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Comments (14)

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Hey who choose the option A ?! Grr..
It's ridiculous. What Sunggyu said wasn't even bad; it totally fit with the conversation among themselves. Also, if I were told that I was able to lure guys in wouldn't that be more of a compliment? I'd think of it as one, as I'm not really pretty, lmao. It's funny and sad how people think celebrities should be perfect. They're human-beings and have feelings just like the rest of us.
soamazingifnt7 #3
I wonder will they ever feel sad when they make a mistake and people just tell them to die? Shameless people!!
Thats dumb! People don't think before saying anything. Just because of a small mistake you can't tell him to commit suicide .. thats insane -_-
I hope he ignores all of them and stays strong~!!
Wait that's what ticked off the person? SERIOUSLY?! OMG HOW LAME. The internet's gone to the dogs.
How would they like it if they were told to commit suicide...Woah like idols aren't human..? They can't make a mistake.?
Funny because everyone else that isn't a celebrity or being watched constantly would just apologize or laugh it off and say "my bad".However if an idol did anything like that of some sort,they would get bashed 24/7 and are told to commit suicide by heartless wastes...And ppl actually "agree"...
Blah typos oh well you know who I mean and stuff.
Ok, so Sunggyu said something jokingly about women in their 30s AND he apologized for it but A WHOLE BUNCH OF FRIKKING STUPID NETIZENS ARE TELLING HIM TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!!!!! WHOEVER HIT THAT "I AGREE" BUTTON UP THERE, IMMA HUNT YOU DOWN!!!!!!
I think people and the one person who voted agree on this are just sad pathetic people who are jealous they don't have the talent. So you don't like her, and/or jealous of her, keep it to yourselves.

Ugh I hate anti-fans so much. Why can't they just shut up? You may not like someone but you are a sick inhuman person to have to tell someone (not just celebs) to commit suicide. SHAME ON YOU!
That person should be ashamed of themselves. Why in the world would they say that!
K-netiznes are cray cray.
Im so confused, can anyone explain?
who the heck said thatt ??? >___< k-netizens are going over board >_____<