Harmony5 Application


Aff Username: brave_purple


Character Name: Lee Ah Ri Young
Nickname(s): Ari - It's a shorter version of her full name.
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthday: 11/23/1989
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 112
Blood Type: B
Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent)



          Ari is a girl who is outgoing, excitable, and a risk-taker. She loves to experience new things. She's not afraid to do anything, and always excepts a challenge as she believes she can learn from them and they can turn her into a stronger person. She can be stubborn and headstrong at times. She is a fun-loving person who tends to go with the flow. She doesn't like to be predictable or have the same routine everyday. She enjoys having the spotlight on her, which is the main reason she is one of the most popular people at her school. She doesn't cause attention to herself by starting drama, but by her talents, her looks and joining her school's sports teams. Keeping up with the latest trends and beauty products is one of her hobbies, and she sometimes made trends at her high school.  She doesn't enjoy thinking about the negative side to things though she realizes that not everything or every plan can go perfectly fine. She's a good team player and is fond of virtually everybody. There's only a handful of people she would rather not communicate with. She has a warm and friendly aura with everybody and enjoys making as many friends as possible. She realizes she can't be liked by everybody and because this is a negative thought her mind tends to skip over this. Ari is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She loves to hang around people and is loved by mostly everyone. She's a sympathetic person and cares for other's well beings. She's warm and generous with people that's close to her, even though she treats everyone like her friend. She's observant about people's feelings and tends to give practical care for ones in need. Once you have done something to upset her, such as take advantage of her and her trust, she can be very stubborn towards that person and will strongly dislike that person. She loves to be in the center of attention and perform for people. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. 

          She's a confident and independent woman and she's not afraid to show it. She keeps her head held high and walks around like she owns the world. She doesn't bother with what other people think of her. Either way she's works hard at keeping her figure and staying pretty with occasional diets and keeping up with the latest trends in cosmetics and fashion. To keep her S-line, she goes to the gym and least three times a week. To keep herself motivated and her ego high, she surrounds her self with positive messages. It will be things like listening to songs that keep her ego up like Wonder Girl's So Hot and SNSD's The Boys English Version. Basically she acquires a positive attitude towards life. She's confident enough to where she can laugh at her own failures. She loves to get full make-overs, along with her diets, every now and then. This also helps boost her ego. She's likes to pamper herself every now and then because she's a person who pays more attention to the needs of others than their owns. This is her way of connecting with her inner self. When she's put under stress, she becomes filled with negative thoughts. In order to get over these negative thoughts, she'll come up with simple solution, or sometimes excuses, to explain the problem. She does this so the stress won't affect her as much and will get over the problem, even if the explanation doesn't involve the nature of the issue. She's a bit flirtatious with men and most of the time she doesn't try to be subtle.

          When she sees a guy she thinks is cute, she'll easily approach him and start conversation. Other than exchanging ages, birthdays, and marital statuses, she'll ask about their income. She doesn't want to end up with a guy who still lives with his mom and has no money and no way to support himself. If he meets her expectations, the flirting begins. She's not shy to show off her S-line and her legs, especially because she works hard to maintain her figure. She's classified as a little flirt and her charms are her wit and her innocent presence - even though there really isn't anything innocent about her. Ari shares a lot of skinship from the beginning of the relationship and likes being ually intimate in the beginning of a relationship also. She enjoys being in relationships and marriage always finds it's way into her mind. She wants to meet that one committed partner who will be hers forever. But she absolutely hates it when a man tries to treat her like his 'baby'. She doesn't like to be controlled and possessed and she definitely won't let a man try to confine her.

          Ari is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She's a sentimental woman and emotional person, even though she doesn't show it. She's a spontaneous individual and tends to place importance on immediate satisfaction and gratification. Because of her fun-loving nature, she and financial budgets do not get along and she will end up spending money beyond what she can afford. She contains an animate sense of humor, drama, energy, and optimism. Because she's a fun-loving person, she becomes bored easily and will strive for something exciting to do in life. 

