The Kwon Family's Antics

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 62

The Kwon Family's Antics


Standing outside your parent’s house, you kept a straight face, and waited anxiously for the door to open.

Yongguk stood beside you with Ki Joon. Yongguk held a basket filled with fruits and chocolates, which he bought on the way.

“You know, you didn’t have to get that.” You said as you looked at the basket.

He tipped his head to the side. His dark eyes searched through yours. You pursed your lips, stared back into his eyes, when he gave you that silent hard look.

“I am doing this, because I’ve not seen your mother in a while, and I hope she forgives me for being gone for so long.” He stated with a nonchalant look.

You opened your mouth, about to reply, but the front door opened, causing you to turn around and look out. Your mother stood at the front door.

“Mom.” You chimed happily but got ignored right away.

“Yongguk-ah, Ki Joon my little honey pumpkin.” Your mother squealed and beamed.

You stiffened, when she reached her arms out, and pulled Yongguk in for a tight hug. He let out a low chuckle as she patted his back like he was her child.

“You finally came.” She sighed as she hugged Yongguk. He wrapped his arms around your mother and smiled ever so brightly.

“I’m sorry, we haven’t been visiting enough.” Yongguk said, looking into her eyes, when your mother finally pulled back. She shook her head and patted his back once more.

“Come here my little boy” She cooed with a bright smile as her eyes drifted down at Ki Joon, who was holding onto Yongguk’s hand.

It was as though, your mother didn’t even care about you right now, or anymore, in fact. Not since these two men entered in your life and you had been missing.

You didn’t mind getting ignored, because of Ki Joon as he steals all the spotlight around you, which was given as he is adorable and quite normal.

However, what wasn’t normal was the fact that Yongguk was getting so much affection and attention from your mother, and even more than you.

You scrunched your face, looked the other way as your mother went on about how much she has missed Yongguk, and the little boy.

“Sweetie, go inside and greet grandpa and uncle Hyuk.” You mother cooed, and Ki Joon nodded.

“Yes.” He chimed. Ki Joon entered the house. He rushed away to find your father and brother.

Then your mother continued, when she looked back at Yongguk. She still hadn’t looked at you. You knew she was very-very mad at you.

“How is your work?” She asked, and Yongguk smiled.

“It’s going well. The company is having its third anniversary soon.” Yongguk told, and your mother gasped.

“Oh- congratulations. You have to tell me all about that.” She chimed and hugged him once more. Yongguk let out a low chuckle and hugged your mother again.

Not even once did she look at you. At this point you might as well just evaporate into the thin air. You sighed deeply.

Since, your mother didn’t pay attention to you as she was so invested in Yongguk, you could escape from facing a possible beating from her. You cleared your throat.

“It’s nice to see you too mom. Now, I’m coming through.” You broke out casually and tried to make a way out past her.

“You little brat get over here.” She exclaimed as she her heels, storming after you into the hall. You were just a few feet away from her.

Oh no, oh no, oh no. Not now. Not here. Not in front of him.

Your eyes widened, and you hurried to get to the living room to your father, whom could save you from possibly getting strangled by your mother. She was right behind you, shouting at you.

Hallway through the hall, she grabbed onto your shoulder, made you spin around and face her fury eyes.

“Mom.” You choked.

In a matter of a second, you were in a headlock. You whined, pleading her to let go of you. She held onto you firmly.

“I did not raise you this way! You impudent little child! How couldn’t you have visited your family? Not even once! Don’t you know that you have a mother?” She exclaimed as she shook you vigorously.

“M-mm-mom, I can e-ex-xplain.” You stuttered as you tried to get free from her grip, which was hard as she had a tight hold of you.

This was totally not embarrassing at all, knowing that Yongguk was standing at the front door, looking, watching your weird family antics, and possibly getting freaked out or maybe having thrill to see you get choked by your mother. You didn’t know.

“Mom, we have a guest over.” You croaked, trying to remind her to get it together as Yongguk was there, although she clearly didn’t care, right now.

“A guest? A guest!” She exclaimed and you looked up at her reddened-maddened face. Her eyes fuming now. You had just aggravated her even more. “Yongguk is family and not a guest.” She fired at you.

“Mom, I’m sorry.” You sighed deeply.

Okay, that was actually sweet. Hold on, what am I thinking in this situation? I need to get free from her.

You whined, wriggled your body harder, trying to get free from your mother’s grasp, when suddenly a pair of warm hands enveloped your waist and you were dragged away from your mother’s hold. You looked out, stunned. Your mother dropped her jaw, staring at you intently.

It felt like a slow-motion scene taken from a movie as you were getting dragged away. Your mother tipped her head to the side, looking rather surprised.

The surprised look on her face got replaced by a blank look, she no longer looked like a murderer.  However, she began to brush her hair with her hands neatly. She quickly cleared and looked behind you.

What is happening?

“Mother please, take it out on me, and not Sera. She’s been busy due to her work, or more so because of me. She’s had to pick up Ki Joon from kindergarten, and sometimes even drop him off as I’ve been getting home late from work.” Yongguk explained in such a soft silky tone, and yet his voice always remained so deep, enchanting.

You stared out blankly, feeling puzzled by what had just happened, too stunned to even notice where Yongguk’s arms were, and the fact that he had just pulled you free from your mother’s grasp.

