This boy is making me feel awkward


There is this boy.

We go to school by bus so we meet every school morning but we never talk to each other. We're on the same grade but we barely see each other since our classroom is very, very far from each other, like two buildings away. However, we do have one subject every week where we'll be in the same classroom.

I am a very shy, timid and quiet girl. I never talk to anyone other than my group of friends. I always have a book with me. During the bus ride, I sit alone. At lunch break, I stay in class or went to the teacher's office to meet and ask the teachers about a certain subject. You can say that I'm smarter than average. 

This boy is from the lower class where students are more into sports and playing than studies. He might have his own friends but I'm not sure. We NEVER had a long conversation, other than when he asked me to tell his younger sister -who also rode the same bus- her wont be coming home that day. But that only happened twice.

If this helps, there were times when his best friend shouted my name -teasingly maybe-. But I thought he was calling another student who has the same name pronounciation with mine, only different spelling. They didn't even looked at me...


Recently he added my younger sister as his friend in Facebook. I don't have any FB account because I never saw the need to it. Just this morning, he has sent my sister a massage asking about me so she called me over.

It goes something like this:


Him: Hi! Does (my name) has an account?

Me/My sister: No, I don't.

Him: Who is this?

Me/My sister(my name). I'm on my sister's account.

Him: Oh! Who's using it now?

Me/My sister: My sister. I just came after she called me.

Him: So this is (my name) then?

Me/My sister: Kind off...

Him: Do you recognize me?

Me/My sister: Your picture... So yes...?

Him: What's the account?   -this is direct translation-

Me/My sister: Who? Mine?

Him: YES   -I think this was a mistake-

Me/My sister: I don't have any.

Me/My sister: I used to have one but I deleted it.

Him: Why didn't make a new one then?

Me/My sister: Just because.

-He didn't typed anything for a few minutes-

Him: Can I be your friend?

Me/My sister: ....... In real life or in cyberspace?

Him: What do you mean?

Him: Real life   -with an smiley emoticon-

-I ended the conversation here with a lie.-

Me/My sister(my name) went out. She's supposed to be back at night.

Him: Ok.


Lucky for me, my sister doesn't understand the language we were chating in. During the whole chat, my mind was screaming "I DONT KNOW YOU!"... I tried ending it a few times but I'm scared that he thinks I'm rude or obnoxious just because I'm in the smartest class.

At first I thought he wanted to ask about school stuffs since the exam is next week. But that didn't happen. At all.

Oh! He even liked a picture of me and my cousins when we were at a relative's wedding! That was one of the few I had. I am someone who prefered to be behind the camera.

The embarassing part is my cousin -who posted the picture- doesn't know him!

I really don't know how to treat him when we meet on the coming Monday. Adding to that, my reply to all his questions sounded a little... rude...

Now I feel completely and utterly awkward. 




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Rina-ah #1
I don't think you're being rude... More like careful of who you're friend-ing with. And first thing first, you are adorable! How old are you? Why are you so innocent? It makes me want to go hunting for you just to give you a bear hug that may or may not last for decades...
But honestly, do u want to be his friend? Friend just friend :P