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Comments (5)

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@sofina11 lol yes he was were glad you noticed that! we just cant leave out our kris oppar :)
sofina11 #2
Yay!~ Kris was in almost all of the choices!~ XD
@sweetbunny99: its ok, this poll is just to help decide which to start on first, we'll eventually get to all of them. hopefully aha :)

thanks for voting lol i voted too;) if you all havent noticed kris oppar is kind of our obsession... and then theres sehunnie whos is creeping up my bias lsit and make my kkororo go dokidoki >.< hes so fineee...
Ugh!! :( I kno I chose B before but now I can't choose between C and B. I really want kris to be one of the main characters but the plot for C sounds interesting and more... Original I guess. TT.TT I can't decide ;__; Aaaaahh now D is starting to sound really interesting :( can u like, do B, C, AND D?? Please???
I love the idea of getting involved with criminals! But they all sound great!!;