Comments: Siren Song

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Chapter 18: also I am really glad that you got a diagnosis and are getting the medication you need to help you...good luck in school!!
Chapter 18: this was too beautiful and I feels...they are all over the place and I can't think of a coherent response right now...I really really hope they are able to settle down in Onyx Isles together and just be happy cause they deserve it so much just please let that happen
yooseunghos #3
Chapter 18: Oh god, I really really hope that you'll be able to feel better ): stay strong love <3 I adored this chapter so much. I love this fic. I love you. Keep doing what you do and don't worry about updating unless you want to! You come first, always.
sparkplugz #4
Chapter 18: OMG!! I'm glad that you had your condition figured out and I pray to all of the holy beings that you will get back to your 100% normal as much as possible. I feel really bad that you had to do the updates instead of resting and doing school stuff (a lot too!). But thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, that you took the time to update and give us such a super sweet chapter. Now, please do not update again until you feel strong and on school break or something. Your health and personal life (esp education) are 100000000000000000x more important. Wishing you a great and healthy years to come. By the way, thanks for the implied "" scene. I really love the fact that you don't let the scene tarnish your great story. A great story is great because of it's story line and how it's told; you are great at that. Trying to use or confusing stuff or introducing unnecessary plot twists only scream desperation (and much more, too long to write them all). Now you definitely made my valentine week a lovely one. Stay strong and healthy! Thanks so much again for the update!!!
lorolemman #6
Chapter 18: They are so beautiful! I have such a feeling of foreboding though that they won't get to settle down... :(
Chapter 18: This was absolutely beautiful. Oh my heart cant take it.

Please get better soon and ease the pain!
Chapter 18: Beautiful their love are so beautiful :')
Chapter 18: Aw^^ KAISOO IS SO CUTE
Chapter 18: owah glad to see this story updated and I never forget the story, why oh why kyungsoo this sweet gaaah my feelings, this intimate encounter awed my heart hyaaa ;D
Chapter 18: r they having ehem sorry r they making love? because its so perfect! gyahhhhhhhh!
Chapter 18: The best thing that I saw this morning is this!!! It felt like Valentine's came in a whole lot early than expected~ The way you portrayed their sweet scene with such words were marvelous. I felt like drowning at every syllable while imagining their exchanges of words and the way you narrated everything. And that part where Kyungsoo still asks Jongin despite everything else... ugh I swear I teared up TT^TT too beautiful!!!

I really missed your updates and I hope things get better for you especially your medication...
studying is one big life challenge but the perks are there too! (and woah abroad??!!!) ^^
Looking forward to your next update!
chensubs #13
Chapter 18: i miss u so much i'm anticipating this story like every ing day i'm like when will siren song be updated i am so excited yada yada aND NOW HERE U ARE OH GOD get well soon and take some rest ok ;_;
Chapter 18: Welcome back, author-nim! ^^ i hope you'll feel better ^^ and good luck for uni... i feel your pain.. *sighs*
Anyways... an awesome chapter as always. :3 Gawd Kaisoo are so cute *-*
Chapter 18: omg lalaluhannie nim I wish for you to get well soon, and good luck with uni and your study anything ~!! This is so beautiful and tender ? lol I don't know how to say it or how to name it its just there's this content and happy feeling upon reading kaisoo on this chapter, thank you so much for the early valentine gift we love it a lot ❤
Chapter 18: Ahh this is too cute! I totally forgot about this story and I was so happy to see it updated. It's actually so good. Also sory but my phone was being weird and I accidentally unsubscribed, soz. Also I really hope we get to see Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Yixing in the next chapter, that would be great. And also the last chapter I somehow missed and I totally hope Jongin meets "totally not obvious old friend" again *coughTaemincough* but yeah I really can't wait for the next updated even if it takes forever. Also I can't really say I hope you get better seeing as you said there's no cure, but I hope you're in as little pain as possible!
prettyniceandempty #17
Chapter 18: I'm soooooo happy that Kyungsoo told Jongin that he wants them to stay together. Their relationship is beautiful in many ways, Kyungsoo is so tender and gentle with Jongin that it touches my heart, but he can be pretty possessive and i think that's what Jongin really needs, to feel how much he means to his beloved captain and to see that Kyungsoo goes out of his way just for him.
Thanks for updating