Feather Card — Song HyoSung; Vague.

Song Hyosung

username — WishIWasAzn

nickname — Ash Ketchum

activity rate — 8-9/10


name — Song HyoSung

nickname — 
~ Heiress || JongKi calls her this jokingly because he knows she takes more after her father than her mother. And that it pisses her off when he calls her this.
~ Hyo-yo || The others call her this because of her ability to switch back and forth between being the school's counselor and a spy whenever needed
~ Umma || Some of the students call her this jokingly because of how protective and easy to talk to she is. 

birthdate — 13/09 + 25

birthplace — Incheon, South Korea

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Greek-Korean

language — Korean (fluent, native language); Greek (conversational, her father taught her a bit); English (basic, learned some from her grandfather and in school)


how do i look?

face claim — Park YoungHee

gallery — This Girl

backup face claim — Lee TaeGyun

gallery — This Girl


appearance — Hyosong is around 170 cm tall and 54 kg, a body type similar to that of a dancer but also a bit on the boyish side (wide shoulders, stronger arms, etc), attributed to her Greek heritage on her father's side. Her legs are longer than her torso, giving her the appearance of being taller than she is. She has full lips and a slightly crooked nose from where she broke it when she was younger. Her fingers are long and thin and she always keeps her nails cut rather short, though (seemingly contradictory to the rest of her appearance) she paints them often. She keeps her hair cut rather short for a girl, claiming that longer hair gets in the way of her photography and is just not fun to manage. She had longer hair when she was younger to please her mom but after moving out of the house, she cut it short and dyed it red-blonde. Her complexion is rather tan compared to "normal" Koreans because of her Greek and the amount of time she spends outside. Her eyes are bright green and can be rather alarming the first time someone sees them. She never goes anywhere without a ring that Jongki gave her before going off for training, never taking it off since she got it. Her posture is very formal when she stands, something she was brought up with both from her father being in the military and her mother being an heiress, and this can be rather intimidating when first seen because she gives off a rather powerful aura. 

fashion style — Growing up in a very well-off family, Hyosung has always had a rather sophisticated fashion style. Though she does aim for comfort when she is alone with JongKi or just outside of work in general, her main fashion style is chic and cool. Even if she isn't wearing strictly a work suit, her fashion sense can make even the oddest of combinations seem like they go together. She wears a lot of neutral colors that she sometimes accents with a bright color or two but very subtly (as in like perhaps a scarf or purse of a different color). Though her clothes are nice, she tends not to wear much expensive things even though her family is wealthy. Her reasoning is that she didn't choose to be wealthy and would rather people not know about her financial situation in relation to her parents. She also loves to accesorize with necklaces, bracelets, and hats (if she can get it by). Her ears are pierced twice and she has a nose stud that she got in college. She also has 2 tattoos: "약속한" (means: Promise) tattooed on her right pinky and the ROK symbol just above her heart. She got her promise tattoo with JongKi before he went into training (he has a matching one on his right pinky). If she is just lounging around at home, her fashion is more geared towards comfort completely and she will usually default ot jeans and a larger shirt with her hair pulled back.

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first meeting

personality — 

+ == Observant, Compassionate, Understanding, Listener, Respectful
- == Blunt, Closed Off, Over protective, Strict

