn't mean to and she says a lot of things without thinking of how the other person woudl feel (bluntness comes with the attitude). She also has a huge problem with correcting people if she thinks they are wrong. Despite all of this, she enjoys taking care of people and making sure they know someone cares and loves them because she knows how it feels to think someone doesn't.

The harsh outward nature she projects is only one side. This exterior hides an extremely lonely person, especially when she is surrounded by people. She messes around a lot so that no one knows her true emotions. She has been hurt so many times and the wall was built a long time ago. She is afraid of falling in love because not only does she think she isn't good enough, she can't help but feel that no one can love her after everything she has done. However, she falls in love quite easily and she hates herself for it, bringing about her low self-confidence. She is good at putting on an arrogant air but she will withdraw into herself when she doesn't want to talk to people. She uses hard work to hide this part of her.

Lina is strangely forgiving of everyone but herself. When she messes up, she finds it difficult to move past (even the smallest of things) but if it is a friend, she is quick to help them get back on their feet and move on. You wouldn't know how much she hates herself unless you got her talking in one of her 3 AM conversations, a time when all her confidence drains and she is just sleepy enough to tell someone how she really feels.


 Disney, listening to music of different languages, trying food from all over the world, skateboarding, healthy competition, video games (Pokemon and Legend of Zelda are her favorites), nighttime/stargazing, thunderstorms, sour candy, reading manga/watching anime, sports (especially baseball and surfing), creating new recipes


 people who make fun of or try to hurt the people she cares about, someone complaining she isn't girly enough, creating a bad tasting food, being underestimated, coffee, extreme cold, men who think they are god's gift to the world, ignorance and the stupidity that comes with it, alcohol, overly flirtatious girls



twisting her hair when bored or nervous, scratching the back of her neck before messing up her hair when embarassed, humming random songs, tapping out beats on surfaces, muttering random greek when stressed out, biting her lip when feeling like she has spoken out of turn, closing her eyes and smiling when there is a breeze, wishing on falling stars, skateboarding around the shrine when there are no guests, using her water powers to wake up the other shrine tenants when they sleep in


spray paint art (not the same as graffiti), collecting hats from places she has visited, taking pictures/videos (calls them memories), cooking and learning new recipes to try on her friends, trying to learn new languages, playing video games whenever she has free time

~Other Trivia~

- her favorite colors are turquoise and green
- her favorite animal is the sea otter
-She is a er for romantic comedies and sports anime
-She absolutely loves animated movies
-She has a little sibling complex
-She has always been good at cooking and can pick up different types fairly easily but she specializes in Korean and Greek cuisine.
-She calls older guys "hyung" instead of oppa but she will call the guy she likes "oppa" if he is older
- Lina has her nose, lip, and eyebrow pierced as well as two piercings in each ear. She doesn't wear them while working in the shrine but when she isn't, they are always in.
-She has 3 tattoos: an infinity symbol connected by the word young behind her left year, the yin yang symbol over her heart, and the triforce from Zelda on her right ankle
-Her eyes are bright green
- She never goes anywhere without the necklace her siblings got her when she moved to University

the outside.


Her mother and father met in Athens, Greece when her father was there to check out some International Speed Skating competitions in the area. Her mother was a part of the Greek National Symphony as the 1st chair cellist. Chione was walking home from a practice when the two ran into each other, literally. Her sheet music went everywhere and his notes on the athletes mixed in with them. It was love at first sight. HyunJoon extended his stay in Greece and the two were married in the capital of Athens, travelling back to Korea for their honeymoon to meet HyunJoon's family officially as well as going to Japan and Australia before returning back to Greece. They lived there for awhile before having their first child, Lina. HyunJoon asked Chione to think about living in South Korea and she happily agreed because she wanted to know where her husband grew up and broaden her own horizons. The young family picked up and moved back to HyunJoon's hometown of Tongyeong.

Lina was a rather outgoing child and loved living by the ocean. Whenever her father wasn't training, he would take her to play in the water. At home, she grew up bilingual with her mother teaching her Greek and her father teaching her Korean. When Lina turned 4, the Kang family was blessed with not one more child but two. Her twin siblings where born and became the light of everyone's life. When they were old enough to walk, they followed Lina around everywhere. She began singing in order to get them to go to sleep when her parents couldn't do anything about their crying and she would practice making food for their snacks once she was old enough for her parents to allow her to use the kitchen.

As she grew older, she came into her own style and by middle school, she was the talk of the town with her culinary skills, she was frequently asked to help out with social gatherings and other such events. In order to get away from everyone asking her to help out, she would take her siblings out to the ocean and they would swim and surf together. She changed her style when she entered high school for the ease of taking care of herself as well as her thinking it matched her image better. Her parents were a bit skeptical at first but were okay with it and when she explained that she wanted to become more of her own person, the fully supported her. This also started the teasings in school.

When her siblings got into middle school and she was entering her junior year in high school, things changed a little. Her little sister became more interested in piano and her mother would teach her at home. Her little brother became interested in speed skating and her father gladly took him to his training facility and began to train him for the Olympics. Lina was left alone to study and ended up turning completely to music. Because her parents got back into work, she was also in charge of picking up her siblings from school after she got out. This was where she started standing up against the bullies that teased JoongKi.

Lina graduated high school in about the middle of the class but got high enough grades to get into the University she wanted and went on to work towards a double major in Psychology and Culinary Arts.



Kang HyunJoon | Father | Lina is a bit of a daddy's girl and he loves to dote on her. They can sometimes get into big arguments because of their similar personalities but he believes in her abilities and the path she has chosen for herself more than almost anyone and supports her decisions. 

Kang Chione | Mother | The two of them are not as close as Lina and her father but they do get along fairly well. Being her mother's first child, her mom does put quite a bit of pressure on her to be a good older sibling but it isn't too much that she can't handle. 

Kang Shiwan | Younger Sister, twin of JoongKi | Shiwan enjoys bothering her older sister about looking too boyish but she really looks up to her and admires her culinary skills and attitude about life. She started playing piano in order to follow her dream, like Lina did going to school. Shiwan is rather quiet around everyone but her familly and she likes to remind JoongKi that she was born first.

Kang Joongki | Younger Brother, twin of Shiwan | JoongKi adores his older sister (not saying that he doesn't enjoy being an annoying little brother from time to time) and is jealous of Shiwan for being able to relate to her on a level he cannot. Lina used to protect him from bullies after school before she went to college and he became strong enough to look out for himself so he really looks up to her and respects her. He is proud to be her younger brother and brags about her a lot to his friends.


Cha HyungJin | Prince & Princess/Best Friend | Lina grew up with HyungJin in Tongyeong. He inherited the record store from his father and that is where the two of them met. Their completely different personalities cause for a lot of arguments between them but they all usually end up with the two of them blasting a record in the shop and dancing around. She used to use him to stop girls from hitting on her, calling him her "princess" for his rather girlish appearance. He sticks up for her when they hang out. Once she moved to University, they didn't see each other nearly as often but he visits when he can and they usually end up going to a record store or to the kitchen's at school so he can try out some of her new creations.
Jung Wooshin | Resident Puppy/Close Friends | When Lina first got to school, the first thing she did was find a batting cage in order to still play some sports when she couldn't surf with her siblings anymore. Wooshin was only 16 when they met (2 years younger than her) and was rather quiet. She used to a little bit because he reminded her of her little brother. Over time, she helped him open up more and they became close friends over that time, him being a sort of substitute for not being able to see JoongKi much. 
Kim Aeri | Roommates/Close Friends | The two of them were as different as two girls could be when they met but after rooming together their freshman year, they didn't want to room with anyone else. She is the closest girl friend that Lina has ever had. Their differences served more as a bonding point than an argument starter. Aeri listens to her when Lina feels homesick and loves to try her cooking while Lina is usually subject to her fashion design projects.


the god & goddess.

The plot line

The Koi

backup Plot line

The Kitsune

The Before

University Major; Culinary Arts & Psychology

Universtiy Life: Her days were normally rather busy because of her double major. She spent her mornings and early afternoons in classes and mid afternoon to evening in the kitchens, practicing her cooking and coming up with new dishes. Her nights were when she focused on homework. Despite this, she was usually rather laid back and would always stop and give her friends advice or helped them out in anyway she could. 

The after

 How do they feel about working at the shrine?: Honestly, it was kind of a shock to be chosen for such an important job. I never thought I could be something like a goddess, it is such a high honor. At the same time, it was rather sudden and I'm not sure how I feel about being ripped away from my life in the "real world" for lack of better phrase. I will do my best to fulfill my duties as the Koi and I do hope that my work will help the shrine maiden but I would very much like to go home.

Do they like becoming a god/goddess?: Hmmm, it isn't really like or dislike at this point. I'm not sure how well suited I am for the job. I love being able to help people out and grant wishes but the pressure of being a goddess is a bit much for someone who grew up by the ocean in a small town. Overall, I think becoming a goddess will be an interesting experience, from a purely psychological perspective. It could make for an interesting topic for my thesis.

How do they feel about gaining powers?: It was a bit surprising at first, having the power over an element. Freaked me out when I took a shower for the first time after I got it, the water went everywhere. But I love having it, it reminds me of my roots by the ocean. The judgement and wish-making is something I am still trying to get my head around. I don't feel like I can make proper judgements on people but I shall do my best. I also need to make sure that I don't become too biased when granting wishes...

last messages.


I am really sorry for how long this took for me to finish. University liked to through a lot of homework and tests at me all at once. I hope you like her! I hope she fits what you were going for with the Koi even if she is a bit rough around the edges. Tell me if you need me to change anything :). Good luck choosing your characters! I look forward to reading :D

scene request

- Maybe her acting super mom like or older sibling like and the rest of the gods/goddesses getting annoying
- Her having to make a difficult judgment decision
- I'm not really good at creating scenes T_T
- Let your imagination run wild


目覚め: 神々



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