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yellow drops, a dark yellow that almost looked like pee. Excited, Dongwoo stopped singing and opened his mouth thirstily.
...also turned into a bird, but this time a kakadua. He squealed and the others just had shocked expressions on their faces. Dongwoo the bird flew up in the sky, while happily singing 'Singin in the rain'.
SeonMin #3
Knitted his beard in a corner. Then Sungyeol came up with an idea. He turned his fangirls into many lords a leaping, pipers a pipin and a partridge in a pear tree by using a magic snow globe.<br />
"Wait... Where is Santa?" Dongwoo asked, realising Santa was missing. <br />
Then the partridge came over and pecked his nose. The partridge had long white string hanging from its chin. "Oh My Candy canes!! We turned Santa into a pigeon! " Dongwoo exclaimed before he ...
FuyumiMairen #4
By the way, I love Infinite even though I hardly know their personalities on screen.
FuyumiMairen #5
"You shall be elves forever! Mwahahahaha! You will serve me as my slaves as long as you have fangirls!" cackled Santa as he...<br />
<br />
Holy cow, this prompt is getting weird.
COmment - I like infinite but I don't know alot about them :C And I don't want to comment something really weird that doesn't fit with the plot, sorry~ BUT I LOVE THEIR MUSIC! :D
Suddenly out of no where the real santa came and looked the infinite. He sighed as they made a mess out of his stuff. he cleared his throat and said "you will not have any gifts this year because you were all naught." he then gave a angry look. "You made a mess out of magical items and as a punishment, you'll serve me as my all-time-duty elves after i turn you normal for the Christmas."<br />
everyone sighed its just 1 christmas but santa has other plans...
Yeah, Like what GuestZ said, I also only know SHINee & Super Junior well ... Infinite I know like nothing? Besides the fan club name .... Inspirit ... yeah :) <br />
Sorry about that dulcee >"<
lol this is getting too weird
*not part of the story* - its just that so far the groups are of bands that i don't know or don't know well enough (except for the shinee and super junior one - i participated in that one)
I don't have a grudge against infinite..but I'm not an inspirit! :p<br />
Mianhae! :3
AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #12
Hoya fell into the freezing pool of water n turned into an ice cube...frozen solid. The members were now panicking trying to find out how to return everyne back to normal
All the snow magically melted away into water,making the whole place into a whole swimming pool.<br />
By now,Woohyun was still a christmas tree and Sunggyu was still stuck.
I don't really know that much about Infinite... ^^" Otherwise I would comment <33
i love infinite but this prompt is getting weirder and weirder xD HAHA
I don't really know Infinite, sorry OTL ;A;
Surprisingly Sungyeol snapped out of his lovesickness and came to the rescue. He pulled out a largehair dryer and melted the snowman
shimhyunjae #18
i don't have any grudge with Infinite~ :)
Hoya sputtered and spat the snowball out angrily. He whacked the snowman nearest to him, screaming, "how dare you! You nearly ruined my handsome face! I'll get you for that!"