Comments: Siren Song

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Chapter 17: happy that you update..but sad too coz of what happen to you..i just hope whatever you experienced now will be over and get well soon... Stay strong and healthy...
i'll be waiting for your health to be well and your update too.. I missed this story and you too...
God bless..:)
Chapter 17: Thank you for writing! I can't believe you can even do this much when you're in such pain. *lots of virtual hugs* and I hope you figure out what's wrong with you. Sometimes, not knowing what's wrong is even worse than a severe illness you know how to handle. Fighting!
And, loved the chapter :))
Count_Blue #3
Get well soon :) Keep on smiling though it's a great pain :) remember there's a light in every darkness :) Keep holding on because you are such a great author :)
Chapter 17: You're such an amazing writer! I can't tell you how long I've waited for this update! I totally understand you needing a break. I'm willing to wait because this fanfic is worth it! It's one of the best, well written ones I've ever had the pleasure of reading.

Thanks for the update, and I hope they find out what's up with you so you can get better!
Chapter 17: This story is just... it's achingly beautiful. The suspense, the tenderness, the longing. You write so freaking well! I love how we can kinda 'know' how Soo is feeling even though Jongin doesn't always because you write subtle nonverbal descriptions in there. I love how they're still shy about loving each other and nervous about the others finding out. I have a theory about this: Jongin's being discrete bc he doesn't want to embarrass Soo or undermine his authority somehow with the rest of the crew, but Soo's being discrete bc he's still conflicted about dragging Jongin into the whole pirating business and wants him to feel free to walk away from it/him at any point and thinks the others knowing about their relationship would put too much outside pressure on him to stay. Or maybe I'm making all that up but gah! I LOVE this story and can't stop obsessing over it! Their little conversation and kissing session was just so squeal inducing. You write them SO adorably!

I'm so sorry about your health and your pain. I really hope it gets better. You're super sweet to keep writing for us. It's just the best; you're the best. :hugs:
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update!!! I will always wait for your updates!! Stay strong and get better soon! <3<3
Chapter 17: Kaisoo's relationship is so beautiful. I wonder who the passengers were~

I hope you feel better soon~ take care of yourself
lachouettebaguette #8
Chapter 17: :( I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. Did the doctors give you a particular diagnosis or do you not know what is happening? Whatever it is, it sounds awful. I hope you get better real soon. Being sick like that is a .

I'm so greatful for this update. You don't even know. Thank you so much. Don't worry too much about the slower updates. I think pretty much everyone who is reading this story understands. I beseech you to get well soon! Focus on your health and your studies and your happiness first and foremost. I'm not really a religious person but I pray that you get better!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: I got super excited when I saw that you managed to update, but my heart sank a little when I read your Author's Note. Nobody deserves to be in pain like that, I really hope they figure out what's going on and you recover soon!
I really appreciate that despite all of those troubles, you still managed to come back and write a chapter as good as this one. I admire you a lot, you're a great author and this story is still one of my favourites! Thanks a lot for the update and please take all the time you need in the future.
BAnniB #10
Chapter 17: I love the story! I hope they find out what to do with you! Doctors and hospitals can feel to be painfully slow... Get well soon! ^^
mydearunicorn #11
Chapter 17: Get better writer-nim!
I am sick too,I know it is hard :( Fighting!! *.*
chanyeolcape #12
I hope you get well soon. I really love this story. Please take your time & update whenever you feel better
Chapter 17: Get well soon darling authornim. I hope the pain eases soon and you'll be up and about like your usual self. Lots of love ....
ThinkPinkTink #14
Chapter 17: Get well soon! Beautiful update!
easeguidelight #15
Chapter 17: uuu... you updated, im so happy! 3 months were nothing,dont you worry.
Chapter 17: Awww..please get well soon and take care of yourself..we readers will patiently wait so don't worry about it!
And thank you so much for this update!!! The feelings exchanged at the previous chapter has kept me so much in the fluffy clouds of kaisoo feels that I just can't stop grinning!

This chapter has been an eye opener for both Jongin and kYungsoo.. the captain seems to have noticed the subtle changes in him after meeting Jongin..and Jongin was getting better as a pirate yet he's starting to get lost on the idea of "what happens when all these ends"..well I hope he'll find his way to Soo when that moment comes.... i'm looking forward to the encounter with the rest at Opal Coast~~

P.S. here's a little shower of KaiSoo love to make you feel better **~~~******
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update! Please take care of your health ;; I hope you get better soon!
unstoppabledreamer #18
Chapter 17: I hope you feel better