Comments: Breathless

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Lotus08 #1
Congrats on getting featured :)
insanelyawesome #2
this is so good! authornim hwaiting!
MedoLedo #3
Congrats :)
vluky_ #4
Chapter 3: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg no :'(
finalist #5
Congrats on being featured :D
Chapter 9: So glad i click it on featured stories. Even if it leaves me in pain but also smile at some point esp. The beagles. The kaisoo gives me so much ache but i love every bit of it coz it's KAISOO. I'll endure this aches coz i hope you'll heal this author-nim by making kaisoo together. And that kaisoo x hunhanxiu freindship.♥♥♥
Congratulations on getting featured! You deserve it! <3
Chapter 9: Congrats on getting featured because wow you deserve it, this fic is amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter :3
Chapter 9: Sorry. Apparently my comment was too long…oops!

Although I am sad that it is coming to an end soon I can honestly say I have really enjoyed this journey. I can only pray for a happy ending *fingers crossed* but I guess we will just have to wait and see. I am really excited by the thought of you writing more about the different characters back stories so I really hope you do continue with them! I absolutely adored the Baekyeol interactions in this fic so I would love love love to hear about their stories and the Kray as well! You will definitely have one happy reader if you do ^-^ If you feel like you need a change then please absolutely work on your other stories and come back to this one again later in the future! I will be waiting patiently for you!

Sorry I rant on too much! I just have a lot of feelings...*she doesn't even go here*

Anyways thank you so much again for writing this wonderful, charming, sophisticated (insert every other synonym for the word 'beautiful' here) and I can't wait to read more of your work in the future! Congratulations on the feature by the way! You deserve it :)
Chapter 9: I just read this all in one go and I swear so far it has made me laugh, cry, pull my hair in frustration and ah gosh author I don't think Kyungsoo's heart is the only that's acting up right now!

This story is just so beautifully written, poetic in places even, and I just love it in every way. I think the way you have rationed the angst in conjunction with the lighter scenes was really well done. Although the story is sad and touches on dark subjects it doesn't leave me as a reader feeling completely helpless. Xiuhanhun in my opinion are a really good support system and are the characters that make me feel warm inside. Even when they themselves were feeling upset and frustrated during the previous chapter it only reflected the love and care they have for Jongin. Loved the beagle lines little plan by the way! A very nice scene that had me smiling throughout.

Also wanted to say that I think you have the medical AU down pat. It's a genre that a lot of people are afraid to venture into if they have little knowledge about it. I was wondering if you are in the medical field study/career wise or just very familiar about it because you seem to know your stuff! I really admire your attention to detail.
Hyukklove #11
Congratulations ^^
ByunBaekButt #12
Congrats ^^
kmhanbins #13
Chinchi #14
Congrats on the feature :)
Maron-X #15
Congrats ^_^
Chapter 9: congrats for the feature and yesssss discovered this one 'cause of it AND I AM SO GRATEFUL! this ff is one of ma fave kaisoo ff! <3 <3 <3 the feelsssss
SarangKyuu #17
Congrats on getting featured!
BlueMorpho #18
Congrats :)
Dok2rol2 #19
Just finished reading and it got featured! Congrats! ♡