Comments: Breathless

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samorsomething #2
Chapter 9: wow I just read it all in one sitting. I don't usually cry while reading but for some reason this chapter almost had me at that point (it wasn't even the saddest chapter so far wtf ). Its so angsty but so good. I'm really excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: I am /screaming/ partly because you've left this chapter at such an intense point, partly because I'm scared for how things are going to progress before the last chapter and epilogue and partly because I was very curious about your previous non-kpop-fandom-endeavours because before I got into kpop I only used to read hp fanfiction. So I checked out your profile and I am so excited that you used to write dramione fics!
Chapter 9: mother of heavens where is the next button!!!!!!! ASHSJDKSJS i actually have subscribed to this long time ago but i totally forgot abt it thank god you updated and im kinda disappointed ive let 9 chapters passed before reading this. anyway better late than never . i dont usually read medical!aus bcs i hate them lol just idk and i trust you. i wish no one's gonna die here. hahaha that is why i dont read medical!aus most are clichés and they have to make someone die just to make it angst or make readers cry but that doesnt work to me! hehe THIS IS JUST ANGSTY THE WAY IT IS. IT IS BEAUTIFUL THE WAY IT IS. this is torture but i love it. also i like your writing. :-) good luck writing the next chapters! ( beagle line is fckng adorable istg)
Chapter 9: Yes! Thank you for this chapter! It was so good! I can't wait for the rest, even if there isn't long to go. *sends my best wishes* ❤
lecteur_ #6
Chapter 9: I read this on one go.
I cried so hard (and thank you for the gif on the last chapter. Jongin saying uljima is all i need)
This fic is so wonderfully written. I cried with Jongin's and Kyungsoo's pain. My heart hurts for them. I really do hope they'd get a good ending.
And thank God for the beagle-line. Thank God for XiuHunHan. Thank you thank you thank you.
I really hope you'll update really soon.
geebee #7
Chapter 9: Oh my god

Hi you updated thank you for saving me from such a filled day! I'm really on the edge with this story and can't wait for your next update! So fighting, author-nim! ❤️
Chapter 9: Yaaay, this update was super good! I'd love to read the other's stories as well, although I kinda got hyped up for Madness Mine, not gonna lie *.* can't believe this is almost the end.. *sobs*
Chapter 9: Hello author-nim! You're welcome by the way, you're so kind to leave message on my wall just to say thanks :)) it's my pleasure subscribing to such a wonderful story! It's sad that this story is ending soon, but I'm excited about your plans to make spin-offs ^^ just do anything you're comfortable of, I'll be waiting for anything that you make!
Rb2012 #10
Chapter 9: Loved the chapter . Yes am upset its ending really soon . And yes i would read the other stories too . And also start with what ever you feel like writing . Goodluck ^^
Hikari_army #11
Chapter 9: Omfg I can't wait for Kaisoo to see each other again , holy Krisus (*´∇`*)
And I'd love to read the other stories as well!!!
Chapter 9: Omaigod! You upadated when I miss Kyungsoo the most T.T it is sad to hear that this fic will end soon. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't do is hard to find a good medicalau tho T.T
Chapter 8: Love this story! Please continue it when you can :) *sending my support and love*
exostansOT12 #14
Chapter 8: I love it
Chapter 8: love your updates...even though they leave me feeling utterly sad and unsatiated. UGH Kyungsoo fix this mess you created please!!! I don't want Jongin to be in too much pain when he remembers Kyungsoo and I don't want him to end up closing him off either. I want Luhan and Minseok to forgive Kyungsoo. I JUST WANT A HAPPY ENDING IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK OR AFTER ALL THIS PAIN UGH...
Chapter 7: agggh Jongin-ah my poor precious baby no. Kyungsoo-yah!! get out of your freaking hospital bed and go freaking tell them everything and make Jongin stop hurting, and you stop hurting. Everyone just stop hurting and listen to one another!! It will solve all your problems and stop my heart from aching terribly. Author, why make my heart ache so much?!?!
Chapter 8: Everytime you update this story I just hesitate to read it cause then it'll end so soon. I'm so curious what will happen to them, and I reeeeally hope once Jongin remembers Kyungsoo (if he does) he won't hate him. >.<
Can't wait for the next update!
Ugh, these two lovebirds better make out soon.
Don't torture me too much, bby. I'll die slowly.......

Fighting for the next update!
rjaejoo #19
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update. Should I brace myself for the emotional showdown that is drawing closer? ;)