           She's a go with the flow 'doer' and lives in the now. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty when taking action and you can call her a risk-taker or daredevil. She's fast-moving and talks fast. She's good at telling stories and improvising and makes things up as she goes along with something. She improvises instead of following a routine or plan. She gets uncomfortable when she sticks to daily routines. She has a broad range of talents and skills and is especially talented in things that interest her. She's very energetic and has a large amount of enthusiasm. She gets easily excited and can influence someone else become excited and follow her actions. She is action-oriented and makes decision in an instant. She doesn't like to be in situations where she is restricted or confined in any type of way. Ari has a range of skills and talents and is especially good at anything that interests her. She can be blunt and straight-forward at times, especially because she loves to speak her mind. Sometimes because she's so straightforward, she can be harsh without trying to be and people would wish she wasn't so honest. But then she can make a 180 and will say something so charming, you'll be in a state of nirvana. She likes to get things started and done and enjoys new experiences.

          Ari  is a very inquisitive young woman and loves to collect new information and absorbs new ideas really well. She values learning about different ideas and philosophies. She also values organization and putting her new information/ideas to use. Instead of just telling people about her new profound knowledge, she likes to explain it through actions and putting the ideas to use.  If she feels that something she has learn isn't right, she would try to prove it wrong, almost like a hypothesis. She hates to make mistakes or make errors, and extremely dislikes to make mistakes twice. Ari will try hard to not show her frustration, but sometimes she explodes as she tends to hold in her passionate feelings a lot. She's quick to make decisions, speak her mind, express her judgments, and tell her opinions. She tends to always state that her side is the correct side. Sometimes her point of view is misunderstood and this frustrates her as well. She respects people that try to argue against their point because she is stubborn this way.

          She does learn by doing and interacting with people. She doesn't handle criticism or dislike well. She'll take criticism personally and can become angered and harsh towards the person. She becomes irritated and emotional in front of judgment, mainly because she feels criticism and judgments are a stab at her character. She doesn't approach the conflict head-on, and will either hold it in, or she'll just give up to end the conflict, not matter her uncomfortable she is. When Ari becomes angered or even the little bit upset, she usually likes to be alone like any other person. This is because she's the type of person who holds in their emotions. If somebody tries to confront her about her feelings, she's more than to blow up in their face because of her boiled up emotions. She can throw sarcasm like a fire-spitting dragon, but she usually forgets about this after it happens. In the end, she'll ask the other person "Why are you so angry?". Ari can actually be a tough girl when she needs to be. She usually acts like this when she feels somebody is trying to take advantage of her or do something bad. She's not afraid to fight against anybody for what she believes is right, especially if its against her friends and family. Overall, Ari is an individual who is warm, generous, fun-oriented, energetic, straight-forward.


Appearance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

          Just like how Ari is vivacious, her wardrobe has to be full of spunk as well. She likes outfits that have an individual twist. She likes to emphasize her legs, hips, and thighs when rocking an outfit. Pieces of clothing she's known for are well-cut jeans, leggings, miniskirts,knee-high boots, and out there stilettos. She likes putting pieces together that nobody else wouldn't have thought of. Her beauty and fashion sense accentuate her boldness. You can see her rocking any type of hair style: from brown with robust highlights, to black with a hint of blue, to platinum blond with a hint of red. As far as make-up she likes bold colored eyeshadows that give off a smoky and fiery effect. She wears eyeshadow colors such as shades of oranges, fuchsia, and hot pink paired with shiny lip gloss. When it comes to her wardrobe, she is inspired by different patterns and bold colors and will blend them in a fashionable eye-catching outfit. Even though she looks better in miniskirts and jeans, she has been drawn into the short shorts trend. She likes to match clothing in ways nobody would of thought to do, and that includes her shoes. She loves chunky, colorful jewelry, ethnic beads and bangles. The colors she pulls of best are royal purple and blue. She can easily pull off her over-the-top combinations with her fearless fashion sense. 

