ok wow i'm back omg

I haven't even read my subscribed stories; I'm so behind hahahahaaaaaaaa

Ok so here's what I'll be updating (writing this more for myself so that I don't back out hahaha T___T):

  • Last chapter of 'Coincidence?' (maybe an epilogue?)
  • A new horror oneshot
  • Finish my entry for the Red Carpet writing project (however I haven't heard anything from them via email or from here. Still, I will finish my story)
  • Write a sci-fi CNN fic that I've been planning for months now. 


*runs out of sugar and falls on the floor*

please throw things at me because i'm undeserving of your love and attention ;________________________;


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Welcome back, sweetheart. <3333
You better write all of these, you hear me?! *pats Coincidence gently* <3
General cheering for all of your stories, though!

And I'm sorry about the lack of check in reminder PMs ;__; I didn't get around to it yet, but it seems you're doing well?
Shall I still write you one?

Lots of hugs and cuddles. <3333