Comments: Beautiful Butterfly

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IngyineKhine #1
Chapter 20: Oh poor my babySoo T-T . Stupid kamjong !! pls update soon authornim
socksmin #2
Chapter 20: sobs/ kumo..... why would you break my poor, poor heart like this? ugh— the chapter was beautiful like always, and i’m really sad to hear that this has five chapters left.. ;____; i don’t know why jongin is acting like this—i mean yeah, kyungsoo and jongdae—but you should understand ur bf, jognog!!! grr HE KNOWS that kyungsoo has liked him ever since he was a lil kiddo and here's jongin, professional ™ who doesn't understand the concept of understanding. smh. anyways, thank you for the update, love!
chensubs #3
Chapter 20: fUUUCCCCCCCCC ITTTTT UPPPPPPP i thought there will be no more conflicts but damn i got scammed™ i cant wait for the drama!!!! i love it so much i am always weak for cheating plot like this
Chapter 20: what the f kim jongin..!!! so disappointed of him.. poor kyungsoo.. T_T
Chapter 20: WTF Kim jongin, I swear if you hurt my baby Kyungsoo, I will hunt you down and kill you and that girl of yours personally!!!!!!!! Please update soon authornim... I can't stand being angry at jongin and tell Kyungsoo that first love DOES last!!! I need a happy ending, please authornim, can't wait for your next update, fighting!!\(^o^)/
bloomemerald #6
Chapter 20: Daum jongin is overeating i mean cant he see that kyungsoo wouldn't cheat on him smh
impuso12 #7
Chapter 20: Am I the only one who cried while reading this? This is so heart breaking I can't :c
kimkaiii #8
Chapter 20: Omg you updated this one too! I'm the happiest shopper alive kekekekekeke❤️
Chapter 20: What the..its ok to take time but not being two timing seriously soo if jongin being unfaithful just leave him
Chapter 20: Omoooo moreeeeeeeeeeee jealous kyumgsoooio omg!!!!! I hope u update sooner :)
Chapter 20: ok srsly jignog is problematic here i cant hes so salty he doesnt even want to hear soo's side of the story smh
i hope minseok talks thru him and make him realize what he did was wrong
also,, soo's friendship with channie and sehUN IS SO CUTE N PRECIOUS I CANT THEY CARE FOR HIM SO SO MUCH
ITS SO HEARTWARming to read that they care for ks n that they're there when he needs them adsakjsdhakj
cant wait for the next updaatee~
bff43ver #12
Chapter 20: Highly disappointed in Jongin!
He made a big mistake.
Chapter 20: jongin jump into conclusion tooo fast. u need to hear soo explanation first. damnnn i love thissss. whyyy why i love ur angst. u better tell me now. omaigod... how could jongin accuse that to soo when soo always chasing him. wowwwwwww. i wanna punch jongin now.
Chapter 20: That is a serious problem of being possessive omg Jongin why
Don't hurt Kyungsoo
dokaisoo #15
Chapter 20: wth jongin pls make him at least suffer first before get kyungsoo forgiveness lol. I always love ur stories, one of my fav author <3
Phoennix #16
Chapter 20: I am betting that's one of his sisters. There is no way Jongin would be such an to cheat on him. I mean, HE BETTER NOT BE
Chapter 20: Who ever that girl is, she better back up coz jongin is taken. His sorry needs to give soosoo an apology for over reacting and accusing him of he didn't even do! Jongdae kissed him! Not the other way round.
Damn. The mad. I can't wait to see how this progresses haha I want soo's apology though. Jongin better get grilled for this
anythingkaisoo #18
Chapter 20: wtf jignog get ur together
anythingkaisoo #19
Chapter 20: o its not what i think it is right ,,,pls dont,,,,
yuki_no_ #20
Chapter 20: Sic Minseok at Jongin, thanks. Hell hath no fury like an overprotective brother ^.^