Hot and Cold

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 72

Hot and Cold


After the men had helped with cleaning up in the kitchen, they went outside to sit at the porch as the weather was nice and breezy. They said that they wanted to get the fresh air that they needed.

The mothers rested on the couch after having set up the dinner, the two older women were tired and need to relax and had a catch up.

Your mother was holding onto Areum, hugging the little one and talking in a soft voice to the baby. Hyuk was playing catch with the two little boys, hyping them up. 

After all, Hyuk still had some energy left to play with the kids and entertain them. Maybe you could get him to baby sit sometime. He seemed to be really good with kids. You let out a soft sigh, wishing you had that amount of energy as well, but you were particularly tired today.

Ki Joon and Min Jun were running from Hyuk as fast as they could, screaming excitedly at the top of their lunges as Hyuk was right behind them.

“I’ll get you two.” Hyuk chuckled with a mischievous smile on his face, making the boys scream and hide behind the couch.

They jumped up startled, when Hyuk appeared from the corner with his arms stretched out and with a wicked expression on his face, scaring the boys.

They screamed louder, very thrilled by how well Hyuk could play off being a zombie, and they ran away from your little brother.

Hyuk was laughing, having fun, teasing the kids, and seeing how they were so immersed in the game, made you smile a lot.

You had made a cup of tea, hoping that would make you calm down as your body felt a bit sore. You were leaning over the counter, watching the steam from the tea, and you inhaled the aroma.

The aching in your body seemed to have become worse and you really did not want to get a fever now just before Ki Joon has to get his cast off.

“Be careful boys.” Natasha said, seeing how they ran wildly around in the room.

“Keep it a bit down too, the baby will get startled.” Your mother said, and Hyuk cooed.

You turned to check on them, hearing how the two little boys laughed aloud. You noticed that Ki Joon ran around excitedly with a big smile on his face.

You had not seen him this happy for a while. He really seemed to be comfortable around Hyuk and Min Jun.

“Don’t run so fast.” You added with wide eyes, seeing them speed up. The entire floor was not carpeted, and they could slip and fall.  

The boys were clearly amused and did not think of the consequences as they were just immersed in the play. Nor did it seem like they heard you.

Hyuk was now walking like a zombie, moving his hands and legs as if they were made of jelly or liquid. He rolled his eyes back and made scary-like sounds.

“Mwoooaaahhh.” He groaned, and the boys screamed louder.

You stared at him, mouth ajar, eyes wide in utter shock. Who was this kid? Did you know him? what had gotten into your brother? he was so out of character and down at a kid’s level just to make the little ones laugh. You had to give him props for that.

“Uhhh- ahhh, I will e-ee-at y-oo-u two.” He said in a spooky voice, moving his hands up and down, portraying what a zombie looks like. You watched his lip motions, hand movements and all, still in shock. You shook your head, smiling.

“You really look crazy.” You shouted.

He could try harder to act scary, but he did not try his hardest, because he may end up frightening the kids. So, he kept it at a fun level.

You wanted to take a photo of this moment and mock him one day in the future, so you quickly took some shots of Hyuk’s odd face, laughing to yourself. But Hyuk was too immersed in the game to notice you, which was the best part.

In fact, he looked rather silly and comedic. He was trying to suppress his laugh so he could seem serious enough to make the boys laugh.

The two little boys stood still not far from your brother Hyuk, holding onto each other tightly, suppressing their little squeals, and excitedly waiting for Hyuk to get closer, to catch them.

You could see the excitement in Ki Joon’s eyes as they brightened and widened, the closer Hyuk got to him, and his smile reached to his round eyes.

The kids found it so amusing, seeing the older guy pretend to be a zombie and play along with their game at a kid’s level.

The corner of your lip curved up, smiling, seeing how Hyuk was entertaining the kids and it seemed like he was having fun himself.

“Hyuk slow down a bit. The boys are getting a bit too excited.” You told.

However, Hyuk started to run faster suddenly, not answering you, going after the boys who hid behind the couch. Ki Joon and Min Jun let go of each other, screaming and running in the opposite directions. Hyuk went after Ki Joon first.

Ki Joon was laughing as he was running away from your little brother, and screaming, telling Hyuk to not eat him.

“Don’t eat me, please don’t eat me zombie.” Ki Joon squealed, running away faster.

“I’m coming to eat you, uhh-huu. You better run away.” Hyuk said.

