Comments: GIMP Innovations

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Catslovebutter #1
Chapter 32: Hey there. I have no idea how to work this. Is kt because im on phone? Someone help me pls. Do we need to download anything???
teoaiqi #2
about chapter 19.. and the brush layer. there isnt a brush layer..
Chapter 17: hello^^ how do you add brushes? ;___; having a hard time here.
Thanks for sharing!
This really helped a lot! Thank you *^* I have never done any "good-looking" poster/edit etc. etc. But now ;A; I have made a decent one!~ anshjdgf erbv *^* Thanks, Lemme loves you down...XDD

But no really, Thank you very much for this :D
Chapter 1: I seriously miss this thread. ;------;
can you make a tutorial on how to the characters ? o.o
waa!Finally I found a GIMP tutorial! /sobs of happiness/ ㅠㅠ
I'm using GIMP but don't know how to use it!Tch~shame on me!
BTW Thank You for making this tutorial!
ga-inism #9
Chapter 30: I changed my startup screen using the help of your tutorial ^^ I'm a newbie at GIMP so this was really helpful. Thanks so much! /subscribes/ ♥
Vietnamese #10
Chapter 16: How did you make the picture overlap and also go behind the circle in that poster?
Chapter 36: Beautiful edits!
Thank you 4 the tutorials! :D
-lovelies #12
awesome tutorials ♥
update soon c: