I miss you guys (+lots of new pics)


You have no idea how much

Recently I've been really busy, I had no time or the will to write.

Work and life pulled me away from people that I love,

I didn’t talk with people I love, even though it was on a daily basis-

I felt disconnected, and it feels wrong

I miss you guys. I really do…


I miss reading your comments, smiling when someone text me to ask when am I going to update?

I miss staying till late at night only so I can finish the chapter, I miss that horrible headache when I don’t have any idea how to write the next sentence,

I miss people who stopped talking with me


Sorry if I wasn’t here for you…I've been through a lot…


So what happened during this time?


1. I dyed and cut my hair ^^

 I tried to dye it to black&blue but I guess I waited too much time and it ly to black =_=

Next time I should be more careful…

(but tbh, I look great :P )


2. My best friend got married and left Israel to live in London

Can't say I felt happy about it, she was my only friend, losing her made me feel lonely.

I cried a lot to be honest and I miss her so damn much! Not to mention that her wedding was 3 days after ming's

But after all I was glad she was able to find someone she loves and he loves her more than anything else,

so now I'm very happy for them and wish them happiness  :)


3. I met siwon

Yup yup, you read right…but we'll talk about this topic next time ^^

































4. in order to become independent, I did this important step in my life and bought a car

I feel happy and very proud of myself

The next step is to find a husband :P



5.this week we celebrated Purim (our Halloween ) can you guess what my costume was?
























btw I did her make up


























6. you know guys… I've always wanted to have a baby

The thing is that it's hard to find someone to do it with

I'm looking for a smart ,nice and good looking guy who apparently I was not able to find..so… I decided to adopt!

I feel lonely, my only friend left and I had enough of guys

And then I saw her. It took me only few seconds to fall in love with her and to decide that she'll be mine

So guys, meet Joy! My cute little baby ^3^


joy is curious about eunhae XD


My mom always said "if you want a dog, get your own house and have many dogs as you like, you can even open a zoo if you like"

Having 9 cats is okay. Enormous aquarium full of fishes is okay. A parrot is okay too

But a dog noooooo of course not -_-

I don't get you mom

Anyway I contain lots of love that should be given to someone and a puppy is a great solution

Living alone is great!


Well, that's everything for now

See you next time




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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
So much going on in your life! Our lives are crazy busy >< How do you handle it? (I don't, my health and mind are gone, just gone)
That's enough wedding drama for you (((hugs!)))
Looks like Purim is totally fun :) Do kiddos trick-or-treat, or is that just a crazy American thing?
Your hair color might fade to a little more bluish shade after washing it several times. The dark bluish black is really lovely, too! My color always ends up darker than I want it at first. Or the time it came out burgundy - but that's another story.
Aw, you got a cute little Chevy. Hope it's fun to drive!
I've got to tell you, Joy is the most adorable puppy I've seen in a long time :) Anst a puppy or kitty, but I have wicked allergies. Maybe I can find someone who will share his 3 turtles? ^^ Kekeke
Seriously, you met Siwon, seriously?!? Lucky girl! I've been waiting (really impatiently) for Dragon Blade to get released in the States.

Big news here - I can finally see grass instead of snow on the ground. A first in over 40 days!
Between people dancing, tumbling, fencing, and practicing taekwondo in the house - I've been counting the days until May, okay maybe just Spring ;)
OMG YOU MET SIWON!!! OMG, I CAN'T .... WAAAAA, How was it? what happened? where? :O and the puppy is adorable :)
Your puppy is so cute!!! Omg!! And i love your halloween costume, you look very adorable. I hope that you will still get to see your friend as well despite the very big distance. I cant believe you saw siwon as well, very jealous lol.
jeskyu #4
Congratulation for being good with your life, I wish you can meet new person to become bestfriend and get husband too.

wheres-my-cookie #5
Your hair is so awesome! And Joy is adorable~ ^^ Omg you actually saw Siwon? :O Lucky!!
ehrytie #6
Liat unnie.. do u really meet siwon oppa?? whoaa~.. ^0^ awesome!!
why is ur mom dont like a dog unnie? Joy is so cute like that, unnie u r Jjang.. u had a good job, u had a car by ur self, n u r author too!! u n Loriana unnie is really daebak for me ^-^
i wish i can be like u someday, so Liat unnie fightiiiing~~~♥!!
ליאת אני אוהבת אותך יא כונפה ;) <3
ואת יודעת שאני תמיד פה לצידך!!!!
ואומייגאד הזה של שיוון.... לא מדברים על זה... (עוד לא הסתכלתי על התמונות שצילמתי אז).
קיצר מתי אני פוגשת את ג'וי? ;)
A happy women's day! And a happy life for you and your cute Joy!
You are beautiful and cute, you will definitely find a man at the right moment,to love you like you deserve!
Maybe if you stay outside. Then the shade of your hair will look like somewhat color blue. . :) and the bunny ears are so cute. . :)
nAJOnHyun #10
omg you finally bought a car?! Omgggg finally~ liattttt i mish you too TAT
iamishi #11
ahaha... i miss you liat!!! your blog made me smile and laugh especially about Joy and Eunhae!!!! God bless!!!!
I'm so happy that you're doing well in life! Proud of you and miss you lots! <3 thanks for keeping update! :D
galatea69 #13
wow liat Im glad that your doing great ... im so happy for!!! congratz to all of your achievement for the past month... and you've a very cute adorable baby... u mwah I miss you sissy... :)
wah you're seriously so pretty eonni... and omg that is such a cute puppy~! ah when did you get to meet siwon?! did you get to talk to him? XD