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Comments (10)

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WOW. Just wow. You have so many readers here. Anyway, i like how you write this. Its so natural,well-written and the most important, REALISTICALLY. So, no need to rewrite it. It's great, actually.
wanderluzt05 #2
im i the only one still hoping that this ends with taeny? :'( i want fany to get really get jealous, taeng to ignore her, but then like some miracles in d end, fany will tell everyone that she loves taeng. awhh hhahaha
wanderluzt05 #3
huhu. my taeny :'(
It's going exactly how it should be going, don't let us readers rush you to make TaengSic happen! It seriously bums me out when character's feelings transition to quick, you're being realistic about this, it's not something that happens over night and it takes time by interactions! Plus I love all the blushing, jealousy, arguments going around. Hella cute and fun reading. Especially love it when Tiffany gets jealous, she's gonna have to step up her game if she wants Taeyeon to stay hehe.

Imo, just keep doing what you're doing, but if you think there should be some editing to the previous chapters then go ahead. It's your story :]. Thanks for taking the time and asking our opinions.
Cococuco #5
I feel it´s good, you know? I think it`s actually developing well. I know i´m one that always asks for TaengSic lol, but i think you´re quiet getting there really slowly and good. I´d like to know how Jessica feels, though.
She´s a mistery here. Yuri in the picture makes all better. We are seeing reactions from Taeyeon and Jessica might like her company...but why? We need to find out why she accepted going out with her. The one i can´t stand is tiffany so i think someone (JESSICA) should tell her two or three things to her stupid face.
Sorry, lol.
Go on! I love this story.
I think you are doing pretty good... It's just that Taeny is a little bit annoying in here, we want Taengsic (?)

Whatever, you don't need to rewrite anything, is just good.
GYM418 #7
I think the story is flowing well, you don't need to change anything. I don't think it is going too fast either. I would like for Yulsic to kinda start dating and tae would become jealous and slowly realize her feelings. It doesn't have to be rushed either, tae can be jealous at first and still with fany but slowly understand why she's being jealous and then fight for Jessica ^^
soonyu #8
So far is good just... Yulsic thing :P taeny was already annoying, I want taengsic and the fic is on 30s almost 40 chapters I don't think that is fasting :|
Fighting o/
Hi i think you are doin really well. Continue what you are doing. Also i still would want this fic to end taeny.kkkkk