Comments: The Mute Queen

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aichan #1
Chapter 48: love consultant??
buahahahaha.... it's so kim heechul..
and making babies?

i'm glad that king cho have realized his feeling towards queen min..
but unfortunately queen min already fall for heechul...

this is so great yet so sad..
i smell sadness coming...
Chapter 48: 'Love consultant''~~Heechul, you r geniuse! I think Heechul is not aware of his feeling towards Min yet. If he gets to stay in palace, Kyu's behaviour towards Min will make him understands his feelings towards Min I think.
Chapter 48: First of all, congratulations for being featured. I forgot to mention it in the previous comment.
Secondly, Heechul never fails to amuse me. Love consultant though, I am amused for those who believe that. How his relationship with Min Mama are going to be after introduced as a friend? How King Cho manages his jealousy? And King Cho surely felt nothing when he kissed Lady Seohyun. This just get more interesting.

Who was thar in the forest though? Allies or not?

Thank you for your greatness <3
Chapter 48: Thank you very much for the update! this is really nerve-wrecking...King Cho is really angry right? I just hope he will not do anything stupid...and is they really going to kill Heehee? NO!!!
I miss the future Min now...huhu but I will wait patiently! FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!!
Chapter 48: woah more complicated huks so sad
ChoiRiYa #6
Chapter 48: oh my,it should be a tense situation,but heechul's answer make me laugh of loud "I'm Min Mama love consultand"..that's really funny but i think this reason will make heechul be accepted in the palace..
i really want to see King Cho reaction toward Queen Min after what have happen..i'm so happy that finally he realize his feeling toward Queen Min..thank you for keep writing , i hope you wil update soo.,can't help to know the next chapter soo. :)
lalalemon #7
Chapter 48: Heehul is a jewel... a rare one in that haha
But I do feel bad for Sungmin. It's sad to see him suffering. Kyu hurts him both in past and future. Stupid Cho! Just love your Queen and steal him/her back :#
faithlane #8
Chapter 48: Hahahahha love consultant - heechul?? How to succeed making babies?? This is epic!! Author-nim you got to be the most creative writer ever... love it. This is hilarious ;) can't for your next update ^^ keep it up author-nim.
Chapter 48: Thank you for the wonderful update authornim! :))

kekeke.. kim heechul daebaaak!! King cho's jealousy waaa. :))
galatea69 #10
iamishi sister my dear...there's still hopes! Its stated that only 10 percent on the joseon era was stated on the history book... I think there is a possibility that that the history may change if cho kyuhyun (in present) will do interception in something... I really do believe that the past and future are connected.

Author-nim I will not be surprised if your story will be featured again. Daebak author-nim you really are a genius. U
iamishi #11
Chapter 48: omg... speechless...

I can't contain my emotions.... I am really happy with your update but why I still feel the pain knowing that Joseon Era wasn't for Sungmin and Kyuhyun...

Thanks so much for updating...
emperty #12
Chapter 48: ohh nooo!!!! heechul cant be killed T-T
and kyuuuuu!!!!! you stupid! whyare you kiss that moon! stupid cho is being stupid again! ghhhh why king cho is so stupid.
the man in the Forest, could it be eunhyuk?
And queen mother insoo think heechul attitude is good, bwahahahaha do you know I choked with that bwahahaha.
and heechul being the love consultan is so funny.. how can he said that!! kkkk
you are planing for another update!!!! yesss! its that means that this is triple update?kyaaaaa im so happy. please dont change your mind :D *kidding* but please dont change your mind :D
Maayaa #13
Chapter 48: what!making babies?i am soo scared for heechul.i can't believe him dying in 3months?but i am so
o pumped up.sungmin is in love! and kyunhyun is soo jealous!
cintaMaharani #14
Chapter 48: kya.... finally you update!!!
i'm happy
stay healthy author-nim<3
Chapter 48: But i just remember Sungmin die because 'she' drink the poison..i guess,her love to heechul is too strong
Chapter 48: Hahahahaha heechul is something xD
minikyuna #17
Chapter 48: awww thankyu for the update.. finally heechul will live in palace too (?) and the love story going to be more complicated, I love it very much. will wait for the next patiently... take care authornim, hope you are always healthy and keep update ^^
Chapter 48: lol lady hee,love cinsultant?? pabo♥♥♥♥
mingkisses #19
Chapter 48: Huehuehue the heemin moment here is adorable *__* thank u heenim for making Queen Min smile♡
And urgh idk know what to comment about king cho hurhur but im glad he's starting to acknowledge his feelings for his queen min♡
i died at heechul's "I am Min Mama's love consulant" hahahahahah xDD didnt expected that for heechul to say xD
can't wait for ur next updateee authornim!