Comments: Doctor, Doctor

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Bookie1698 #1
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful. You must be around five year olds a lot to have effectively written three very different, but very accurate five year olds. This is so perfect, and honestly I wish it wasn't over. But alas, all great things must come to an end, no?
Chapter 1: Awww... So cute!
DoRayMe #3
This was amazing... I'm on the edge of my seat because I would love to know what happens next with namjin and also yoongi and hobie.
ThisismeMrGreenTea #4
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful
Chapter 1: So… much… to comment…
Okay, where do I even start? This was absolutely beautiful. The kids were absolutely adorable and you captured how precious toddlers are perfectly. Each word had a purpose. There was no pointless chatter or unnecessarily long paragraphs to make this hard to read. Which is astounding since this is so long. This is actually the longest single chapter I've ever seen on here (I think). I've read full multi-chaptered fics that were longer in one sitting, but not one chapter. I just find this amazing.
Which leads me into this random (pointless) story. Usually before subbing to stories, I read a little bit before deciding to or not. So as I was reading it, I became so engaged and in love that I forgot it was a subscribers only and wouldn't show me the whole story. So as it was ending, I was increasingly depressed because I didn't want it to end. And then there was the "subscribe to read more" or whatever, and I face palmed and did it. And I was overjoyed that the full chapter was double the length of what I read. I don't know, that just made me really happy.
I probably cried four times reading this and I'm not even sure why. I think your writing style is beautiful (I already said that -_-) and this was such a perfect story.
I really hope you continue this or there'll be some form of a sequel (or more). I don't know if you like long comments or not, but I couldn't help myself.
Chapter 1: * deep breath* i gotta say, this is soooooo cute and i ship namjin so hard i want to cry and yassssss yoonseok!!! lmao
i can totally feel joon's phobia because my friend was like that too and it was hard, but it was worth staying beside him ya know and tae and kook and chimchim is sooo cute i want sons like them too XDD
it's so long but i didnt complain it because it was so perfect
thank you for the great story authornim ^^
Chapter 1: this is sooooo adorable. i don't usually read boyxboy stories but this one is just so great, i can't help wanting more. please tell me this is not the end. :(
Chapter 1: This was fabulous!
cloudchaserstella #9
Chapter 1: I love love love it! I upvoted before I even read cause I knew I would like it. I didn't just like it I love it! When I read the name of the author I was surprised cause I just clicked on the advertised story (congratulations by the way) liking the description. I love precious bright Taehyung, adorable Jimin and precocious Jungkook. Of course I love flustered swearing Jin, sunshine Hobi, -face but reliable Yoongi and dear vulnerable Namjoon. Thank you for another wonderful story. This is why you're my favorite. You're the bestest! There should be a notif set up whenever an author one is subscribed to post a new story. sorry I'm rambling. DONT JUDGE ME. ;P Have a great day! Keep safe! cheers!
Chapter 1: I can't believe I sit around 1 hour and read this. Love it. Nice story and I just can't get enough of it. The kids are adorable!!!
syeraisma234 #11
Really love this story. Cute,eccentric loveable Taetae,understanding yet mature despite still a child Kookie and not so innocence but playful Chimchim. Not to forget the hyung line as a reponsible parent/adult. Anyway keep up the good work and I will be waiting for upcoming next part. Ganbatte Author nim.
Chapter 1: Hngh I need a lot moreeee
I love this
Chapter 1: Oh man... I should be asleep, but I couldn't stop reading. This is so good! Wish there were more chapters. Your writing is flawless.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! I need more of this AU please??? If this is just part one, I can't wait for more!
oh my gosh this is so cute im squealing
Cp1698 #16
I only read the preview and I'm already loving this lol
totally gonna read this
DONT JUDGE MEEEEEEEEE taehyung is literally me like whatchu makin? mee:.....dinner what kind of dinner?
SHE STOLE THE BATMAN LEGOS yep she must leave
Taehyung is like my dream kid
Ugh yoongi always gets into things XD SOPE FTW THOUGH

this was so beautiful ;;;;u;;;;;;;;
Chapter 1: this is cute!! i love the storyline.. wonder what happen to Jennie and Hoseok's parents

and,,, Yoongi is a man to keep. we need more men like him!!
Gonna put this story in my long list