“No!” Ki Joon laughed.

The smile on your face disappeared, when you saw Ki Joon run across the living room faster than before as Hyuk started to storm towards him to catch him. The two picked up their pace as Ki Joon tried to escape.

“Slow down.” You said, but Ki Joon did not hear you.

Your eyes widened, and you opened your mouth to tell him to stop. You had already sensed it coming, but it happened too fast for anyone to prevent it.

Ki Joon slipped right before your eyes and fell hard onto the floor with his arms stretched out. He used the broken arm to cover his face, when he landed on the floor.

The loud thud, when he hit the ground scared you as it sounded pretty bad, and you instantly thought of his wrist that was still healing.

“Hyuk, what were you thinking? I told you to stop running so fast, but you did not listen to me.” You shouted.

In that moment your fathers and Yongguk’s twin brother rushed inside and stared out into the room, their eyes landing on the little boy, who was on the floor.

“What’s happening?” Your father asked, looking confused.

“Ki Joon-ah, are you okay?” Yongnam asked, sounding worried.

Ki Joon ignored everyone, who spoke to him. But it was the fact that Ki Joon was curled into a ball, hugging himself whilst holding onto his hurt wrist, whining quietly, and looking scared around in the room that frightened you even more.

You hurried towards him, but Yongguk was right there in an instant and on the ground, on his knees beside Ki Joon. He placed his hand on the little boy’s back and lowered down to him as Ki Joon was curled together.

Yongguk looked at the little boy tentatively with wide eyes filled with worry and yet with such a seriousness. He spoke in a soft tone.

“Hey buddy, are you okay?” Yongguk asked further in a soft and yet deep voice as he gazed at the boy with a tender look in his eyes, but Ki Joon did not move or talk. He did not even look up.

“Where does it hurt?” Yongguk asked, but Ki Joon sniffled, holding back his tears and you saw how his bottom lip quivered.

“Buddy, you have to tell me so that I can help you.” Yongguk rubbed Ki Joon’s back gently, trying to make the kid ease up, but for some reason, the boy remained quiet.

Your eyes were on Hyuk, and you stormed towards him. He stiffened, lowered his head, not looking you in the eyes, mumbling something underneath his breath, when you made it to him.

You breathed out, deeply frustrated at how the game turned out to be dangerous, when you had warmed him countless times.

“What were you thinking running this fast with the kids?” You asked, raising your voice.

“I’m sorry.” Hyuk instantly apologized in a small voice, keeping his eyes on the ground.

“You know that Ki Joon just recently got injured! He could get hurt again!” You raised your voice unknowingly at Hyuk from where you stood, few inches away from him, and you were breathing harder, feeling your heart racing inside your chest.

“I am really sorry.” Hyuk said in a small voice with his eyes still on the ground, not meeting your gaze.

Everyone ceased abruptly with what they were doing and looked at you with eyes wide like saucers, evidently startled by hearing you yell, and seeing you become angry.

This was a first time anyone had seen you get angry, well Yongguk and his family. Your family knew you so well, that it was not a shocker to them.

Your voice became louder than intended. Your face heated up, turning hot, and your eyes darkened fuming. But you felt warm because, you knew you were becoming sick.

“Hyuk, you should have been more careful.” You continued.

“Sera, the boys were just playing around. I understand as a mother, you fear your child getting hurt.” Mrs. Bang said.

“We were just playing around. I didn’t know Ki Joon would fall. I won’t run with the boys again.” Hyuk said.

“I know that.” You sighed deeply, pressing your fingertips to your temple where it began to throb immensely. You shut your eyes tightly for a moment, taking in a deep breath.

“Big sis?” Hyuk said in a soft voice as you had become quiet for a bit.

“You are not that little anymore, Hyuk. You should not have gotten the kids so worked up, when you know Ki Joon has a cast on his arm.” Your gentle voice had been replaced with something that is not known to the others. You sounded much sterner.

Hyuk remained quiet with his head lowered and simply accepted being told off. He looked towards Ki Joon to see if the boy was alright. But he did not say anything either.

“I was not careful enough. I just wanted them to have some fun.” Hyuk said, making you sigh deeply, because you understood that part very well.

The strong light in the room seemed to trigger your headache. You could hardly focus and think rationally. You breathed deeply, averting your eyes to the ground.

