Comments: Drabbles of VIXX

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Chapter 95: Thank you for the cute chapter <3
yuki_ira #2
Chapter 95: .i mmiissssss yyoouuuuuuuuu
.i thought you've abandoned this story ?
HanaMzHz #3
Chapter 95: Waaaaaa~~~~ so cute ~^O^~
Chapter 94: Lol fun read, :)
Chapter 94: My neo feelssssssss
Chapter 94: N is so caring and sweet ♡ thank you for the update, authornim ^ω^
MissDands #7
Chapter 94: I missed you Author-nim!! This was so sweet! I hope you're doing well!
bibibelle #8
Chapter 94: nice story as usual...
how N's show his caring side in his own way!
Thank you for capguring it so well authornim! ^^
Dulanga #9
Chapter 94: Neo ❤ I was waiting for an update.. This is the sweetest ❤
Chapter 94: Was it really tho, a prop for his drama?
amyhanny3 #11
Chapter 94: Wow it's so amazing... I can't stop laughing...
Chapter 94: LOL that phone case is amazing XD the proportions were on point!!
Chapter 93: Ahh! I caught up... idk who I think is the strongest... I think Leo exaggerates his weakness. Hmm Beanie does seem like a likely candidate.
Chapter 71: Ahh! All the Chabin feels! Eep! <3
Chapter 29: I am loving these short stories :)
Chapter 11: So sweet <3
Fannesa #17
Chapter 93: I always though it's hyuk but after reading this, I don't know anymore
Chapter 93: If the strongest by physical, I think it's Hongbin. If the strongest by mentally, I think it's Hakyeon since he faced a lot as a leader... Well, that's just my opinion :D but what you write really make sense ^ω^
Chapter 93: Hongbin's body type is known to have more strength but besides the fact, he's a type of person that everyone needs in their life. Since the members get heated a little quickly, Hongbin is here to help! Hakyeon and Hongbin are both strong but I think Hakyeon will take everything to heart so thats his weakness. Hongbin seems very stern as he's really calm headed. Both of them need each other... It's kinda like LR in a way
wi2nqs #20
Chapter 93: People says the calm people are the strongest