"You take your coffee with two sugars, right?" Hyosung is very observant, even when one thinks she might not be paying attention. It came in handy a lot when she worked as a crime photographer for the police department but also as the crime photographer for Feather Card. She has a good memory and can catalog things in her mind that she deems important (sometimes even those that may not be important at all). She can pick up on the little things that may seem out of place and her camera will snap without her even knowing she is doing it. She takes all the information she finds and puts it together in order to help the team. She was really well known for helping out with cases when she worked for the police.
"I understand how you feel, it's alright." With a major in psychology and a sense for when things are going wrong because of the stress her mom was under when she was a child, Hyosung is a very compassionate and accepting person. She understands the signs when someone is feeling like absolute and she knows different ways to help them whether it be just being there to listen or to get bigger help. Whenever a student comes into her office, she makes sure that she knows exactly what is going on with them (if they will tell her) and then she is able to help them sort out their problems in the best possible way for them. She has always had a soft spot for children and animals, one of the reasons she was fine with switching to become a counselor for the Academy from being on the police force. 
"Yes sir, right away." Coming from a military family on one side and strictly brought up to be an heiress on the other, respect is first nature to Hyosung. She never addresses anyone she meets first without being formal. Her greeting bows are usually 90 degrees when she first meets someone and after that they are usually 90 or 45 degrees at all times. She uses honorifics most of the time, even with her students or younger people more experienced than her. She can even get a little angry when people do not show the proper respect to their superiors because she cannot stand that sort of blantant disrespect.

"Acting like that is going to push everyone away from you." Hyosung tends to not filter what she has to say and thus her words can come off rather harsh. She doesn't think it odd but she also doesn't realize when she has hurt someone's feelings sometimes. Growing up in the household she did, she was always told that the truth is better than any lie that you can think of, even if it hurts, so she always gives a direct answer when it pertains to something other than her past. She believes her past is not something anyone needs to know about and thus she never speaks of it, even when asked, for fear of getting a different reception than the one she wants. 
"Mmmm I'd rather not say..." As a person whose powers lie in the realm of illusion, it is not surprising that she doesn't like to talk about herself much. She asks others to open up but she does nothing to talk about herself, her family, or her life outside of the Academy. There are multiple reasons for this but one of the main ones is that she does not want the fact that she is in line to inherit one of the biggest companies in South Korea to be made public knowledge. With her family situation, she keeps dancing around the questions as she wantst to just be a normal counselor or companion to the teachers and students. It is also a sort of defense mechanism of hers. Growing up around the military and working for the poice, she is all too aware of how short life can be and chooses to distance herself from those around her so that she doesn't get too attached. This doesn't work very well because of her general accepting and understanding nature but she does her best. 
"You're going to get hurt! Don't go up there!" When she was younger, she was always worried about JongKi because he liked to get into trouble and usually ended up getting hurt in the process.. This transferred over the course of her life to other people around her. She is always worrying about other people getting hurt and tries to keep them from doing so by being overly protective. This is one of the reasons she got the nickname Umma from the students at the academy and her friends in University. She often steps into arguments when it looks as if a fight will break out and stays away from particularly risky situations dealing with the academy students. This overprotectiveness doesn't transfer too much into her line of work besides the nervousness she gets when the younger memebers of the team are around guns or weapons. 


background — Hyosung was born to a very unique family. Her mother is the only child of the CEO of Samsung while her father is a high ranking officer in the Korean Air Force. Her childhood was one of priveledge and everything a child could want, except for more time with her family. Her father was not as high ranking as he is at the present and so he was working in order to get higher. Her mother was a stay at home mom when she could but she also had a hired nanny to take care of Hyosung when the stress of the pressure she had from her father was too much. As Hyosung grew older, her father was home more often and her mother was less stressed. Her home life was rather strict, even if she was a little spoiled. Her father especially wanted her to know how to appreciate things and respect those who were older than her or in a higher position. Thus, she learned humility and to not rely on her familial status in order to get through life. 


Growing up, she was always fairly good in school and did her best to make her parents proud. As she became old enough to be trained in ettiquite, her grandfather would come over frequently to check up on her studies. She had to be trained in all the ways of a proper lady, something which she did not like at all. It conflicted with the way her father was bringing her up to embrace humility. At this time, she was beginning to discover that she had powers. She did not realize that she had them until she snuck away from a meeting with her grandfather without him knowing. She found that she had the power to project illusions to conceal herself. She didn't use them often for fear that it was a fluke and she didn't want to fool people if she could handle it. When she was 13, she went to work with her father to see what he did and she met her best friend JongKi. The two of them liked to mess with each other at first but they became close very fast. (for more on this, see Relationship under her love interest). The rest of her school life went rather smoothly and she enjoyed spending time with JongKi and she started using her powers more to avoid her grandfather in a way that her parents would not get in trouble for. 


