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Comments (8)

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I prefer CL with kris cause that guy could change her to be a better girl while gd his just a jerk and he makes CL be even more ._. and btw there's a lot of skydragon and yup I don ship them,and I prefer CL with kris since they are one perfect couple even its only in fanfics because skydragon is everywhere -_-
Kris is a nice character here, he's like the perfect choice but I'd like to see more character development in GD. I mean, he can't stay a jerk forever. LOL and I like him with CL. He might have been an to CL but he's the most understanding when it comes to her emotion. So...skydragon it is for me
Chaekris pls. why are the votes for chaekris so little? T.T I like skydragon but not for this fic.
im still gonna root for chaekris since well, he seems to be the one manages to make her fall in love kkk~
SkyDragon is my ultimate OTP but I hesitated between them & ChaeHyuk at first because of how sweet they are. But still my heart wants what it wants & that's SD.^.^ after everything else i just know they're better for each other. I can't wait for an update.
xueyuki #6
kris you meanie ): even though i can understand why you did it ><
ChaeKris just has to beeee T.T