You placed your hand on the back of your neck, feeling your skin becoming warm and slightly sticky. Your eyes remained closed for some seconds as you tried to calm down and gain some self-control.

“Ki Joon-ah, are you okay?” Natasha asked.

Ki Joon did not respond anyone. You lifted your gaze, stiffening upon seeing him hug himself, avoid everyone’s eyes, and it seemed like he had crawled back into his secure shell just like the first time you met him. 

There was a moment of silence as everyone were looking at Ki Joon with fear written all over their faces, afraid that he had really hurt himself.

But also thinking about the fact that this may the reason for why he remained silent; that maybe the pain made him hold back as not every child cries aloud.

Ki Joon had not uttered a word since he fell and hit the ground, which made everyone become even more worried, and it made you think that he might have really hit his arm.

“Buddy, say something? We are worried for you, hmm?” Yongguk said softly in that deep voice.

His voice had turned lighter and smoother, and how that was possible was a wonder to you. His tone was much softer, yet it was deep, warm, and smooth as he was rubbing Ki Joon’s back tenderly, looking at the kid with the most tender gaze. Yongguk tried to talk to him, make him ease up, but he would not say anything.

You stared at Ki Joon, observing his body language, thinking deeply, because if Ki Joon was truly in pain, he would show it. He would be crying aloud like had done at the hospital.

Hence, this silence did not quite seem like him, and something else could be the matter, which you were thinking deeply about, trying to figure it out although your head was beginning to hurt more.

Yongguk checked Ki Joon’s wrist, asking the kid if it hurt anywhere, but Ki Joon would not respond and he remained curled together, head bent, and facing the ground, avoiding everyone’s eyes.

To you, that seemed like a kid who had gotten startled, maybe it was even a trauma-response, and then your heart sank to your guts, and your lips parted in shock.

You bit onto your bottom lip, holding in your tears, when it dawned on you that he was just shocked, and perhaps scared, because you had gotten mad and yelled, which he had never seen before.

You stood still, watching as everyone tried to make the kid talk. Your heart was sinking deeper as you felt like you had let him down, and in this moment, you felt like a terrible mother, a bad role model. You wanted to just walk away but knew that you should not. You had to talk it out.

“Ki Joon, just let us know if it’s hurting anywhere?” Yongguk’s mother asked.

However, Ki Joon shook his head firmly, not speaking up, being stubborn or there was another underlying issue there, which you seemed to have finally deciphered.

Somehow, your knees began to feel weaker, almost wobbly and like soft noodles, but you took in a deep and somehow shaky breath, stepped forward, getting down on your knees and on an eye-level with Ki Joon. You swallowed hard, feeling how your throat had become dry.

“Ki Joon?” You called out in a small voice.

Yongguk scooted away a bit, giving you space, looking at you as you reached your hands out, taking over, and holding Ki Joon’s shoulders tenderly.

“Sweetheart, will you please look at me, I am not mad at you.” You said in a soft voice.

Your gaze softened and you breathed out relieved as you saw the look in his eyes, when he slowly lifted his head to meet your gaze. You wanted to curse at yourself for venting at Hyuk in front of Ki Joon.

It then occurred to you that Ki Joon had never seen you get angry or even yell before. So, he was clearly taken aback and maybe even frightened by this.

You felt your heart slowly sink at the thought of the fact that you may have let Ki Joon down and perhaps even ruined your trust to him.

For a moment, you stood still, thinking deeply about how to form the right words into a proper sentence and how to give a good explanation to him. You took in a deep breath of guilt. There were no fancy words or a proper way to explain this and your behavior. You had to be real with him.

“I am so-so sorry, Ki Joon. I raised my voice at uncle, which I really shouldn’t have, and I startle you, didn’t I?” You asked in a soft tone, looking at him with worries eyes.

“Yes.” He said in a small voice.

“Aww, my baby. I am so sorry.” You said, sighing.

You looked up and for a moment, Yongguk looked into your eyes, and you stiffened, looking into his dark eyes helplessly.

It seemed like he was about to say something to help you, but you shook your head letting him know that you would handle it, so he just let you take over since he had tried to talk, and Ki Joon would not respond to him.

It seemed like it was on you to fix this misunderstanding and it seemed like Yongguk understood that as well since he backed away a little, allowing you some space.

You looked into his eyes and seeing him give you a little assuring nod made you ease up somehow. You averted your gaze back to Ki Joon.

