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I honestly don't see a happy, cliche ending, but I really don't want this to end in tragedy >.> Let's face it, Stockholm Syndrome is one of the few ways this ends 'happily.' Key is probably going to be at least a little broken.
Asdfghjkl, so what I'm trying to say is end it happy, but almost a little terrifying and bittersweet if you think too long. xD
for a while jonghyun would abuse key and be really really hardcore to him and before key loses all his hope (lol how dramatic that sounds...e.g before he wants to die or smth like that) he finally SOMEHOW gets the chance to escape from him. From Jonghyuns abuses and humiliating scenes that will obviously still follow. After that he tries to go to his old life again, but gets haunted because he has gotten so used to jonghyun that he is... idk... under his spell? like he really needs him and gets nightmares and has to please his ual desires.
And Jonghyun realizes how much he needs key (in reality he misses him and fell for him but doesn't realize that at first, lol) and tries to find him. And after... i dunno, after a while he found Key in a nightclub or smth like that and wants to take him back but key never wants to see/hear him again

I don't know... just an idea. Trol.
Please happy?(:
It'd be nice for a happy ending,though...from what Key has gone through the ONLY way he'd be happy is if he developed some sort of Stockhom Syndrome. scary eh? SOOO, realistically ...he'd break out and maybe do to Jjong ...well...if I WERE HIM I would. I'd get my revenge.
mar1adyve5sa #5
hmm..i don't know..i just want key can't escape from jonghyun..he become addicted to what jonghyun did to him..somethings like he been trap in jonghyun's spell..
It'd be nice to have a happy ending but a simple happy ending is cliche maybe mix it up a bit.... I don't know maybe a different type of suffering for Jonghyun y'know kind of like Key's payback....is so common for Key to tell Jonghyun he loves him first maybe a change....it'd be interesting to see how jjong would react if Key ran away angry, hurt,worried or jealous/possessive maybe if Key runs away to another guy....I'm trying to be helpful but I at it....I have like zero creative skills....sorry for rambling:)
LiizziieB #7
I want them to fall in love :)