❀ Flower ❀ | Park HyeIn





Ami_A_RIn + Rin + cherry blossom



— Shou-Sheng ; It's her chinese name, usually her Chinese relative call her that
— Fashionista ; Her friends sometimes call her that because she's really is a fashionista
— Natalie ; Her english name, usually her friends in Cali call her that.
— Miss Warren ; Her English last name, she's called that when she's working at her father's company.

BIRTHDAY November 22, 1995
BIRTH PLACE Danville, California
HOMETOWN Gyeonggi, South Korea

ETHNICITY American-Korean


— English ; Born in Cali, occasionally went to Cali during holidays (Fluent)
— Korean ; Grew up in Korea (Fluent)
— Chinese ; Her father taught her (conversational)

BACK UP Kim Seuk Hye

FASHION STYLE ☆  Hyein admits that she's a fashionista, she can make any type of clothing into a must wear item. Her favorite type of clothing are spring dresses. You'll never see her without a hair accessory and sunglasses. She dresses to impress all the time or she follows the season (winter, summer, spring, fall) (Coats and jackets during Winter, Loose clothing during Summer, Spring dresses during Spring, Coats during fall etc.) She wears reading glasses when on the computer, writing or reading. She doesn't like contact lenses.


You don't know me

so get to know me more


Hyein may look like a snobbish b*tch, but she's the most caring person you'll ever meet. She may seem distant but she could be anyone's best friend. She's optimistic, always looking at the bright side of things. She's happy-go-lucky and always has a smile on her face, but like others, she has her limits. She's actually short-tempered, and when she's mad, her words may slap you in the face. She doesn't hit you physically rather she'll hit you with her words that sting so bad, you'll wish you could rewind back time and not make her mad. Hyein always seems to have her head in the clouds, but actually she's forming up the words she's about to say.

She's a perfectionist, wanting everything to be perfect; from her fashion to the things she talks about. HyeIn likes to do something until it is done, she wants everything to be perfect. She hates it if her work isn't perfect or at least not to her expectation. She dreams big things and fights hard to achieve it. In other words she works hard to achieve her dreams

Hyein puts other before her, she wants others to be happy before her; her wants comes second in her mind. She'll help others even if she's busy or tired, she's always there to lend a helping hand. She's an introvert, she prefers spending time alone with her books or laptop than go out (doesn't really mean she coops up in her bedroom all the time). She's actually a talkative person when you get to know her better. Hyein is secretive, she answers questions (from MCs) all jumble up, like a puzzle. It sounds right but actually it's not the thing she wants to say, her real answer lies between the answer she said, only people who are really close to her can understand her true intentions. But sometimes, if she's cornered, she'll tell the truth.



— Fashion and designing
— Reading
— Hair accesories
— Spring dresses
— Pichu (from Pikachu)
— Yellow and blue
— Cherry blossoms
— Disney
— Writing


— Smokers
— Anti-fans
— Quitters
— Failing
— Insects
— People chewing with their mouth open
— Horror stories/movies
— Contact lenses
— Writer's block
— Lazy workers who makes her tick
— Lies


— habit: caring too much
— habit: spacing out when she's inspired to write another story
— habit: humming a random song (mostly Disney songs) when she's waiting or bored
— hobby: writing short stories
— hobby: reading fanfictions on the web or reviews either on her stories or fashion work
— hobby: watching reaction videos
— hobby: online shopping, or just reading fashion magazines


— She started dating Kevin in 2012 (14th March).
— She grew up in Gyeonggi, South Korea but spent her holidays in California.
— She went to a private International high school and goes to London College of Fashion (2012), majoring Fashion. She's going to graduate in 2015.
— She published her first novel in 2012. (The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell), the sequel in 2013 (The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns) followed by another sequel in 2014 (The Land of Stories: A Grimm Warning) (Originally written by Chris Colfer)
— She is still shy when talking about hers and Kevin's relationship and her couple name with Kevin is 'HyeVin'.
— Wherever she goes, she is never without her laptop or ipad (depends on the location), notebook and sketchpad, and writing equipment (pens, pencils etc.)
— The reason her pesona is 'Cherry Blossom' is because fans see her a person with lots of love, joy, hope (from her personality or writing) which resembles a cherry blossom.
— She is a really good cook, due to the fact that she was the only girl in the family and her mother wanted a HyeIn to be a potential wife.
— HyeIn is really smart, especially in Mathematics.
— Every morning, to start her day, she drinks a steaming hot cup of her favourite tea (lemon flavored)


PERSONA Cherry Blossom

POSITION Lead vocalist, visual (back up: Lead rapper, vocalist)

FANCLUB NAME + COLOR Blossoms + #ffccff





TRAINEE LIFE Hyein was like those hardworking trainees, always practicing and getting pointers. She didn't gave her training her full attention as she was really focused on her studies but she managed to divide her time and excel in her trainee years. She was a gifted singer and musician and she wrote a few songs, but she wasn't that good of a dancer. She often makes some mistakes but it motivates her to work harder.

PRE-DEBUT EXPERIENCEs She got second place in a music recital (by playing the violin) in California. She modeled swimwears when she was eighteen. She became a part-time model at the age of eighteen. She won a spelling bee competition when she was thirteen. She published her first novel when she was seventeen. She was the lead actress in 'Milky Love' which is a webdrama released in 2014 staring as Mari, who was Kevin's love interest. (I know Laboum ZN did this but just for this story, it was HyeIn).



