I'm seeing Jonghyun next week.

Sorry, I just need to write it down somewhere because I feel like I'm going crazy.

It doesn't feel real AT ALL.


I'm seeing Jonghyun in a week.



I'm seeing SHINee in a week.



Oh God.... is this real? This is a dream. 

I've worked so hard to make this dream come true and it's happening... Oh God it's happening.... 

I'm going to Tokyo Dome next week, both dates. We are going with the Global Package from SM, me and my two friends <3

Thanks to them for being at my side and thanks to my parents. Thank you for trusting me and loving me so much, really.


I'm seeing SHINee in a week.


....wish me luck


- Chiara


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OH you lucky little witch. I wish that I could go. You are so lucky. Have fun!! And say hi for me. ^^
See ya there!