In university, she majored in both Criminal Justice and Psychology. She graduated close to the top of her class and she managed to keep it so that the only person who found out about her family situation was her roommate and closest friend at school. After her graduation, she hooked up with JongKi and they began living together. She told her parents she was living with her roommate from college and was able to pass it off because of her abilities. She quickly got a job at the police department due to her majors and she was assigned as a partner to one of the detectives. Her main job was to take pictures of the crime scene and catalog evidence. It was sort of mindless work but she enjoyed seeing the scene through her lens and through the evidence that could help convict the criminals. She was only using her powers to keep her relationship with JongKi a secret. She was contacted by the academy after a year or so on the force in order to be the school's counselor. She was confused at first about such a position being offered to her but after visiting the school, she found that she felt that the place was right for her and switched jobs immediately. 


- helping the students with their problems
- bubble tea
- classical music
- listening to what people think she grew up like
- writing
- photography
- shopping (mainly for books and professional outfits)

dislikes — 
- overly flirtatiousness
- her grandfather
- being treated differently because she has money
- being away from JongKi for long periods of time
- people prying into her past
- fighting (as in arguments between friends)
- people putting down the military

hobbies — 
- drawing landscapes and portraits
- reading up on cases in order to get a general idea of what the situation is like
- reading adventure novels
- collecting letters from JongKi and her father
- assessing technology (comes from being in the Samsung family)

habits — 
- straightening her outfits when she is nervous
- referring to people politely until they have reached a certain relationship but she still will refer to them formally usually
- yelling at people who get themselves into dangerous situations
- brushing her hair behind her ears when she is embarrassed
- clamming up and glaring when people have dug too far into her past
- putting a pen or pencil between her lips when she is thinking hard

trivias — 
- She has always wanted to travel to Greece but she never had the time or the chance to do so, considering her grandfather did not approve of such a "high class" lady going overseas on a touring business.
- Hidden Illusion = She has the ability to create hallucinations of sorts to either hide her presence or make people believe she is there. Along with this, she can manipulate memories to some extent by putting implanted memories into a person to make them forget.
- JongKi is the only person outside of the academy personell that knows of her ability as she uses it frequently around him to conceal their relationship from her family. 
- Though she loves to listen to classical music, she also loves to listen to the soundtracks of dramas or movies. 

- She is rather childish when she is very comfortable around a person because it allows her to be more of herself and not worry about her appearances.
- Her favorite food is kimchi while her favorite sweet is kourambiethes (greek cookies). 

- Hyosung is 1/4 Greek and 3/4 Korean with her father's mother being from Greece.

Baby you're a spy

Plotline — Vague
The history— I always knew about my powers but I wasn't sure what the mark meant until I was contacted, asked to become the school counselor for the Academy. Being on the force, I was a bit confused about why a school would want me to be a counselor but there was something about it that seemed right. I was the school's counselor for a few months before being notified about the "other side" of the school. 
spy name — Nike
ZODIAC MARK — Ram 羊 (Her mark is actually part of the iris of her left eye. It is invisible to everyone except for herself [when she looks in a mirror] and when she first uses her power, others with a mark can see it)
task — #7390

What do you feel about being chosen in one team of Feather Card?  I was a little surprised to be honest, I thought that I had come here because of my degree in Psychology, not to be brought to a different type of police force. Though, I am glad that I am able to pursue both of my passions as well as putting my gifts that I had to hide in my other job, to good use. 

