Comments: Rogue

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omg Miran just keeps getting one scare after another
Chapter 25: omg… Miran
if it's one of Junmyeon's cell (or even himself) who said that at the end then I'm going to scream. idk why I just got the vibe... Or just getting the wrong signal. lol

Chanyeol had been on my suspect list ever since he joined the team, I mean it's a cautionary instinct for me. Even though they're working together I still have my suspicions . I want to provide evidence against Chanyeol but I forgot (I have yet to write the notes. ) I'm putting every single person she meets on my suspect list. Minus Kyungsoo.

I was about to suggest the same thing as well, but I was thinking of hierarchy style because I keep forgetting who is under whose cell. pmsl Useless brain of mine. You can design the hierarchy with brief description of each character. But that would take a long time right? haha
supafly09 #3
Chapter 25: Ch 25: Wow. Things have escalated so quickly in the past 3 chapters. Poor Miran, she's getting too close. Soojung is definitely dirty. I really want Chanyeol to be clean. I honestly can't remember who all I suspected before, I kind of forgot some clues. Thanks for the brief synopsis at the beginning! I hope Miran doesn't get any permanent damage from all of these attacks. -ouch- Also, who called her name at the end?
Chapter 24: Junmyeon's cell needs to stop playing games if they aren't the culprits, everything's already confusing without them butting in. Maybe the entire cell is working for the Rogue :-) Minseok better have a damned good reason why he hit Miran at such a critical time when she was about to find out who was going to bring down the COO. Just get him out of the way, he's being annoying, so just sue him for assault.

And why is Woohyun always doing shady ? Is it because he's involved with Shin Gayoung? Keep your hands to yourself, young man! And how did Jongin even know that Minseok was the one who hit Miran? He's lying about something there. His girlfriend wouldn't have known who it was unless she was a part of it too, which is a possibility since Miran ended up in the female washroom instead of some gender neutral place where Minseok could have brought her to. That washroom seems frequently used? The problem is who is this girlfriend? And why would she tell Jongin this willingly. I swear they're all in this together, there's too many weird things happening for them to be working individually. Some of them are probably fakes for the real Rogue?
taeminie_baby #5
Chapter 24: Im keeping my opions open about the the rogues but definately baekhuyn if i remember corectly from that one chapter. Also i like the idea of a little paragraph recap at the top of the chapters as long as the paragraph doesnt include any thing that hasnt happened yet i dont see how you would be spoiling anything
uroppa #6
Chapter 24: hmm its been awhile since i read this story n only continued recently fr the latest chapts so my memorys alil hazy but rn im penning my suspicions on chanyeol (idk bt i (think) remembered his personality as the type who wld hv gasped n be totallyyy concerned if the oc was to tell him her apartment was broken into, not this mild indifferent reaction hmm. Also minseok cos he didnt even deny. Yea yea i know this doesnt mean hes the rogue , he might just be one of them who just wans to overthrow the COO but just maybe, hes going for that tactic itself. He might be the rogue n since they alr found his DNA , he might hv just decided to admit n nt lie in hopes tht they'll think "hmm, if hes so open abt it he cant be the rogue rite? If he was he wldnt hv easily admitted it"and think tht hes just one of their own who just wishes to overthrow the COO,n thus nt suspect him as a rogue. My othr guess is more of a feeling cos uk the biggest twist would be kyungsoo itslf cos hes the closest to the oc n seems the least suspicious. Oh and baekhyun is indeed the rogues accomplice rite? Me morys hazy:(
Chapter 23: How did they manage to carry Miran down 4 floors without anyone noticing? That's just terrifying D:

Unfortunately, the notes I made about each character are on my other phone, so I can't go "ah-ha" until later when I get back, but I will say that I do have a feeling about Changmin. Jongin is suspicious but he's also extremely obvious, so I don't know how you're playing this. Minseok too. But we shall see!

I'm thinking the person with Jongin could be Yeri, for some reason, but I don't know. Alternatively it's Soojung because Kaistal, but that also seems obvious. Ugh.
I think summarising previous chapters in a paragraph or two will be a great help. It's understandable that this story is slow update. But it's hard to keep up with who did what before because there's so much things that happened.

I always suspicious with Chanyeol and Soojung. I believe at least on of them is a double agent. Because they'll know what she up to and who is the suspects. Also, they can make up evidence and stir the attention from the real rogue.

I still don't have a clue for who was the real rogue because I can't remember. I'll wait for the next update!
And yes Korey. A little summary would gladly be appreciated. :D a short paragraph will do :)
Chapter 24: Aw man, I would love to discuss with you who the freaking rogue is but my mind can barely remember single details of who's who & who did what, I'd have to re-read everything from the start to jog my memory. (Should have made notes...)

But that's a good idea to put summary of the previous chapter or somewhat significant events of the past chapters at the top. It's better that why for readers to remember before starting a new chapter. ((:
Chapter 24: Why minseok is so honest? And spill the truth about woohyun too.
As far as i remember, minseok is so expressive about his feeling and honest too. I dont think he fit as a rogue.
Is there any possibility a rogue who pretend to be rogue, but she/he play a double agent to be a mole for the goverment?
I dont know why chanyeol make me always suspicious.
Yay, and i agree with you. A little paragraph recap will help and make me understand more about the chapter.
I'm rereading this agaiN for like the tenth time HAHA because I am so determined to find out who it is omg
and I'm really focusing on Woohyun right now but there are so many suspicious people I can't sdufdsnfds
yesss summary would help! at least i hope it will
Bbhfever #13
I needed to reread to remember what was going on, and yeapppp I don't understand (not literally) anything. And heyyyyy KAISTAL??
Chapter 23: Yesss, i love your updates, always.. I'm still hoping minseok got framed by anybody else and jongin is good man and soojung is his gf and good girl too. And chanyeol isnt lie to miran and miran screamed of something which is not dangerous.
shotGunAngel3 #15
Chapter 23: How on earth do you have all this planned out?! I can't even remember the grocery list properly!
Chapter 23: This update just made me happy XD the suspense is back!!!
Chapter 23: I got so hyped when you updated! But the cliffhanger! aRGHHHHHHHH
Chapter 23: When Jongin said he heard from his girlfriend about what happened to Miran, the first person I thought of was Soojung. Haha
Chapter 23: Too much going on here. So many rogue suspects. Gosh.
uroppa #20
Chapter 23: DANG THT CLIFFHANGER !!!!! im so happy u updated omg i thgt u gav up or smth><