Casual 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 Shoes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


Ulzzang Backup: Song Jina


Family History:

  • Lee Ji Young | 46 | Mother 
  • Lee Dae Ho | 47 | Father

          Ari, or Ah Ri Young, grew up in Seoul, South Korea. Her parents always wanted a daughter so they could spoil her and treat her like a princess: and that's exactly what they did. When she was a baby in her early months, her mother always held her close to her, making close human contact. Where ever they went, the made sure to bring Ari along, usually cuddling her against their chest while she was in her baby wrap. When she because a tween, she went through a tomboy stage. She hung around a lot of guys and liked to play outside in the grass and dirt and play sports with the other boys. Her mother tried to restrain herself from telling Ari to act like a girl. She let Ari run through her tomboy stage naturally and let her have good, dirty fun. Ari's parents were scolded and nagged as children and that's what they did to her. No matter how much authority they had over her, she couldn't stand being yelled out and would not listen to them. They learned they had to use a softer approach give Ari a reason for why she should or shouldn't do something. Ari always wanted respect and she would return it if she got it. If her parents tried to treat her like a baby, she wouldn't listen to them either. She tried to get them to understand that she didn't want to be treated like a child and she wanted respect. The only thing her parents learned were when nagging her, they would have to do it in a calm and rational voice. Whenever her parents admitted to their mistakes, she thought it showed responsibility on their part and it taught her nobody is perfect. This is the only reason why she isn't a perfectionist today. In her preteen years, she didn't like to follow customs and traditions. She wouldn't decorate the Christmas tree with her mom or wear a hanbok on Chuseok. Her parent's were annoyed by this but they tried to hide it. Instead they tried to tell her with reason of why she should celebrate the traditions in an appropriate manner. She still didn't understand why she should follow the traditions until she was a teenager, around the age of fifteen. When she was a teenager, her father tried to teach her the value of a dollar. All his lessons went in one ear and out the other. She still went out and spent all her allowance and would return to her father to ask for more. Her parents always pushed her about pursuing something that really interested her.

          Ari was always a person who valued her friends a little more than her family. From when she was a preteen, she couldn't wait to leave the nest and venture life on her own. She wanted to let go of the family ties and have her independence and freedom. There were some times when her mom yelled out her and it angered Ari. She went over to a friend's house and spent a couple of days there without telling her parents. As soon as she turned eighteen, she found a one bedroom apartment in the middle of Seoul; she packed her things, said her goodbyes, and moved into that apartment. She doesn't usually call her parents, so when she called them for the first time after a month and some weeks, they thought she forgot about them or something. She tried to explain to them that she was just busy with her friends. At that moment, Ari's relationship between her parents shifted a little. While her parents thought they were as close as two peas in a pod, she wanted to go out on her own. Especially her mom, who shared the most skinship with her as a baby and tried hard to understand her personality, she felt the most distant with her daughter. Once again, she tried to understand her daughter's want of freedom. Ari thought her mother did understand her so she continued to move on with life while her mom longed to be with her. Her dad wasn't as affected, he understood and moved on with his life too. The times when Ari does visit them, her mother tries to make the stay last as long as possible.



  • Daydreaming
  • Stilettos
  • Cosmetics
  • Gym
  • Fashion
  • Alcohol
  • Magazines
  • Jeju-do
  • Her Samsung Galaxy Y
  • Her Samsung HMX-W200 HD Camcorder


  • Losing things
  • Flip flops
  • Losing her train of thought
  • Green tea
  • Gum (she likes mints better)
  • People who don't like their picture taken
  • Repeating herself
  • Thick heels
  • People without a sense of humor
  • Lose change in her purses


  • Flirting
  • Texting
  • Taking random videos and pictures of her friends
  • Going to the club on weekends
  • Editing her videos and pictures
  • Soccer


  • Sticks her tongue out at people when she teases/jokes with them
  • Eats loose grapes at the grocery store - she doesn't think of it as stealing
  • Doodles if she has a pen and paper in front of her
  • If she's wearing a jacket, she'll unknowingly hold on to the bottom of it
  • When she's in public, she checks her phone incessantly
  • When she has a catchy song stuck in her head, she'll sway her shoulders from left to right (depending on the rhythm)
  • When she's flirting, her laugh will change from a full hearted laugh to a light giggle


