
so something happen today and it got me thinking about a lot of things. I really wish I had a best friend. because there are so many things I feel I want to say or talk about but they are somewhat secrets. you tell your best friend secrets right? but also these things are something that make me feel things that I have a very hard time talking about. I want there to be someone that I trust full 100%. I wish there was someone like that for me I find it so hard that I have no real person to talk to that I can trust like that at all. like some people can go talk to a mom or another family member they have, Or they have a best friend to go talk to. that is how I look at it and I wish I had it :( 
like now even when I want to just say something out in the open I have to do it here on in a blog post. because in any other social media I have I have the ones I can't trust coming at me like I did something wrong. 

I am sorry if you decided to read this and it is all over the place. it is late I have not slept in days also I am just really emotional right now for some reason 


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tyn_can #1
Sis I am here for you to talk to.