Comments: Draw Me a Date

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Silencedshadow #1
Chapter 75: LooL! Yixing's note made me laugh, especially the part with Juan outliving the flowers because he's pot. He really knows how to make Yeonhee laugh.
I also finally discovered something that he has no knowledge of, and that is the area of flowers, the only thing he can say about them is that they're pretty.

What in the world is small plant syndrome? :))) Juan feeling small? Those two make a funny couple.

I can imagine Minseok, and the king both in hospital gowns giving Yixing disapproving looks over his choice of flowers and wooing skills. I wouldn't be surprised if Minseok suggested the red roses.

Is Yixing trying to leave at her door the same things Taehyung did, to make it a nice memory for her? The flowers, the chocolate, the mug, what's next, perfume, and the scarf. And the tickets for that show.

The no gift tomorrow because she spends her day with him, is basically him calling himself the gift.
Silencedshadow #2
Chapter 74: The queen seemed like a kid on Christmas morning at the prospect of teaching Yeonhee about fashion. I'm now suspecting she might offer her designer services too. She's probably going to have a lot of fun playing dress up, and I wish I could say the same thing about Yeonhee, but I think the queen's over-enthusiasm might be exhausting for everyone who's not that much into fashion.

Yey!!! The king woke up!!! This is extremely great news!!! And the fact that he recognised Yixing is amazing. Finally some good news for the royal family and Yeonhee. It's about time. Yeonhee is right, the king is going to be so proud of his son.

I laughed at Yeonhee's excited reaction. And Junmyeon calling her a Duracell bunny on helium was even more funny. Was her voice that high? :)))
Silencedshadow #3
Chapter 73: I knew the press and people will eventually see things positively. Wenhan was right, it was a good move to attend the ball. :)

Am i seeing things right? Is the prince giving advice on rest? The prince, Yixing, Mr sleep-is-for-the-weak, number 1 workaholic, probably only second to Luhan. He's telling her she needs breaks? Did they give him some more morphine? Why do I find this funny? But then again, the break meant her visiting him, so I guess that explains it.

Who would have thought Baekhyun would turn to be such a hardworking student.

Someone planed on throwing acid at Yeonhee? Was it a Yixing fangirl, a Taehyung fangirl, an angry republican or a One Nationer?

Noooo, Taehyung's out of jail? I hope they got a restraining order on him, to not go anywhere near Yeonhee.

So, who is that person Chenle talked about? Does he really have good intentions? Or is it wiser to be suspicious of the situation?
Silencedshadow #4
Chapter 72: Why do I find the idea of Sehun dancing funny? I imagine he's bad at it because otherwise it would be to unfair. :))) He can't have genius brains, good looks and be good at dancing.

Didn't the queen get upset she wasn't asked for her opinion on the dress? I bet she would have loved to help, though I also understand Yeonhee's reasons for not calling her.

Another day, another time Yeonhee asks Juan for help on fashion. I bet Jongdae was both amused and sorry for the girl.

It seems like Yeonhee joined Yixing's squad of matchmaking cupids. It's about time Jongdae dated someone else besides his computer, someone human. I have to be honest, I didn't expect him to be so willing and accept the offer so fast. I thought he would be a little more awkward. He's better than he thinks he is with the romantic aspect.
Her sister is forever going to be grateful to her, though I hope she never finds out she was compared to Sehun and Jia's annoyingness.

The race track on mobility scooters idea was indeed very funny. I bet Yixing would have enjoyed himself.

Why doesn't Wenhan have a date? He's there feeding Yixing and taking Yeonhee to dance, it's like they're on a 3 people date.

I'm pretty sure Yixing will forever associate Minhee with pizza from now on. She might even become his secret pizza supplier.

Xiaodan and Mei again spreading their bitterness, but that's not something new or unexpected.

Poor Wenhan, he has to listen to both Jia and Yixing's sugary words of lovesickness. At the same time, he seems to enjoy making fun of them, so Yixing Cupid should get busy finding him a girlfriend. I would love to see Wenhan in the same position as Jia and Yixing, forgetting everything about his macho-ness.

Poor Yeonhee. That dance fall will forever haunt her. And even if the people there and the media forgets about it, Sehun will most definitely not. And he has everything recorded. At least they had fun, and for the first time that week, she managed to really laugh.
Silencedshadow #5
Chapter 71: She ended up with a concussion because of people shoving her around? Aren't they afraid to do that to the girlfriend of the country's ruler? I was expecting the hatred and backlash, but I wasn't expecting them to be violent as well, especially when she's walking around with a bodyguard. Aren't they afraid of repercussions and charges being made against them for harassment? Or maybe they simply don't think.

Wenhan is sweet for visiting her with an extra large bar of chocolate.
And all his words were nice and encouraging, giving hope for a better next week.

