Comments: The Charming Sea and The Enchanting Moon

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chomi0815 #1
Chapter 15: I wonder if they're going to where Irene is. So, it's been more than 2 and a half years? Looks like Wendy has matured a lot. There's also a Naeun in the Asylum where Wendy was place right? So this is another Naeun I suppose author?
I'm really excited for the next chapter. ^_^

It's been a long time~ ^_^ Author-nim Welcome back. :)
mirakora #2
Chapter 8: This is the first time Im leaving a comment. I love this story so freaking much. I cried a few times too idk why. Hahaha. Good job author-nim. Take as much time as u need. I will always look forward for the next chapter :)
veneridae #3
thank you for this wonderful story authornim
i love u authornim ;___;
This comment has nothing to do with what's happening in the story, sorry in advance :P

You know, this is the very first RV fic that i've read. What brought me to it is the one shot version with Chomi (it's very rare to find good APink fics on this site, you're one of the few authors who does so very well), I absolutely adore Chomi and loved the one shot. The storyline of that shot was so interesting that I just had to read the chaptered version of it. Before then I knew OF RV but had abolsutely no idea what the names of the members were nor listened to any of their songs. Because of this story I got into RV and started researching them, listened to their music (The Velvet was amazing, didn't really like The Red though :P) and also started reading other RV fics on the site, it's so unfair that there are so many amazing RV fics but not that many APink ones right? :( I digress.

I just wanted to thank you for writing both APink and RV fics, if not for you I would never have gotten to "know" RV (they're all so pretty :P) and listened to them, nor would I have read all the other amazing RV fics on the site (wenseulrene though <3 but seuldy is love <3). And I hope that you will continue writing more fics for as long as it keeps you happy to do so, I know that I'll definitely read them :)
garensuhanazono #5
Chapter 15: This is very short indeed. But I can't remember that Wendy has Naeun as former girlfriend, did I miss something or.. well, when I read this I quickly went back to chap 13 to see if I missed something but turns out that I'm not.. maybe I'll need a bit explanation here..
taejellybean #6
Chapter 15: I usually dislike time jumps, but maybe sometimes it helps with holding/keeping the mystery. Thanks for the update even if it is a short one :)
seungwan15 #7
Chapter 15: Omg.. it's a surprise that Wendy easily forgave her after all the things she did to her. Ackk this is what made her a strong person. I wonder where they are going.. and where's Irene? What was Wendy's answer... i'm dying to know! ;___; for a moment, I thought Wendy and Naeun got back together. Phew. Good thing that they didn't. I'm glad that you're doing fine dear author. I've missed you, really.
Oh gosh,the next update.. it's the final! T___T I am not prepared.
Chapter 15: a time jump!!!! aaaah im loving it... where is baechu? naeun is back... I cannot wait for the update!
Chapter 15: Ireneeeee XD
Luigi0 #10
Chapter 15: Omg...where's Irene? :(
But thanks for the update, looking forward to next chapter!!
garensuhanazono #11
Chapter 14: This is great. Is it your own experience? And will you make more of twice members appear? Not just momo and bunny XD I like how Wendy grew up normally despite the problem she has. I really love this so I expect a lot in the next update, okay?
hafizfar #12
Chapter 14: This is beautiful <3 i wish i can read your next update soon :') i will wait patiently~~~~ i had really fallen in love with the way you write <3
guess101 #13
Chapter 1: I just started reading this story and it was sooo amazing and realistic! Your choice of words are enthralling and I love the way you portrayed their characters! Wow just woooowww! *i'm speechless
machiieee #14
Chapter 14: Author- nim! I can not wait for your update!
This is just so awesome that I can not find the right words to say! Thank you for this
taejellybean #15
Chapter 14: I like Wendy's mind... how she gets lost in her thought... how she perceives the world surrounding her... I don't know how to explain this, but yeah... really like her character in the story. I will be waiting for the next update (I guess not that much left, since you mentioned some time ago that the story is coming to an end...). Still hope you'll update soon! Love the story...
seungwan15 #16
Oh gosh, wendy, pls be optimistic just for once. ;____; I know you wouldn't listen but u wouldn't know unless u try so pls at least try? Pls take a chance on Irene. The girl loves u so much. You deserve all the happiness in this world! ;___;
How i want to hug wendy so bad! if only I can go inside this story, I really want to! (funny how i'm having a little of yuri's syndrome)

This fic has been my life for the past few weeks, not even kidding..I'm getting attached to the characters so much that that i feel physically hurt.

