Thank You! Also, I Need a Co-Author!

Thank you ladies and gentlemen for the feedback on my very first poll! I will release a new story soon! Hopefully because I have too many unreleased stories to update! If you ladies and gentlemen didn't know (obviously because I never told anyone.), I haven't been updating my released stories because of all of the unreleased and released stories are mixed together like a bag of marshmallows and chocolate..... (I like sweets.....)

If you read the title, I also need a co-author or a buddy to help me write and release some stores since I'm a lazy student that can't get my mind straight, especially when I get destracted by B.I.G and VIXX's new songs. (Just blame Benji..... He's a casanova...Leo is climbing up my bias list! Seriously! He's too shy and adorable in Love Equation......)

Before I start fangirling about my bias, I will be waiting for requests to be a co-author for my stories.


-Has to be online for at least two or three times a week

-A descriptive and imaginative writer (No ty scenes...I'm serious...It's awkward to write stories..Promise me..)

-Has to know some of the k-pop group members' actual personality (Because I don't want to make some hardcore fans be upset about their bias's cocky personality... I'm just afraid.)

Those are just the requirements. (I have low standards..)

Signing off,


(P.S: I'm actually quiet and reserved in real life. I don't talk like that above.)


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I love Leo too!!!! ^^
And also I am thinking to write their stories haha :)