Why is he so funny? Does Jia really fangirl so much about Sehun? His reaction to his sister's fangirling is hilarious. I could actually see him getting along quite well with Baekhyun, even if he's not so sure himself. And they can be part of the Little Imp fanbase signing petitions to get it on Zenyu TV.

Yixing is very very sweet. And it seems that he takes after his dad.
Silencedshadow #6
Chapter 70: Yeonhee is getting her own personal Luhan in the form of Sehun. :))))
Luhan has a lot of faith in him, it seems. Or maybe he's too desperate.

Yeonhee thought that it wasn't fair for Yixing to shoulder all the responsibility of answering questions at the press conference but they decided it was best for her to not answer questions. Now, poor girl, she's the one holding the press conference and getting questioned.

Luhan is awesome. I love how he shot down the question about Yeonhee being the assassin.

Now that people see Sehun in public working for the prince, won't his Republican Party get angry?

The journalists are ruthless. And that one question at the end was very nasty. Does that journalist work for Antiroyo?
I now know why Luhan trusts Sehun so much. He's all sorts of awesome, and we all know that, but this time he outdid himself. I loved how he shut that reporter's mouth.

What did she say when they asked her if the prince had an account on Easyl?

Kyungsoo is being very sweet for wanting to return the favour of visiting the sick.

Who does Baekhyun mean when he said it's their duty to bring happiness and cheer to their fans in their hour of need? He's not talking about Minseok and Yixing, is he? Or maybe Yeonhee?

Wait, they sang him nursery rhymes? :)))
Yeonhee's right, Yixing is adorable when he's on morphine.

I was waiting for someone to record something Yixing said. It had to be Sehun. Well, I have to agree with Yixing on this one. But it's still funny. Poor Yixing is going to be so embarrassed when he hears it.
Silencedshadow #7
Chapter 69: They were planning to inject grandma something? Seriously? How can they even look at themselves in the mirror? Maybe they don't have mirrors.

Yeonhee's parents seem very calm given the situation. People almost killed grandma, and when Jongdae told them thugs were searching for Yeonhee, they asked about the final exams. I'm pretty sure they know she's very well taken care of, but the prince was also very well taken care of and he still got shot. Maybe the nurses gave them something for anxiety before Yeonhee got there.

I was worried for Minseok at the beginning of the chapter. It seemed like he wasn't out of danger. But then he was better in the morning and it made me happy. :D

I'm glad the queen has Yeonhee there with her. As horrible as it is for Yeonhee, it must be a lot worse for the queen. At least she's not alone.

Trust Taehyung's fans to blame Yeonhee for his arrest.

Drugged Yixing is kind of fun. What in the world did he want to say when he told her she's a phone?
Silencedshadow #8
Chapter 68: Thank you for not killing Minseok. :D
I hope both of them will make a full recovery. Minseok will probably have to take some time off, but as long as he's alive and well, he can even quit his job.

Poor Jongin, I can't imagine how scared he must have been when he saw his cousin getting shot on live tv. And not getting any response from Yeonhee must have scared him even more.

Poor queen. First her husband and now her son. She's such a strong woman.

I'm glad grandma is safe.

So they weren't trying to kill her, they were planning on framing her. Which is why they also asked her not to tell about the relationship. It's very unfortunate that she had to go through investigations when she's the girlfriend and it was clear she wasn't anywhere near the prince when he got shot, and that was probably the work of a professional sniper.

At least now the cat is out of the bag, and I doubt the people will believe the nonsense the media said about her being involved with the assassination attempt. She handled the situation very well. Of course, having Jongdae there helped a lot.

So, she gets to keep Jongdae? :))) her sister will be happy.
Silencedshadow #9
Chapter 67: I hope the charges against Taehyung stick, and that we won't see him for a very very long time. What is the punishment for terrorism in Taderra?

I knew he was helping Antiroyo more than he initially said. I wonder how deeply involved he is, and how much of a crazy person he really is. I just hope Yeonhee will never have to see him again.

The problem is, Taehyung has the right to speak to his attorney, and his attorney is that evil guy from Antiroyo, which means that by now, they probably know Yeonhee is dating the prince. That is dangerous for her and even her family. If I remember correctly they even sent a present to her parent's home. I hope they get relocated to someplace safe.

Jongdae is awesome for showing her cat photos to calm down her nerves. :)) Did it help?

I missed Yixing's teasing text messages. She forgot she stood him up, didn't she? That was funny. Yixing's a sweetheart for being so sweet to her after the evening they had. They both deserve the best.

I would love to see Chenle's reaction. I think Baekhyun might be wrong, and it could be better than Luhan dressed as a rocker.

They used Yeonhee's grandmother, an old sick lady as bait to get to Yeonhee? Just when i thought they couldn't get lower, they prove me wrong.

Noooooo. You're not going to kill Minseok are you? I know Yixing isn't going to die because there are many chapters left, and who would govern the country without both king and prince, but Minseok. He wasn't moving.

