Comments: Monkey Love Fishy

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Kyu, save yourself. EunHae's relationship partially depends on you.
itslikebling2ball #2
jessica what are you hiding!! D< heee thanks for the update!
LMAO awww, thank you. It's actually because of all you loyal readers that I made it so long. Originally, it was only probably 10 max? <br />
@little_miss_psycho THANK YOU I WILL UPDATE :D in fact, I did. <br />
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@melissa21 LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PIC <3<br />
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@wookbias HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are an evil one :D Don't worry. I promise there will be two more jealous Hae. I'm not going to give anything away, but one will be pretty serious... SooHyuk is good aren't they?<br />
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@mamayamia Maya unni! Love love love your comment <3<br />
LMAOO this is great, watching you you're too cute. LMAO You are all wanting Hae to be jealous. My poor fishy will have a heart attack one day XD LMAO. Well, 37 because I think you'll get bored if it's too long, and because who knows? Maybe it will be extended. But I like odd numbers, and the number 7 :P
Jill! your update made me wanna clench my fists and want to harm SICA! <br />
SICA Y U DARE FLIRT DONGHAE?! (still LOVE SICA though! ^^)<br />
i actually like how the way you make Sica so evil! i crave for more of SICA's evilness!<br />
SooHyuk is adorable. please make them more adorable so HAE will be insanely jealous!! LOOOOL.<br />
37 chapter? why not make it 40? or 50? LOL. as long as you make great updates like this, i won't care even if it takes around a 100 chaps! (well, a 100 is a bit overboard, but still... LOLz)<br />
now i'll be a good unni and wait for your update. :))
ahhhh... I LIKE THE UPDATE >:DDD<<br />
you're such a b*tch jessica :|||| Leave Eunhae alone....!<br />
I do hope Soo and Hyuk would get along :"> so cute!!!! but I do hope that their relationship as friends wouldn't affect eunhae in the story :(<br />
But then, a little Jealous Hae woouldn't be bad after all >:))))<br />
I just like to see a jealous Hae :DD<br />
Anyway, goodluck with the 37 chapters but don't worry, I won't get tired of waiting :DDDDDDDD<br />
Hoping for the next update~~~~!
Lubz_Beanz_4eva #6
full on agree wid shawolb2utycassie!!!<br />
upd8 soon!!!<br />
itslikebling2ball #7
jessica is so annoying here *cyber slap* i like hyohyuk, but i ship eunhae 1000000000x more!
37 chapters?YAY!sigh..jesica pls pls pls GO AWAY AND dont EVER DARE SEDUCE HAE AGAIN!>:(<br />
update soon!~~<3<br />
link of fav eunhae pic?umm okay^^ <br />
I really hate the Jessica in this fic, really hate even though I don't have anything against the real thing. I want my EunHae to be together and I really hope that someone can stop the Iceprincess
it will be better if hae doesn't believe Jessica so easily... come on she is an evil here...
OH MY EFFING GOD JESSICA U DAUGHTER OF A *****!!! GRRRRRr such a poohead :(( i swear somebodys gonna have to put tht bish in line D:< <br />
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hyuk keep on loving and fighting for hae, its called fisha dn monkey not pigy and monkey :( plz dont date sooyoung :(<br />
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another great chapter :)) update soon arsso??
Thank you all for your encouraging comments. <br />
@eastseastrawberry <3 I LOVE YOU FOR YOUR SPAZZING XD<br />
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@pontatoFanta Thank you for your continuous support ^-^ I shall updates soon... VERY soon and in two weeks I have break so hopefully I can update mores<br />
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@eunhaelove thank you for your honesty :D<br />
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@wookbias <3 love you~~<br />
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@jewELFish15 LOVE YOUR NAME <3 <br />
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@kpop_heart Awwwwww, at least you are talking now :D I love you very muchies XD
:o Jessica you BISH! The baby is probably sum random guys! Leave Donghae alone. grrr -__- <br />
Kyu and Yoona are lyk bad- trying to get the truth out ^^<br />
Sooyoung....aish just....nooo (lol)<br />
Eunhyukk dnt give up on Your fishy!!! He loves you!!<br />
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woohooo 1st comment thats waaaaaaaaaaaaay over due mianhe for being silent (and not subscribing earlier) <br />
hope you update soon~
I really really hate jessica whenever she manages to make lie and make donghae bad in hyukkie's eves.. :((( I can't even believe that hyukkie would let go of hae just like that. :| <br />
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But I would sure want to know who ther REAL father of jeessica's child is.... Well imean if there really is one... <br />
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I'm re-reading it again and I really tell you, every time I re-read it, I really really get more excited at the next chapter... <br />
I'm excited with the thought of Donghae getting jealous of Soo and Hyuk! ^^<br />
Please update, cause it's really good! AHHHHHH! ^____^<br />
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i wonder, who can be the father? Jessica seems to be fishy... fishier than Donghae... :|||||| Now I really can't wait...<br />
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EunhaeLove #16
Drama, drama, drama....damn this is even worse than a Korean Drama. The flow is so slow. It's like your adding little things here and there so it won't end. Sometimes....quality over quantity is always the best way to go.<br />
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Less is more.
(Chapter 18) OMG. MORE DRAMA aww why!? okay. *breathes. you MUST MAKE THE ending TOTALLY worth all this heart-wrenching drama T.T
(Chapter 17) YAY KYU's evil maknae powers XD lol i love it. im so glad they finally said something to each other =)
(Chapter 15) =0 donghae-ah WHAT did you just do!? *shakes comp screen in disbelief
(Chapter 14) i love kyuhyun's pov. it's great. but hyuk why?! =( it makes hae sad. that makes me sad. GOSH these misunderstandings!!