Comments: Beautiful Butterfly

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kimjongsew #1
Chapter 22: the cliffhanger is killing me
lau007 #2
Chapter 22: I know it's a no to violence. But.. Maybe a light tap on the head will make jongin wake up to the world.

Ahah don't be scared i am a big exo fan and love jongin's and soo's work :-)
bloomemerald #3
Chapter 22: aish the cliffhanger :(
jongin has a lot of explaining to do smh
cant wait for next update^^
dojonginbutt #4
Chapter 22: What a cliffhanger!! Haha.

Poor kyungso :(
soniaarya2044 #5
Chapter 2: My enghlish is not well but i try to read your fic.
Its wonderful
Do you write another fic or its your firt fiction??
If yes i want to read them too
Chapter 22: i hate jongin..!! did he love kyungsoo or not..?! T_T im curious of what excuses jongin will give to kyungsoo.. and i hope kyungsoo will not easily give in.. eeeeeeeeeeee... >.<
Asdfchanyeolshj #7
Chapter 22: Sotus the series making me insane (because internet is being btch rn I can't watch grr) and now kaisoo & also I'm dying for "mine" like yeah low key I love angst I think another night with no sleep again. Afakakafala.
Chapter 22: poor kyungsoo . jongin is so mean . urghhhhhhh
Chapter 22: Uurrgghh!!! Why is it always kyungsoo tried to work this relationship??!! jongin!! That boy like u since way back ya' why can't that you don't get it huh?!! *emo*
kimkaiii #10
Chapter 22: Jongin is sooooo mean! Poor kyungsoo always suffering:"
Chapter 22: Gdi I hate Jongin so much. Kyungsoo just leave him please??
Chapter 22: yaz make them breakup i wanna see jongin begging on his knees for putting my babysoo in all this suffering!! :<
Chapter 22: I really really need Soo to leave Jongin!!! Like seriously he's being a jerk and pleaseeee.. I can handle a little angst hahahahaha Good job author-ssi :)
ExoJjw #14
Chapter 22: Omg. I hate Jong in, always being mean to my Kyungie. T.T
leejinkilegs #15
Chapter 22: so ... kyungsoo already forgot about the woman ...
Nicole121314 #16
Chapter 22: Uh oh... kyungsoo is a grown up man now haha
Chapter 22: gjolallfjk why is evey1 dying to breakup
Chapter 22: kajdakjsdhasjdh kai pls i jsut oh my godsh let sOO LIVe already
ng bye jignog i s2g
anythingkaisoo #19
Chapter 22: why everyone want them to break up??? pls dont ohmygoD
anythingkaisoo #20
Chapter 22: u have to break my heart......pls just-- r they rlly gonna break up?? im out