Poor Yeonhee. Poor Minseok's family. I hope nothing bad happens to grandma. Was the plan to kill Yeonhee? Is that why they called her there?
Silencedshadow #10
Chapter 66: I'm glad to see Yixing oversleeping for once.

The ethnic violence sounds bad if they even need the army.

The time Yixing spent with her family did him good. I can't believe her dad made prince jokes in front of him.

I was shocked how vile Taehyung had been towards the prince, but I guess that's nothing compared to how disgusting he was towards Yeonhee. I'm glad Jongdae jumped on him. I'm surprise he was the only one. I was expecting Sehun to do the same.
So I guess we now have a confirmation about who the narcissistic stalker is.
Was he drugged? That would half explain his reaction. I expected it to be bad, but this was a lot worse. Jongdae did say something about possession of illegal substances. Maybe he can stay in jail for a while. It would do everyone good.

Yixing had every right to be angry. I'm amazed how fast he calmed down. The guy has some superhuman self control.

Poor Yeonhee, to have to hear all those things from Taehyung. I can only imagine how guilty and horrible she must have felt when Yixing heard all those things she said about him. And it's not even her fault, except maybe for badmouthing him. It was before they met. He knows she didn't like him before, yet to have her ex saying all that to him, it must have hurt a lot.
Poor Yeonhee must have felt so ashamed and humiliated when the scumbag mentioned their life. And in public. How in the world did he manage to appear so charming to her when they dated? Is he a psychopath? Do psychopaths feel enough emotion to get as angry as he got? Either way, he should get tested.

The chapter started so nicely with her parents and it ended up in such a mess with Taehyung. I suppose more drama will come their way once more people find out the truth.
Silencedshadow #11
Chapter 65: Yeonhee's family seems to be the type that has a corner full of photos on display.

It's interesting how Yixing said that it would be unfair for Jongdae if Yeonhee's sister was there, to distract him from work. I was thinking that it should have been a good opportunity for the both of them to get to know each other and that Jongdae might have liked it. I wasn't thinking from the security and profesional point of view. Thinking a bit about it, Yixing might be right. It's interesting how a different perspective can change a point of view.

Look at Yeonhee losing all the games. It's doesn't matter, she wins big in romance.

Why am I not surprised Yixing beat everyone at Risk.

I can imagine how proud Yixing must have felt when she initially thought lonelyblues was Hanmi. She also thought he was a girl, so I guess she's not very good at guessing.

I can only imagine the news titles from the next day, had he not been filmed in that flower shop. Luhan would have had a blast.

Now that I think back on it, I shouldn't have been worried Antiroyo might kidnap Juan, I should have been worried someone might steal him for a smoke.
Cynnamonster #12
Chapter 83: The amount of detail and complexity in every single scene and the progression of the plot is so amazing. Dude, you're incredibly talented and I really appreciate the important themes in this story!! I'm impressed with the politics that you've included in this story, given how it's often such a dividing topic, but you did it in a way that encourages being open-minded towards differing ideas. This is an actual masterpiece and I'm so happy to have stumbled across it!
Yixing and Yeonhee are freaking endearing and adorable! They're so ideal and just what a relationship is. Working, listening, and discussing things with each other is so fantastic and that is what makes a good relationship. Whenever I read your fics, I always learn a lesson that should be broadcasted to the world because there are an awful bunch of people that need it. Well, first, that politics is a field that I'll personally stay out of. All of the politics made my head dizzy and think but that's okay. Then, listening and cooperating with people could do a whole lot more than we think. There are so many opinions that are spat out of people's mouths and there are people that retort back with their own opinions, without thinking about it. I'm glad that you pointed that out since it's an issue that does need to be reinforced into people. And about having friends that disagree with you too. That was an interesting thought to ponder about. Anyways, thank you so much for writing! I'm extremely, extremely grateful that you wrote about Yixing, because we need some good Yixing fics in this community. :)
Chapter 28: I loved TBBC and Blood Sister and I have to say I love this fic soo much as well! I know I've not read much of yours so far but I do love it all!! Hope you're doing good :))
Chapter 83: I finished your whole story just over 1 and a half day.. o have to admit that the politics nd technicalities confused me a lot thqt i had to keep reading some parts over. But that was ofc due to my own incompetence and knowledge about politics ?
Thank you so much for a great read.. i feel so jealous with the oc. This was definitely a fantasy love story that a woman dreams of
Chapter 47: I just LOVE Baekhyun, Sehun and Jongin in the story.. they're such good friends to her
Chapter 27: I'm so jealous of the oc.. disregarding how yixing is a prince and all, i just love their connection and how their coversation flows
Chapter 16: I swear, i cant help smiling to myself whenever Juan is mentioned.. and damnnn prince yixing you flirty y thing youu
Chapter 83: Beautifully written! Loved the way you naturally wove in politics, and depicted a realistic relationship in this story!