Why do you choose your job? My job as the crime photographer was kind of the easy choice when I was put on the team. It had been my main job in the Force before coming, though I was also in charge of other things, and so I was well used to using a camera. With my power, I'm able to conceal myself in order to take better and closer pictures of crimes. I can get closer than any other person could and therefore I can get better and more useful pictures. In the off chance that I am seen, I have an ability that I have been working on that can manipulate memories to a point so that I seem like a hallucination. 

Love them

family — 

— Song Petros  | Father | Sojang in ROK (Korean Air Force) | Analytical, Leader, Joker, Sarcastic | The two of them are rather close, or were before she went to the academy and couldn't see him as often. She would go to work with him whenever she could to stay away from her grandfather on her mother's side who wanted to mold her into the perfect heiress. Her father also figured out her feelings towards JongKi after a year or two of them having met but he hasn't told her. He doesn't know of her abilities, thinking that she was just messing around when she was younger. 

— Lee  KyungMi | Mother | Heiress to Samsung | Stressed, Kind, Airhead, Poised | Hyosung and her mother are not very close because of the way her mother's father treats her. Hyosung does go to her for "hypothetical" love advice and for times when she needs a bit of a pick me up. She doesn't like how stressed her mother gets after spending time with her grandfather. She doesn't say anything though because she knows her mom is trying to be tough about it. 

friends —
— Ahn ChungJo | Former Partner | Police Officer | Outgoing, Driven, Smooth, Talkative | Chungjo was her partner when she was still on the force. They were pretty much as close as normal partners are, but they didn't know much about each other's home life and agreed to keep it that way. When you were in that line of work, you didn't know when the last time you would see each other would be and they both decided to keep a good distance

— Cha Aeri | College Roommate/Best Girl Friend | Fashion Designer | Sweet, Creative, Quiet, Girly | The two of them were as different as two girls could be but after they roomed together their freshman year, they didn't want to room with anyone else. Their differences were more of a bonding point than an argument starter. They kept in contact after school ended and she is the only one outside of Jongki that knows about her family situation.

-- Choi JongKi | Best Friend | Daewi (Captain) in the ROK | Personality below | In case you decide to go with Sharp instead**

don't kill them

interactions — 

— With Sharp? Because of how close we are in age, he knows the most about me. That isn't saying much since no one really knows who I am. He is the one who taught me the ropes around the Academy when I got here. 

— With Vague? As JongKi would say, I'm his little heiress...I hate it when he calls me that. But it is the truth I suppose. I don't talk about myself a lot because I don't want to endanger the people I know on the outside...that's the right thing to do...right?

— With Pillar? I used to see him more often when he was friends with Sharp but ever since something happened, I don't see him much anymore. He seems to be rather popular with the students, especially the girls.

— With Direction? She reminds me rather of my father to be honest. He tends to be the one to draw out the flightplans for the airforce and is more rational than I could ever hope to be. I think she took Pillar's place when they had their falling out.

— With Search Engine? He tends to get sent to my office a lot. I think it is because the teachers don't like when he proves them wrong...

— With Micro Nano? Learning about my mother's job growing up, what she says makes a lot of sense to me. She definitely knows more of the inner workings than I do but I know how it affects the products. That sounded rather business like of me. Maybe I take more after my mother than I thought...

— With Loyal? For some reason, I'm a little afraid of his power. I keep my distance from him, though it may be silly for someone of my age to stay away from a kid, I'd rather him know as little about me as possible. He may already know more than I want him to. 