  • She laughs loud and talks fast
  • She becomes bored easily but is creative enough to think of random things to do for fun
  • Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius
  • She usually succeeds at most things she tries because she likes to keep a positive and optimistic outlook when trying new things
  • She doesn't like flowery or sweet perfumes
  • She goes to the gym at least three days a week and practices gymnastics at least five days a week
  • She can handle physical pain well, but emotional pain doesn't take kindly of her defenseless heart
  • She likes a man who's independent as well and treats his body like a temple just like her.
  • She played on the girl's soccer team all throughout high school
  • Her charm attracts men easily, only making it easier for her to flirt with them.

Three personality traits you favor about yourself:

  1. She likes that she's a spontaneous and vivacious person.
  2. She's favors being the confident and independent woman she is.
  3. She likes that she's a straightforward person - she sees things exactly as they are and says what she sees.

Three personality traits you wish you could change:

  1. She wishes she didn't trust so easily and have a vulnerable heart.
  2. She's trying to teach herself to be more frugal with how she spends her money.
  3. Instead of becoming shy when her emotions start overwhelming her, she wants to let them out coolly and be able to express her feelings with ease.


Trainee Years:

          She's been training under J.Tune Camp for a little less than five years. Her parents always told her to keep her mind focused on one thing and follow her dreams. She always wanted to be in the spotlight and the center of attention. And like every other person, she wanted to be famous. She always thought of careers in the Performing Arts department, such as Acting, Modeling, Singing, et cetera. When she was young, she told her mother she wanted to purse a career the Performing Arts department. Her mother accepted but she was confused because she didn't know what her daughter wanted to exactly do. After thinking about it, she finally decided she wanted to be a singer/rapper/dancer. Her mother put her in gymnastics, dance classes, and vocal lesson classes. In her dance classes, she was learning Contemporary Jazz, Pop Jazz, and Hip Hop. She was already doing well in school so she didn't have to worry about her grades. When she was a preteen, her mother confronted her saying that she was taking all these classes but she wasn't put them to use - and school talent shows didn't count. Her mother said she would have to start searching for entertainment companies that were holding auditions or else she would pull her out of her classes. Ari immediately started searching online. A few months later, she found out YG and J. Tune Camp were holding auditions. She started getting her routines together for singing and dancing (at the time she wasn't interested in rapping). On Friday she went to YG's auditions while she went to J. Tune Camp's on Saturday. She sung and danced along to Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera. She and her dance teacher choreographed the dance routine. She thought she would never get a callback from YG until two weeks later when they told her she wasn't accepted as a trainee. This was actually good news because a few days after she auditioned for J. Tune Camp, she got a callback saying she was accepted as a trainee.

          As a trainee, she worked hard since she was a slight perfectionist as a teenager. She tried to out-do all the other trainees and make herself seem better. Rain is a man that has high expectations and she was going to surpass them. About a year into training, she started developing an interest in rapping and told Rain. He added another lesson for her to practice rapping and she was better at it than what she thought she would be. She had a natural swag when she performed and it helped her confidence shine on the stage. Because of her charm, she was able to develop friendships with most of the trainees. But some felt like she thought she was 'all that' even though she didn't. They would talk to themselves about her but she would just ignore them.


Stage Name: Ariana (아리 아나)


  1. Vivacious Spirit
  2. Fearless Charm
  3.  Alluring Smile  

Position Choice:

  1. Main Rapper/Lead Dancer
  2. Visual /Lead Vocal

Your Fan Club Name: Airy (look up the definition)
Your Fan Club Color: Powder Blue
A Motto/Quote You Live Up Too: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.



  • Donghae - Super Junior

          He's sociable, kind, and courteous. He has a strong sense for fair play and equilibrium. Beauty is important to him and he likes to be surrounded by beautiful things such as good taste and aspects. He likes to live in comfort and has a taste for the finer things in life. He is full of wit and is somewhat sensitive because he is sentimental. He's an affectionate romantic who loves to spoil the one is cherish with expensive gifts. He is generous with he partner as long as his doesn't abuse it. He will share the luxurious lifestyle with his partner and will want to keep her in lavish of beauty and entertainment. He's a good listener and is loyal. He dislikes disputes and always want things to be in peace. 

