A kiss worthy of a k-drama

I leapt down the exit of the lab onto the top of a nearby parking garage. He stood there, his dark hair barely illuminated by the setting sun. 

"You came."

"I promised, didn't I?" I walked up to him so I could study his face better. A face a God would put on if he didn't want to be noticed. 

We stood there as the darkness start to swallow the surroundings. 

I cleared my throat. "I have to get back to class-"

He stepped forward pressed his lips to mine.

I thought a kiss would be electrifying, but instead his touch made me stand frozen. Frozen in shock and disgust.

Is that a kiss? Just a simple press, as if an inanimate object accidentally fell forward on my closed mouth?

I stepped back, releasing myself from the pathetic excuse of a kiss. "I have to go."


I scrambled back on the doorway and pushed through the door. The stairways that I had deftly to traveled to escape now seemed to create a maze that warned me to go back. But I stumbled on. The light continued to dim as time mocked the shattering of my expectations. Every dream before this one had promised bewilderment. Instead, my mind felt splooshy, the sound of a wet fish splashing on the window. 




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Omgggg what just happened girrllllll?!?!?!?!?!
Loljkjk #2
wet fish splashing on the window.

best metaphor