— With Doubt? I do not blame her for doubting the abilities the people of this group have. When I first realized my own abilities, the people around me didn't believe me, chalking it up to a kid's made up fantasy. She definitely isn't the first I've come into contact that doesn't believe in powers. 

oh the chosen one

love interest —  Daewi : Choi JongKi (FC: Lee KiHong)

backup love interest — Sharp


personality — If there is one way to describe Choi JongKi from the view of someone close to him it is a sarcastic little . He is always smirking and teasing the people who are closest to him. He protects those he loves but he also loves to be the one to antagonize them. He has the strength to be a leader but he chooses to help from the sidelines instead of being in charge. This attitude is what got his company and leaders to love him and move him up in rankings. He is a bit of a flirt, not overly, but he flirts without realizing it sometimes. He also can come off as a bit arrogant because he enjoys talking about himself and bragging about his achievements. When you get deep enough into a relationship with him, he shows some of his weaker side. He is a very nervous person when it comes to opening his heart but he does have a sensitive side that he only shows to Hyosung at best. He is a bit of a hopeless romantic and doesn't like the fact that they have to hide their relationship but hopes that they won't have to some day. He is a very affectionate person with the girl he cares about and whenever they are together, he will touch her whether it is holding hands, an arm around the shoulder, cuddling or even having his head in her lap. Hyosung is the only person to have seen him break down from stress. 


On the other hand, when he is at work or with people he does not know well, he is very well put together and shows the proper respect when it is needed. He is a hard worker and does all he can to get things done in the proper way. He is organized and can give orders properly as well as keep information together. He keeps a clear head and can give advice when needed as well as listen to things with an open mind. 

relationship — The two of them have known each other for almost half of their lives. JongKi's father works under HyoSung's father in the airforce and they met when HyoSung visited her father at work when she was 13. Over time, the two of them became very close friends, even as far as to say they were each other's best friends. They both knew what it was like to have fathers dedicated to the military and mothers who expected a lot from them. The closer they got, the more they realized how much they wanted to be with each other in more ways than just best friends. The started dating secretly when they were 17, not telling anyone, especially Hyosung's parents. It wasn't so much her father they were worried about, in fact, he repeatedly would tell them that he would approve of Jongki as a son-in-law. However, if Hyosung's grandfather found out that she was dating someone who was looking to go into the military like her father, not to mention the fact that she wanted to go into some sort of law enforcement, he would take her away and start her training to become an heiress as she was "born" to be.
When JongKi turned 19, he entered the airforce training and HyoSung barely saw him anymore, though they still talked whenever they could via video chat and phone calls. She finished her degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology, something her father was very proud of. Once she finished (at age 21), her and JongKi moved in together. The only way her mother approved of it was under the pretense that they were best friends and it was a temporary arrangement. However, the two of them were to a point in their relationship where they were seriously thinking of taking their relationship to the next level. They decided not to talk too much about it because of their jobs but there was a time just before Hyosung was offered the job at the Academy that she had a near-death experience on the job. The finality of it all made the two of them almost rush into an engagement but they were able to keep their heads enough to not go forth with it until they were really ready. The main thing that cooled their decision was Hyosung's choice to become a counselor at the Academy. Though she wasn't at home as often, she made time to come and see him whenever she could (**if she is unable to live with him and forced to live at the academy**)

Their relationship is very much the case of best friends slowly realizing that they are in love with each other. Growing up together, they know almost everything about each other, including what makes each other mad and what cheers them up after a long day. They enjoy pushing each other's buttons but when they cross the line, they know how to make it up to each other. They had their first kiss when JongKi left for training and once that happened, they manage to hug or kiss at least once a day. Both of them seem like rather strict aloof people on the outside but when they are together, they act like the dorks they always have been. If you catch them in their apartment together, you'd think they were newlyweds with the amount of time they spend together. He doesn't see her for her family but rather for the person he came to know over time. He hopes that someday he will be able to ask her mother and father (and if he's feeling bold, her grandfather) for her hand in marriage. 

insert witty title here

comments/suggestions — I went a bit long on their relationship since he is not a student or a part of Zodiac Academy. I hope that is okay since Vague is supposed to be older and was more a part of the "real world" before coming to the academy. I am so so sorry this took so long, I hope you like her, I tried to be really thorough with her. 

scene requests — Nothing really T_T sorry for taking so long again. 

password — Treasure Planet, Meet the Robinsons or Howl's Moving Castle

turn in — back to the story


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