“It’s okay.” You said in a small voice, reassuring him.

Your lips pursed, and your eyes softened, when he finally looked up and met your gaze. You heard everyone sigh of relief, knowing that Ki Joon was alright, which was the most important thing right now.

“The kid is okay.” Your father said.

Your fathers had apparently also gotten inside to see what was going on, probably after hearing you yelling. You pursed your lips, sighing.

“Let’s head back out, everything is under control here.” Yongguk’s father said, and your dad agreed.

“Sera’s got it.” Your father chuckled.

“Yongnam come along, we were not done talking about fishing.” Yongguk’s father said.

“Yes, yes, we should soon make a whole family trip and go to the countryside.” Yongnam suggested.

“Sounds like a perfect idea.” Your father chimed in.

You could not focus on their conversation as they were heading back out again, because you were too worried about Ki Joon’s mental wellbeing right now.

The fathers cleared their throats, and walked back out to the terrace, taking Yongnam with them as well, which seemed alright as it could be uncomfortable for Ki Joon to have so many eyes on him and it might not make him want to talk.

“You got angry.” Ki Joon said in a small voice, lifting his gaze, meeting your look.

You could see the guilt in those round innocent eyes, and your heart sank a bit, knowing Ki Joon was not used to seeing this side to you; See you be mad and raise your voice at someone, he had never seen that.

You breathed out deeply, feeling terrible for causing him this shock, and ignoring the aching in your body and the throbbing in your head, you scooted closer to him. 

“I raised my voice, because I got so scared. I was not mad at you or Hyuk for playing.” You told, and he looked into your eyes.

“I only got angry because I thought you would get hurt since you were running so fast, but it was not right of me to yell.” You told, wanting him to know the truth.

You would not justify your actions, when you could have handled the situation differently. But given the situation, you acted on your emotions, and he should know this and learn about this. That sometimes these things happen, and some emotions take control of you.

“But it is not uncle’s fault. I ran r-really fast, so I fell. I didn’t fall because of uncle. Please don’t be mad at him.” He said, blinking his innocent eyes at you.

“Oh, honey. It is no one’s fault that you fell. You were just playing, and it could have happened anyways. I just got scared, when you fell, and then I raised my voice at Hyuk, which I should not have done.” You explained as you looked into his eyes, and he was pouting.

“Don’t be angry at him.” He said once more.

“I’m not angry at Hyuk.” You assured him. Then you reached your hand out, wavering to Hyuk, calling him over.

“Hyuk, please come over and bring Min Jun.” You told, and Hyuk walked over with the boy.

Ki Joon was looking at you with curiosity, and from the corner of your eye, you could feel Yongguk’s gaze on you, watching you, but you did not want to take a look to be certain if he did. You felt it. You took in a deep breath.

“I should not have raised my voice at Hyuk.” You said, looking softly into Ki Joon’s eyes, and he nodded.

“Ki Joon-ah, your mom is right. We shouldn’t have run fast. Mothers get scared sometimes, and when they do, they yell, because they get so scared, and it’s okay that your mom gets just a bit mad at me.” Hyuk said, and Ki Joon looked, listening tentatively, taking it all in.

“We did run too fast. We should be careful. You hurt your arm, remember?” Min Jun reminded, pointing at the cast on his arm, and Ki Joon nodded.

“Yes, we have to be careful.” Ki Joon said.

“But I should not have yelled at Hyuk even if I got mad or scared.” You said and looked at your brother. “I’m sorry, baby brother. You were just playing with them. I overreacted.” You said in a small voice, but he shook his head.

“No. I hyped them up too much, and I did not think it through. It’s okay. You got scared. I get why you panicked, don’t think too much about it.” He said with a small smile on his face, nodding. You walked towards him and placed your arms around Hyuk, and he pulled you in for a hug.

“Sis, it’s okay, stop feeling bad already.” He assured with a lighthearted laugh, but you shook your head, hugging him tighter. “It’s okay. It’s not like I am mad at you for how you reacted.” He said once more.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you. You aren’t a kid anymore. I should stop lecturing you.” You stated.

“It’s okay. You can still lecture me from time to time, I need it sometimes honestly.” He assured once more and laughed at the latter part.

He was clearly trying to change your thoughts into a positive direction. You shook your head, laughing a little.