Author nim, u write so well. I'm thankful that u shared with us this beautiful work of art, you are overflowing with talent really. ;___;

Tragic & lovely, this fic. Gosh, i want a hard copy of this. All the best author-nim! Don't stress yourself too much. Will wait patiently for the next update ((((:
chomi0815 #17
Chapter 14: T.T You're back Author-nim... I'm just so happy T.T I'm glad that you're fine enough now to update. I am so so happy you're safe. T.T Thank you for coming back.
Now on with the story, sometimes I really wonder if you're from another galaxy watching human activities and interactions. You know, all those insights and perceptions are on point! Whenever I read your updates, I always have a part where I pause and look above, pondering on my life and such. Really! And this time I can't help myself to notice the similarity between Wendys' situation and myself. No, I'm perfectly sane if you're thinking I have the same problem with her. Or I just don't know it myself? Haha
'But I don't know if I love her the same way that she loves me' Okaaayyy. Well that hits me in the bullseye though and all the words that Wendy said before that. Just right at that sensitive spot. Also when Irene said,"The won't be that big once you hit 20." Seriously!? Oh my goodness! Will you believe me if I say I had the same words told to me? Of course, it's on my own language but when translated it's exactly the same! I am just a long lost lamb and right now you're hitting me with you're sharp words. T.T As expected of my favorite author, you never fails to amaze me. Sometimes, I really wonder how you can create something so real. Really amazing! No doubt about that!
Ahhh, I really miss commenting on your updates. T.T It's only you who can make me talk/comment so much. I hope I didn't bore you for blabbering too much about mostly myself. T.T I'll always be waiting for your update Authornim. Please take care of your health and always be safe. Thank you for the wonderful update. ^_^
Chapter 14: Author I'm so speechless. LIKE REALLY. What have you done to me? I just dont know what to say because the words you're portraying is like what a real life is. THIS NEEDS AN APPLAUSE!! You are one of a kind author I must say. I'm a silent reader but then my mind and hands just reached the comment section and type for it. I just felt like I needed to tell you this. Your writing skills really amused me at some point that I imagined it happening in real life.
Okay so I'm surprised that Wendy knew all along. I wish my mind also works like Wendy.
Okay I'm looking forward to this in the future. I didn't knew that I've been subscribing to an amazing story and plot line. I should've known and read this all along because at first I thought this was such another angsty story. But then Wendy really intrigued me. How her mind works like I've never seen that coming in the first place. Also how Irene is so patient with her. Also when Wendy is in the ward and patients there is really amazing. Their mind works like the opposite one. Yuri, Yeri, Ayumi,Momo, and mostly Taehyun. They really intrigued me. How touchy Ayumi is. How ignorant Momo is. How Yuri always speaks vulgar. How Yeri always try to look good in front of Nayeon. How amazing Taehyun's mind works. And how they managed to make the patients. Its really hard now that I think of it. Also I thought it was really hilarious why Yuri is in the ward but then you made me realize something that I've never realized before. That every person has a flaw. This is such an amazing story and I would never get tired of reading it. You are such a realistic person. I'll never doubt if this story gets featured someday. All your hard work will paid off. This really deserves to be featured.
Fighting author nim!
Chapter 14: I'm extremely happy for the update - I'm commuting to work right now and as much as I love my student, I'd rather be sleeping. Seeing the new chapter certainly woke me up!

Wendy's uneasiness and uncertainty can mean a lot of different things. We saw it in earlier chapters as well. Is the doubt in herself or Irene or both? Is she afraid of disappointing Irene? That the love might not grow the way she wants it to? Is she afraid that Irene forgot their roles for too long and that them being together might really be that impossible? Is she afraid that if she falls in love, Irene will have already realized that she's actually not in love with Wendy? Sometimes these questions will always lead us to the negative, a habit we can't help but have. But I'm glad that as always, Wendy is honest with her thoughts. I'm very intrigued as to the direction their discussion will go. I know Irene will be stubborn but understanding. Ahh Wendy I hope despite the talk and uncertainty, you still give her a chance! The falling in love and answers to your questionable and unclear future can only come from taking risks, especially when it comes to relationships. We all have our place and being different can certainly be difficult, but we can always overcome. And I know Wendy's strong enough to overcome. I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what's next!!

Thank you for such a wonderful update, as always! I hope you're in better places right now? If you need anyone to talk to I'm here :) it's always a pleasure talking to such a talented author.