Comments: Drabbles of VIXX

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Chapter 93: makes sense I guess
Dulanga #2
Hongbin is N's strength and vice versa. They are mutually dependant
Chapter 91: Jyannie is so adorable towarda yeon.. Awwhh
Dulanga #4
Chapter 91: Aawww Jaehwanie misses his hyung ❤
Chapter 91: Awwww~ Jaehwan is so cute~ he must be missing his hyung so much ♡
Chapter 91: I don't really get it here
Chapter 89: I hope you can write a 2nd part or following of this. It’s so good and so much potential to be even better. I want to know if Wonshik can make things right again.
Chapter 91: I can totally imagine jaehwan doing that :") Aaah my haken feels ♡♡♡
Pssion #9
Chapter 91: ㅠᆫㅠ
rain3396 #10
Chapter 91: Cutie Haken ?
Chapter 91: soo cute :)
Chapter 91: >u< CUTIES
Chapter 90: Hi there! Been a long time not reading ur updates, so sorry >___< gosh the stories are just getting greater! XD oh yea when will u update the return fic? I really missed reading it like crazy!!! >< Ofc only when ur not busy... Tysm & luv u~~ *spread kisses*
Chapter 90: I really smile automatically when I see your notice
I know that I will read something beautiful
Thank you always ^^
MissDands #15
Chapter 90: Omg!!! I loved it!
Chapter 90: Thank god they came to rescue him T-T Hyukie is so manly XD
Chapter 90: this is sooo coool
Chapter 90: oh yeah boy Hakyeon is vixx's !!!

MarianneLidell #19
Chapter 90: Author-nim, thank you so much for all this new chapters! This sequel really showed how Vixx belongs to one another, and really feel like a real family! I will be waiting for what you will come up with next! I would love to read a Hyuken chapter focused on their height difference, with Jaehwan cuddling to Hyuk cause he is big now hahaha
Take care of yourself Author-nim and have a great day!
kuraisen #20
Chapter 90: thank you so much for this update