Though, your smile faded, and you sighed, unable to get rid of the guilt. You frowned, feeling the throbbing in your head worsen, when you stepped back. You bit back on your lip to suppress the pain.

“Still.” You added in a small and dry tone, but Hyuk shook his head firmly.

“Don’t fret over it.” He told.

“You are not mad at each other because of me?” Ki Joon asked once more.

“No, honey, we are not. Don’t worry about it. We are good.” You said in a soft voice, and he finally got up from the ground.

“Yes, buddy.” Hyuk added with a bright an assuring smile, so Ki Joon finally nodded.

“O-okay.” He mumbled.

“Can I give you a hug?” You asked, and he nodded immediately.

He took a step towards you, and you got down on your knees, reaching his level and extending your arms. He moved his small arms around your neck, holding you tightly in his embrace.

You shut your eyes, squeezing him gently into you, sighing of relief, covering his little frame in your arms.

“Aww, my little baby.” You said as he was hugging you, which made you calm down instantly, though the voices in the back of your mind were still there. “It’s okay, everything is okay.” You said in a calm voice as though you were saying it to the both of you.

“Don’t be scared. I am okay. It didn’t get hurt when I fell.” He told.

You were surprised to see that he was comforting you, that this little kid knew how to console, and you let out a small sound as he tenderly patted your back.

“I’m not scared anymore since you are okay.” You told.

You felt your heart tug, get swept by an unknown warm feeling that completely took over you, and it felt like a warm cover wrapped around your heart, holding it.

You hugged him for so long, not wanting to let go of him, even though your knees began to feel weak. You finally slowly retrieved from him, looking into his round-dear like eyes.

“Are you really okay?” You asked, and he nodded firmly.

“Yes.” He said in a clear voice with much more confidence, and you his soft hair, looking lovingly into his eyes.

“You have to tell us if your wrist hurts?” Yongguk asked now, stepping in. “We have to know that Ki Joon-ah.” He added softly.

“I am okay. It didn’t hurt.” Ki Joon assured as he pulled back, moving his arm. “See.” He told, making motions with his arm, and waving his hand with a smile on his face. “I’m okay.” He repeated firmly.

The pair of you laughed softly, nodding at Ki Joon’s explanation, and then turning to look at each other, because of your similar reaction to Ki Joon as you were in synch. You blinked your eyes. Yongguk broke off the stare, and looked the other way, clearing his throat.

“You probably got shocked when you fell.” You said softly and Ki Joon nodded, holding onto you. “It’s okay now.” You said, patting his back gently.

Min Jun walked in front of you and wrapped his arms around Ki Joon, comforting him. The two then hugged each other, making you laugh a little. You could feel your heart heating up and tugging inside your chest.

“Are you really, okay?” Min Jun asked in his sweet little voice, and Ki Joon smiled, assuring him that he was fine.

“See, I am totally fine.” Ki Joon said brightly, and he waved his wrist to also show him that it did not hurt. “See.” He added as he returned his gaze to Min Jun and everyone else in the room. The mothers laughed, calming down as well.

“I think you are really cool, you didn’t even cry, when you fell down.” Min Jun said.

“Can I play again? I won’t run or jump or do something the doctors said I should not do.” He blinked his eyes innocently, drifting his gaze between you and Yongguk.

He puckered his lips, looking incredibly adorable and it was hard to say no to that look on his face and those puppy-eyes.

Not that you would tell him not to play. He just needed to be a bit more careful as the doctors had advised.

“I promise I will behave. Can I play with Min Jun?” He added, fluttering his lashes.

“Yes, you can.” The pair of you said in choir and looked at one another a second after as you acted in the same way again, oddly.

You blinked your eyes, staring at Yongguk, who met your gaze, seemingly also taken aback. He then rubbed the back of his neck.

“Should we just play with the cars?” Min Jun suggested as Ki Joon got up from the floor, happily and he walked over to his friend.

“Yes, no more running today.” Ki Joon said firmly.

Just like that, he was over it, and got up to play with his friend. You were still sat on the floor as the kids walked away. You breathed out deeply, getting up from the floor and somehow feeling lightheaded.

You placed your hand behind your neck, scrunching your face as you felt your skin heating up. You had not even noticed anyone else in the room as you got so focused on Ki Joon.

“Hyuk, don’t run with the kids again.” Your mother said, and he nodded.

“I’ll be careful.” Hyuk told.