  • Kwon Ji Young - Big Bang

          He is a very confident and ambitious person. He has an ego that demands respect and adoration. His pride can be satisfied with praise and flattery. He may seem egotistical but he returns the warmth to that person and he is known for his generosity. He's full of energy and people are easily attracted to his wit, charm, and his always interesting choice of words. He is a perfectionist who always has to have the best and be the best. This includes living a life of luxury. His luxurious possessions and his lifestyle are an important factor to his public image and he always have to protect his reputation. He is generous and kind and easily forgives. His ideal of love is usually grand and works well with an optimistic partner or a realistic partner. When flattered and shown admiration he can affection to his partner and can be a wonderful companion. He doesn't show his emotions but you can be sure he is gentle and passionate on the inside.

  • Dongwoo - Infinite

          He is vivacious, optimistic, spontaneous, and completely lovable. He's generous and likes to give his partner romantic gestures and gifts as well. He knows how to an affectionate relationship and let his partner believe she is the most interesting woman ever and that she still has her freedom. He's an energetic soul and has a very interesting personality. He lacks commitment and once one relationship drowns itself out, he'll move on to the next one. He'll stay in the relationship as long as his partner will try to keep it interesting. He is warm and considerate of his partner's wants and needs. He's blunt and honest all the time but he believes it's for the benefits of others, and he will be oblivious as to why others are mad. 

  • Seungho - MBLAQ

          He's sociable, kind, and courteous. He has a strong sense for fair play and equilibrium. Beauty is important to him and he likes to be surrounded by beautiful things such as good taste and aspects. He likes to live in comfort and has a taste for the finer things in life. He is full of wit and is somewhat sensitive because he is sentimental. He's an affectionate romantic who loves to spoil the one is cherish with expensive gifts. He is generous with he partner as long as his doesn't abuse it. He will share the luxurious lifestyle with his partner and will want to keep her in lavish of beauty and entertainment. He's a good listener and is loyal. He dislikes disputes and always want things to be in peace. (I understand it's the same as Donghae. I'm describing the partners based on their zodiac sign)

  • Cheondung -  MBLAQ

          He's sociable, kind, and courteous. He has a strong sense for fair play and equilibrium. Beauty is important to him and he likes to be surrounded by beautiful things such as good taste and aspects. He likes to live in comfort and has a taste for the finer things in life. He is full of wit and is somewhat sensitive because he is sentimental. He's an affectionate romantic who loves to spoil the one is cherish with expensive gifts. He is generous with he partner as long as his doesn't abuse it. He will share the luxurious lifestyle with his partner and will want to keep her in lavish of beauty and entertainment. He's a good listener and is loyal. He dislikes disputes and always want things to be in peace. (I understand it's the same as Donghae. I'm describing the partners based on their zodiac sign)


          She met her partner when she was at the airport, picking up her friend who was arriving from Paris. She hasn't seen this friend in years and couldn't wait to greet her. What she didn't know what that at the same airport at the same time, he was arriving from a concert/tour. She was standing in the lobby where the people flying in would exit. Suddenly, lots of teenage girls, and even a few women in their twenties started to crowd the lobby. She had no idea what was going on until she saw some posters that stated his name with the ending of 'Oppa saranghae!'. She rolled her eyes at the chaos and sat down in a chair. Suddenly they all started to scream and jump crazily, whipping out their camcorders and cameras. She would of took out her Samsung HMX-W200 HD camcorder, but she's not a crazy fangirl. She was hoping that her friend wouldn't be trampled by the crowd. When the crowd started getting louder, she figured the celebrity must be in the building. The fans parted themselves as he made his way through the airport. When she saw she couldn't take her eyes of him. Her head would follow his direction and was slightly ajar. He seemed to have noticed her in his peripheral vision and he lowered his out sunglasses to give her wink. When she saw this she began to blink rapidly. Luckily, no other fangirl saw this or else they would've destroyed her. A few minutes later her friend arrived at the airport. They hugged and said their "Oh I missed you so much" speeches.