Get to know about my past and the ones I know


HyeIn is the youngest and only daughter of Nicholas Warren and Hyunmi Park. She has two older brother, Nick and Nathan. She was born as Natalie Warren and her korean name is HyeIn. Her father runs a large industry (Warren & Co.) that has three major companies; W-Management, W-Licious (food) and W-Style. Each company is to be inherit by his children and HyeIn is the heiress to the Fashion company (W-Style).

HyeIn was born in Danville, California, and she grew up there until she was ten. She then moved to Korea with her family as her father was opening a company there. HyeIn met her best friend in Danville (Kevin) who told her that his dream was to become an idol. They both promised each other to audition in Korea. But HyeIn auditioned in NH Media (where the CEO is good friends with her father) while Kevin went to Xing Entertainment.

HyeIn finished high school when she was just 16 and was given a scholarship to study Mathematics at the University of Reading but turned down the scholarship. Instead she went to London College of Fashion to study more about Fashion for the sake of the company. She actually plans on going to University of Reading after graduating but the plans were postponed when she was told she was going to debut.

HyeIn would be taking over the W-Style under Warren & Co. as the CEO after graduating from Fashion school, she is actually working for them now as the designer and model.


Father, Nicholas Warren 51 Chairman of Warren & Co. People would think that HyeIn has a hate relationship with her father due to her inheriting the company at a young age, but it's actually the opposite. They are very close and Hyein loves her father with all her heart. He however doesn't like her relationship with Kevin due to the hate she sometimes get from his fans and tries to matchmake her with some of his friend's son. He gives her tips on how to handle the business too.
Mother, Hyunmi Park 51 Owner of a restaurant Hyunmi however loves Kevin, and wants the two to last forever, even though she did had doubts about his gender when her daughter first introduce him to her. Her mother is a really loving person, and always sends her daughter food from her restaurant. Hyunmi showers her daughter with lots of love, and worries about her well being when she heard of HyeIn debuting since she knows the hardships of being an idol.
Brother, Nick Warren 30 CEO of the W-Management under Warren & Co. Nick is different from his younger brother, he's really serious. He is the modal figure in the family. He doesn't approve of Hyein debuting but still wishes her luck. He even offered to take care of her work at the company when she's really busy.
Brother, Nathan Warren 25 CEO of the W-Licious under Warren & Co. Nathan is a super troublemaker who loves pranking his sister. He doesn't act his age when he's with his sister but deep down he cares for her.


Best Friend/Boyfriend, Kevin Woo 23 member of U-Kiss Kevin is a sweet boyfriend and an understanding best friend. He really loves her and always teases her.
Best Friend, Alice Parker 22 Secretary for Hyein's father and soon to be Secretary for Hyein HyeIn doesn't really treat her as a secretary. They click with each other and often comforts the other when one is troubled.
Friend, Mia Farren 20 Film and video editor One of HyeIn's closest friends in California.


Frenemy, Jennifer Clarke 21 Fashion Designer at W-Style The two have a weird relationship, sometimes they're good friends and sometimes they're enemies. Both working as designers, they compete with each other to create the better outfit. But minus the rivalry between them when designing, they're really good friends.





WHAT ☆  She was caught on a date with U-Kiss Kevin. They were walking under cherry blossom trees, holding hands. Fans caught Kevin kissing her cheek while they were taking selcas together. There were many reports on fans seeing the two together, and they appeared to be more than just close friends.

WHEN ☆  31st March, 2013 in Busan. They were celebrating their 1 year anniversary which Kevin had missed (14th March, 2013).

TRUTH ☆  The scandal was true and they were confirmed dating.

FUTURE ☆  Hyein wrote the song, "Don't Look At Me Like That". The song lyrics expressed about a love between girlxgirl, boyxboy and older girlxyounger boy, but fans believe that Hyunmi is talking about her relationship with Kevin, which had received some hate from a few Kiss-Mes. Hyunmi denied the rumors but the other members unintentionally said the truth (that the rumor was true).


Kevin woo

Woohyun (Infinite) + Chunji (Teen top)


PERSONALITY ☆  Kevin is bubbly and kind of girly. He's really sweet and quite a teaser, I mean he could teases HyeIn 24/7. He actually teases her because he likes seeing her blush and acting all shy. He's really caring, and always worries about HyeIn. He's the perfect friend and boyfrind. But he gets jealous easily (but doesn't show it) because his girlfriend is a real eye candy to the guys. He can be an understanding boyfriend in front of her but he has this green devil in him that pops up when he sees a guy trying to flirt with his girl.

RELATIONSHIP ☆  The two are dating and publically announced. Even though a lot of people (mostly KissMes) don't support their relationship, they just turn a blind eye to all the hate. The duo are really a perfect match with each other once you see them interact together. A lot of people are shocked that someone as feminine looking as Kevin could be with someone like HyeIn who's a real hottie. A lot would think that she would fall for the bad boy types. The two aren't that shy about showing their relationship in public, but are shy when talking about it.

HISTORY ☆  Kevin and HyeIn met when they were kids and became best friends. HyeIn began having a crush on him when he started treating her sweetly and it grew to love. She confessed to him through a love letter and he, thankfully, accepted her confession saying that he likes her too. The two have been dating since March 14, 2012.

OTHER ☆  The couple would go out on a date once a week or twice a month, if they're both free. A lot of people started supporting them when 'Milky Love' came out. The two have a couple ring which they always wear.


last comment ☆  this is Unrelated; what is the name of the anime under love interest? I hope you like Hyein ^^ and I hope it's okay that I'm having hyein and kevin publically dating.

scene requests Flower appearing on After school club and Eric kept teasing the couple and a fan requested hyein and kevin do a lovey dovey scene or sing together. flower go to Lotte world or an amusement park. flower filming a date cam. flower being famous for their fanservice. flower becoming W-style official models.


password  detective conan



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