“I’m sorry I yelled and overreacted. I probably startled you all.” You said, drawing everyone’s attention on you, but they shook their head, brushing it off calmly except for Yongguk.

He was silently watching you with that unknown look on his face that made you want to read his mind.

“No, no dear. It’s quite understandable. You must have gotten so frightened.” Mrs. Bang said.

However, you could not take your eyes off from Yongguk, who looked so deeply into your eyes as he was leaning against the wall.

You blinked your eyes, wondering what he thought of you, and if he too thought you had overreacted or made the wrong call. You rubbed your arm, biting on your bottom lip, blinking your eyes, looking at him.

“We all got a little shock there, when he fell. I would have reacted the same way as you did Sera. Don’t worry about it.” Natasha said, and Yongguk nodded in agreement, which was suddenly the only thing you could focus on.

“We don’t think you overreacted.” Your mother said.

“Maybe I am just getting unwell.” You muttered underneath your breath.

Though your cheeks burned, feeling embarrassed that everyone saw you lose your cool, and saw a vulnerable side to you, and the way you handled the situation afterwards.

It is common for you and Hyuk to occasionally get mad at one another like normal siblings do, but this situation was different. You were not alone, and Yongguk’s family was present as well.

If Ki Joon had not broken his wrist and had a cast on, you would not have reacted the way you did, but the circumstances were different.

Natasha walked over to your mother after hearing Areum cry. She picked up her daughter, pulling her into herself, comforting her.

However, you stood still for a while, spacing out, not noticing that Yongguk’s mother walked towards you.

“Sera, are you alright my dear? your face is so pale. Maybe this stressed you out a lot.” Mrs. Bang asked from your side, and you turned towards her, just when you were wondering about where she was.

Her voice was so soft and filled with worry. Her eyes widened slightly as she gazed intently at your face, studying you. She frowned, furrowing her brows. “Actually, you don’t look well.” She added, sounding worried now.

“Oh no. I’m okay.” You said in a small voice.

You pressed your palm to your cheek, feeling your skin heating up, but you shook your head before this got out of hand, and she turned to look towards Ki Joon’s father.

“You need to sit down.” She said instantly and before you could react, she extended her hand to you.

You grabbed her hand as you had no choice but to follow her, but you got hit with a sudden dizziness and stopped up abruptly.

Your head was spinning, and it felt like the floor was moving underneath you. You just needed a moment to gather yourself.

“Sera, are you alright?” She asked panicky.

“I just need a moment.. my head is spinning.” You said in a small and dry voice.

You placed your hand on your head, closing your eyes till your head would stop spinning around and the floor would stop moving. You took a step backwards, but she gripped your hand, pulling you towards her, steadying you.

“You are clearly not well.” She said.

She shook her head with furrowed brows, looking worried. She placed her hand on your shoulder, gently rubbing your shoulders.

“Yongguk, come over and check on your woman, she’s not feeling well.” His mother shouted.

“Hold, on. It’s okay.” You blurted out, trying to gather yourself, when you heard her calling for Yongguk, but his mother wavered her hand, dismissing your comment.

“Wait, what’s going on now, are you not well?” Your mother got up and rushed towards you.

This evening was just getting better and better. You took in a deep breath, but you were not feeling your best.

At this point, you just wanted to lay down on the floor. You were so tired. Maybe it was the mental exhaustion for the past days that was finally catching up on you.

“Sera, dear, you actually look ill. Your face is pale, and you are sweating.” Your mother said with a worried gaze and before you could respond, she placed her hand on your forehead, gasping aloud.

“Goodness, you are burning up.” Yongguk’s mother also pressed her palm against your forehead, gasping with wide eyes “I think you got a fever, oh dear.” Yongguk’s mother said.

“Yongguk come now.” She repeated in a firm tone.

“Go, mother is calling for you. Check on Sera.” Natasha said.

Yongguk’s dark eyes connected with yours, when you looked at him once again as even his sister told him to come check up on you.

“I’m okay.” You tried to assure the mothers, though you could feel that you had a fever.

She was frowning at Yongguk now for not coming at her request immediately or more so order. Yongguk was looking at you as he walked in your direction.

You could see the annoyance in his dark eyes as he looked at you,

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Hello everyone, it’s been too long. I’ve published a chapter. If you’re still here, and reading, kindly leave a comment after reading. Hope everyone has been well and that life is treating you kindly <3


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^