Comments: The Charming Sea and The Enchanting Moon

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wensondy #1
Chapter 14: One of the deepest story I've ever read.

Author, I'm just curious.. Is Wendy's character here somehow related to yours?
Chapter 14: As a kid it was kinda different for me. I was taught of equality and acceptance.
Hell, I didn't think about the different races that my classmates were. Though I was that quiet just-migrated asian in elementary which I had no grasp in anything. I couldn't speak a of the language and it was hard to make friends. I guess you could say I was ignorant and oblivious to my surroundings and what was happening. Thinking back, I was naive and carefree, couldn't care less if anyone was different.
Of course now that I'm in my twenties, I know better and have more insights on stuff lol.

Society has tainted me though. Reality reels you in at one point and all that innocence you had in childhood makes you want it back.

Anyways, I could go on and on but I want to comment about the story hahaha.

Grandma Bae is finally keeping up with the times XD Pretty sure Irene will be levelheaded with Wendy's feelings or not... she has a hard time keeping Wendy to herself when everyone wants a piece of her. She could try to make Wendy jealous to check if there is some mutual feelings involved ;)

Glad you updated ^_^ Always stay awesome mate!
Rolz0103 #3
Chapter 14: Sooo i just spend like 3 hours reading from chapter 1 till 13... (Ouch my back x_x) i don't even know how to describe this story but it hit me hard alright. Gave me the chills at some moments.

Wendy :( irene's there for you...don't do anything stupid please
youngandstars27 #4
Chapter 14: Wendy's character is really mature here not to mention she's smart and a deep thinker. But sometimes her mind can be toxic that leads her to think of some negative things. And i seriously feel Joohyun's father here, she's her father afterall. I just hope Seungwan won't do anything to hurt Joohyun.

Thanks for this update! I hope you are alright now :)
Chapter 14: Wth.. Wendy.. Pls don't hurt Irene
Chapter 14: What's up with seungwan and this toxic mind of her? =( She act like the society to herself, difference herself, making assumption that she and irene are impossible =(

Thanks for updating author nim and i hope you're feeling better now ^^
Chapter 14: Aaaah seungwan!!!! Be gentle with our joohyun-ah
jiyoonit #8
Chapter 14: I read this as soon as I saw my notifs flashed the new story updates!
You're back waaaaaaaaaa! I'm so happy that you're better now :D

Back to the story... I'm sensing that Wendy is leaving Irene... nooooooooooooooo!!!
Amberlily #9
Chapter 14: Yaaaaayy! You updated! I can only appreciate how deep of a thinker and reasoner Wendy is and was for her age. Although being different can be good! It might not make you popular or liked, but we could never make any progress if everyone was the same.
Pardon my rambling, I really should sleep. I wanted to let you know I read your update, though!
Chapter 14: Take a break, go on hiatus. Take as much time as you need. I can only wish all the things that troubeling your mind will be going to be okay. Himnae, author nim \( •̀ω•́ )/
Chapter 14: It may only seem like words but you have people thatbcare for you because you have bared yourself to us through writing. Please write and ensure you are well in body and mind before thinking you have to write for anyone other than yourself. Take care and hope you rest well
bknight2k #12
Chapter 14: Thx for the heads up.
I really love this story so I hope you can update when thinks get better.
Amberlily #13
Chapter 14: Take your time, author-nim!
I feel bad because I don't know what to say. I hope you get through whatever you're going through and that you recover soon! We will wait for your next update whenever it comes.
Fighting! Feel better soon!
jiyoonit #14
Chapter 14: I don't mind waiting. Your health is more important. You are more important than this fic.

Although I don't know what's happening in your life right now, let me just tell you that this work of yours leaves an impact to all of us readers. It makes us see life in a whole different perspective. I know you can make it through at your own pace. I believe in your recovery. I believe that you will pull this through and see the light on your darkest nights. :)
chomi0815 #15
Chapter 14: Hi it's me. I don't really know where to start. As you're my favorite Authornim I'm really worried for your safety. Although I may not be in the position to say this, please don't give up. I know it's hard and maybe worse in the future, but please don't give up. Hold on, until you find that sun that will serve as your strength through the bad times. Seeing the positive side in all the bad things, may not always be good since sometimes you're just making a fool out of yourself. But that doesn't mean you have to give up. Look forward. Think that everything will end someday and everything is only temporary. You don't have to stay afloat but you can ride the wave and let it pass. Only after you recover, will you find the positive in all those bad things. It takes time but what's important is you survived. I don't know if I make any sense but just treat this as a support if ever you need one. I'm glad that you left a message to us readers though you are going through a hard time. It makes me really happy that you still manage to inform us of your condition. Stay strong! And although I may not be able give you a tap on your shoulder. Please know that there's someone who also worries for you. :) I'm your No. 1 fan right? Take care. ^_^ And until the next time Authornim.
P.S. this is not really long compared to my other comments but I hope this will at least make you feel a pinch better. :) I'll be really glad if I did. I'll believe in your speedy recovery Authornim
Chapter 14: Hey you! This story is such a delight to read. Honestly, I want to print it out, draw a cover for it and keep it forever. I actually would love to draw you fanart for it. It's always hit me on a personal level, though I've never experienced the emergency ward and I've been very wary of therapists after a few bad sessions. Love heals so much though it can also hurt. Their relationship reminds me so much of my ex and I and Wendy just reminds me so much of myself as well. And i've always been worried for you dear author. Such accuracy in the portrayal can only mean so much. I'm sorry things aren't the greatest right now but i'm sure you know that things will turn up eventually. I'm proud of you for being so strong, for reaching out to us like this and for finding the courage and strength to even write this story. I know it must hurt but we really appreciate it. I'm in love with this story and I'm in love with you and your writing. If there's anything I can do to put a smile on your face or ease the pain, please tell me. I haven't been feeling the greatest either but we'll pull through, right? We got this. You got this. I believe in you. Take care of yourself please and don't worry about updating. Healing and finding your footing comes first. We'll be waiting patiently for your recovery and happier thoughts! 143 my dear author.
deer_maomao #17
Chapter 14: oh my, are you okay?

its okay though, you can take your time~ ^-^
Chapter 14: Awww Happy April Fools Mate.
Take your time in updating.
Enjoy the small things of what life has to offer:)

I was once depressed and suicidal but I sought out to right the wrongs that have been plaguing my mind.
I'm still learning though. If my 16 year old self can look at me right now, she'd probably be damned proud at me for surviving; for emerging out of that slump.

If Superman can kill that big nasty mutation-of-a-giant that Lex Luthor created while Batman did nothing for the movie (Words cannot express my hate for Ben Affleck) then so can you hahaha. Seriously, what were they thinking of hiring that ty actor. He could not deliver them lines.

Happy April Fools Day.

One of These Nights grew on me.
I thought they would promote something like Light me Up but to my dissappointment, nope.
Thank goodness they proved them haters wrong and charted well. This will solidify their group and rake in more mullahs mwahahaha. Their next comeback better be more invested or else I'll kidnap Sooman and threaten him with nonstop Lucifer music.

Again, Happy April Fools Day:)
Sorry about my ramblings.
Good Day!
Chapter 13: I'M SENDING 143
Sending 143, it’s not just a simple game of numbers whoa oh oh
I love you 143, you are 486
Sending 143, we’re so different
Sending 143, it’s still hard
It’s not just a simple game of number 143

It's so funny how Wendy loves the game of numbers though. She's so meticulous about everything :3 I would say it's cute, but Irene might come after moi.