Comments: The Mute Queen

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BangtanCheesecake #1
love itttt
elf88 #2
Chapter 48: Heenim LOL XD
But I can't help being worried for him > <
My Minnie,if you're happy I'm happy!
Kyuhyun,you're detestable as always and I really really really really hate with it ^^
Thanks for the double update,it made me really happy <3 <3 <3
Chapter 48: Love consultant? That's hilarious AHAHAHAH
zuzuaikha #4
Chapter 48: Kyu is soo cute being jealous !!^^ i love how smooth the story is eventhough you mix past n present n not all can succeed in doing this actually .. this is by far the second best story ive read, after 'kyuhyun, its been hard on you' . Im sure youve read that . Well congrates on ur store !! ^^>
lilliana22081996 #5
Dear author-nim, I'm a Chinese elf from Norway and fell for your story. Your story is one of the best stories I ever read in asianfanfic, and congratulation for your story getting featured, but actually, you deserved so much! I liked the concept of your story so much, about past and present life, and the structure of parallellstory is just so good! I bet the wouldn't be many authors in this world can make a perfect parallellstory like yours! And all those history dialogs, how can you make those so perfect? Just like how in a real Korean historic drama???So sincerly, I really want to know what's going to happen to kyumin and heemin, and personal request, I really wish kyumin a happy ending, because they are sooooooo cute together!!!<3<3<3 Udate soon, author-nim!!! I can't sleep without reading your story!!!<3
kyumin_fanny #6
Chapter 48: more ! >.<
Chapter 48: Loved it, totally look forward to reading this story its soo interesting ♡♡♡♡♥♥♥
KaiVee #8
Chapter 48: Omg! I was crying when read the sad part! Please. . . Please update soon. T^T Kyaaa~
Chapter 48: Hahahaha! LOVE CONSULTANT! ahahah!!
precilla41930 #10
Chapter 48: hahahah!!! really Heechul and his sharp tongue!!
Chapter 48: Love consultant? Hahahaha that had me cracking.
Btw a new subscriber here! Finished reading 40+chapter so quickly, can't wait for the next chapter \^^/
commonfanatic #12
Chapter 48: OMG THAT love consultant part is beyond hilarious XD it was so random i love it! I'll wait for another unexpected-heenim-actions in the future!:3
letsgotokorea #13
Chapter 48: first I was confused when I started reading this but now i'm just in shock. I really want this to be a TV show lol oh man I cannot wait for what's going to happen next. Kyuhyun and Sungmin, how are they going to be? Heechul and Sungmin; Seohyun and Sungmin; Seohyun and Kyuhyun. Man this is just so exciting. I usually have an inkling of how things will go, but with this I do not and it's awesome lol can't wait to read more!!
airielfbeauty #14
Chapter 48: just start reading now ......... ^^ sound's interesting ....... ^^
Chapter 41: I love this story, but there are a number of grammatical errors. Perhaps, you can get someone to beta this for you? Great storyline though.. :)
AmyWtsn #16
Chapter 48: I love this story! Keep it going!
Maayaa #17
Chapter 48: wait!there is a slight change in the wording or am i dreaming.and i could have sworn the footnotes were not there.oh well.amazing chapter by the way
Chapter 48: good job.. even though its unbeta-ed.. its still a work of art..:) update!!!
Chapter 48: I can't wait the next chapter.....