          Ari was directing her towards her car when she saw him outside in the V.I.P. parking area looking fumed with his bodyguard standing next to him. He seemed to be having an argument over the phone. Her friend noticed she was staring at him and starting 'ooh'ing her. Ari doesn't care too much for male celebrity and her friend knows that, so seeing her gawking at a idol was a totally new image. He hung up his phone and shoved it in his pocket. Being the little fearless person she is, she started to walk towards his direction. His bodyguard didn't see her coming so she was able to approach him smoothly (nice bodyguard right?). She asked him what was wrong and she ended up shocking him and his bodyguard. His bodyguard was able to carry her away from him when he told him stop. He told Ari that his other manager was suppose to pick him but the van broke down. She nodded her head and suggested she could give him a ride. He was in awe that she was saying such a thing. He nodded his head slowly, not sure if his manager would approve. He had a schedule in an hour so his reaction shouldn't be that bad. So there they are in her car, Ari driving, her friend in shotgun and him and his bodyguard in the backseat of her Camry. To break the awkward silence, she asked how did his performance go. She ignited a conversation of non-stop chatter from him. She giggled at his sudden energy and sociability. Usually when she starts thinking a guy is cute, she'll start flirting with him. But in this situation is was almost impossible to insert a sentence without him chatting non-stop. Her friend started to chuckle at her attempt as she remembered that Ari is a little flirt. When they arrived outside him dorm, they all stepped out of the car and bowed to each other. He asked if there was any way he could repay her but she responded with a no. She was about to walk off but he grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks, and insisted he repay her back. She couldn't think of anything to say except for "I like coffee". He then said that he would take her out for coffee the next day, and to secure his promise, they hooked pinkies and pressed their thumbs together. She couldn't help but feel a chill go down her back. Before he entered the dorm building, he turned around and lowered his sunglasses, winking at her again.

          When he found out she was a trainee, he would visit her everyday. He would tell her that she wouldn't even notice he was there but every time she finished a routine, he would clap loud. She would find his actions funny and would chuckle a little bit every time. On days when she would stay late and was exhausted, he would stay and try to comfort her. Before he came in the picture, she would sleep during break times. Because there was no comfortable place to sleep, trainees brought mattresses and sleeping bags (trainees do this in real life). But being the lover of skinship that he usually is, he would rest his back against a wall and extend his legs so she could fall asleep on his lap. What she didn't know was that he would her hair and kiss her forehead while she was asleep. Since he easily picks up choreography, he would help her practice when she had her monthly check-ups with Rain. After a while, he felt like he was being generous without any return, especially because he is an idol. When he stopped calling and texting, she immediately thought what if she did something wrong. One day, she visited his dorm without telling him she would be coming. He was surprised by her sudden appearance. When she walked in the dorm, the other members of his band would greet her by saying, "Annyeonghaseyo sister-in-law". He brought her in his room so they could talk in private. He hesitated before telling her what was wrong. He felt stupid at his unmanly confession but he was soon wrapped in her embrace. She wrapped her arms around him and promised that she would show her appreciation and admiration more. At that moment, her being the lover of steamy relationships and him as a guy who loves skinship, started getting caught in the heat of the moment but were soon interrupted by his roommate.

          They are a couple that never has a dull moment as they are both energetic and fun-loving people. She introduces him to new experiences all the time and reminds him of what life was like before being an idol. He spoils her presents only an idol can give and treats her life the independent princess she is. They don't always see eye-to-eye but their optimism usually pushes them to go forward. There are times when he feels she isn't all lovey dovey with him because she likes her space and her freedom. This worries him because he's a loyal person and he knows she likes to flirt a lot. Their wit keeps conversations going and interesting. They are socially, intellectually, and skinship stimulating partners. She keeps him active in their adventurous relationship. They inspire each other creatively  and are drawn together like magnets. 


  • Kevin - U-Kiss - She adores his humor. He knows how to make her smile and laugh till her cheeks hurt. He's the second person she'll go to in her time of need. He can easily cheer her up with a few jokes and his amazing smile. He knows how to carry on a conversation that you wouldn't want to end. Sometimes he pretends to be her 'girlfriend' and will act like a diva around her. She'll roll her eyes but go along as he'll pretend to gossip with her. When he uses his aegyo on her (usually to beg her for something), she'll pinch his cheeks. Not because he's adorable, but to hurt him and make his cheeks turn red. He knows she finds aegyo annoying will purposely do it to irritate her, almost like a little brother would. In fact, Kevin in the little brother Ari wishes she had.
  • Eunjung - T-ara - They have a bantering relationship, always teasing and joking with each other for the fun of it. If Eunjung points out a mistake Ari made, she'll do it in an innocent voice and smile, making Ari lightly shove her and vice versa. They have a lot of things in common and hang out together a lot like going to the cafe or the movies. They enjoy going to see the Twilight saga at the movies and then make fun of it once they leave the theatre. They were upset about the last movie because there wasn't that many things to make fun of. They gossip a lot, but not about people, but stuff that they have common interest in. Eungjung understands Ari's bluntness and can easily overlook it unlike some people.
  • Jia - Miss A - Jia is a true pisces, except for when she's on stage. When Ari first met Jia she wasn't too interested in having a stimulating conversation because Jia is quiet and mysterious. After a few more meetings, Jia opened up to Ari and is able to express her feelings and talk comfortably with her. Ari doesn't like the fact that she is a dependable person and will call her out for it. Jia will usually treat Ari like her Unnie even though they are the same age. Ari thinks Jia is a really interesting person and the things she says are charming will make you think twice. 
  • Dara Unnie - 2NE1 - Dara understands her energetic and spontaneous ways and encourages it. They have lots of fun together and do more things than just shopping. Dara especially likes to take Ari to exclusive parties and show her dongsaeng off. Ari doesn't mind since she loves being in the center of attention. Dara takes care of her, but not in a motherly style. Dara is the first one Ari goes to in her time of need and would just like to sit down and share a big bowl of ice cream with her while watching a movie like My Sassy Girl or My Girlfriend Is An Agent. They're a fun pair that is inseparable.
  • Leeteuk Oppa - Super Junior - At the beginning of their friendship, he used to get on Ari's nerve. He approached her first and  his first impression was kind of cocky which she didn't like. When she was talking to a group of friends, he would come in the middle of the conversation and introduce himself as Ari's friend. She would ignore him and he would only try to get closer to him. Soon, she gave in to his charisma and charm. When he realized she started liking his personality, he would say stuff like, "Awe Ari likes me now," only causing her to smile. Sometimes he tries to annoy her on purpose but instead of getting mad, she would laugh at his silliness since he's somewhat bad at trying to annoy her. He likes to act silly around her since the rest of the time he's known as Super Junior's charismatic leader and has to always be mature. The first time she called him Oppa, he forced her too. For the longest she would call him Sunbae but he really wanted her to call him Oppa so they can have a closer friendship. He knows how to smother her and still make her feel like she has her freedom.

Rival: Nicole - Kara - She thinks Nicole is too pretty for her own good. She's not jealous or even care that Nicole is considered one of the pretty idols, but she thinks that Nicole is narcissistic about it. Ari already thinks Goo Hara tries to hard to be y and she is in the same band which makes matter worse. Overall, she thinks Kara is one of those groups that tries to hard and are stuck-up, but it seems like she's the only one who thinks so. She understands that if you have beauty you should flaunt it and enjoy it because that's what she does, but she thinks Nicole is egocentric. She just really wants to confront Nicole and say to her face that being vainglorious won't make her any more pretty and enjoyable. 

Twitter Account Link: Twitter.com/ariHarmony101


Debut song suggestions: LadiesWasted Tears | PeeKaBoo | Candy Man | Pop Pop Pop | Mach

Group Fan Club Name suggestion: Ataraxia (real word, look it up ^^) or Harmonics. It depends on which definition of Harmony you're going for.

Password: MBLAQisBack


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