You were trying to catch your breath and comprehend the situation. Your mother stared at the pair of you for a while.

Her eyes drifted down your body and to your waist. She stared there, for a while longer. Her face stoned.

Then she blinked her eyes and looked away with reddened cheeks. You frowned, when you saw her suddenly look away, which was unlike her.

Just a moment ago, she had been red in the face of anger, and now this. What did that look on her face mean?

Then your eyes drifted down and you stifled, when it dawned upon you just why she was looking like that.

Slowly, you sensed your cheeks prickle, heat up and your breathing got stuck in your throat. Yongguk’s arms were wrapped around your waist securely.

Your back was pressed up against his solid chest that felt just so warm. You breathed in deeply, trying to digest it all. You had only now, noticed that.

And was Yongguk defending you? Did he just save you from total embarrassment? You breathed in deeply, trying to gather yourself.

Then you felt his arms tighten even more around you, causing your body to tense against him. You blinked your eyes thousands of times in a second. It was hard to believe that Yongguk stood up for you. He was protecting you. You pursed your lips.

“Well, alright, I understand.” She muttered, not looking you in the eyes, nor at Yongguk. She stared out at the empty hall. She cleared after a second.

“I’m sorry mom. I know you are upset because I haven’t been visiting you enough, and I know that I should do better as your daughter, and I promise I will.” You said and you combed your fingers through your hair, fixing your messy hair. Your mother sighed.

“I know how hard it is to be a mother, and if you disappear again on us, I won’t let it slide.” She warned.

She looked out at the front door on the ground and noticed the fruit basket. She went to retrieve it, and gave you the side eye, before she strode off. You sighed aloud, upset.

“I’m sure your mom won’t be that mad.” You repeated his words, but he didn’t reply you. “I told you she would be mad at me.” You added as you looked out at the empty hall. You lowered your gaze, and sighed deeply, feeling so bad.

Amid your own thoughts, you felt his chest vibrate against your back, and your eyes widened. He was laughing at this. He really thought this was amusing.

“I. Didn’t. Think. It. Would. Be. That. Bad.” He said in between laughs.

You turned around to face him. His hands loosened around your waist to then move to his sides. He reached one hand out, placed it on his left pec, tossed his head back and laughed even harder. You gasped at his bold reaction.

“Do you think this is funny?” You asked as you stared at his laughing face.

“Yeah, your mother is hilarious. I wish I could have recorded that.” He chuckled, when he looked back at you.

“Oh-you- you little..” You paused as you raised your finger at him.

“What?” He dared to ask with a grin plastered on his good-looking face.

“Toad.” You said, but he continued to laugh.

“That doesn’t work on me, if you are trying make me mad.” He laughed.

You poked him in his rib hard enough to cause his body to jerk, making him take a step away. He rubbed his ribs as he stared at you with a stunned look.

“How about that?” You raised your chin.

“Kwon.” He said, when you smiled innocently at him.

“Serves you.” You said.

Suddenly, he stepped forward, staring into your eyes, but you stood steadfast, meeting his coal dark eyes.

“Is this the reward and thanks I get for saving you from getting a possible beating?” He asked.

You stiffened, stared into his coal dark eyes that bored in yours. A moment of silence passed by as you looked at one another. You gulped.

It was quite sweet of him to do that. Actually, it was a lot sweet of him. So, maybe he did deserve a reward for helping you out. Your mother could have scolded you even more if it he hadn’t stopped her.

“What do you want?” You asked as you looked into his eyes.

He bit onto his bottom lip. Another moment of silence passed by. Somehow, your heart began to beat just a little bit harder.

His hand moved up and he pointed at his cheek with a straight look. You could feel your cheeks heat up. Your eyes widened for a second, not expecting this, but you quickly gathered yourself.

Didn’t want him to figure you out. He was so sly. In fact, you didn’t mind, which might be worse than him asking for a kiss on the cheek.

You took a step towards him with an unfazed look. Well you tried hard to not seem fazed by it, when your heart was on a race. He stood still, gazing into your eyes.

You stood on your toes, trying to reach his height, reach to his face. He was kind enough to lower himself a bit for you.

But you leaned a bit closer to him, moved up, and close enough till you could feel his breathing touch your face.

You gazed up into his ethereal eyes and you placed your hands gently onto his broad shoulders, just for balance, nothing else.

But oh-my, his shoulders were broad, firm and yet they felt warm. His blouse was soft too. What were you thinking about? Why didn’t you just say to no that kiss? Why did you have to say no? You were losing your mind.

For a moment, you just looked into one another’s eyes and you breathed deeply. He had that same look on his face, when he saw you in that silver-grey dress, that rare unreadable look. You couldn’t think of that now.

You tipped your head to the side, closed your eyes tightly, moved your lips to his side, and gently pressed your lips to his cheek. His skin felt so soft and warm.

However, you were so angry, or maybe annoyed at yourself for feeling this way, and not being able to fully control this emotion.

Hence you ended up pressing your lips harder than you had expected. You sank your teeth into his skin, biting onto his flesh.

He hissed, but you didn’t stop yet. You nibbled harder. He let out some low sound, perhaps a silent cuss. You pressed your fingers into his shoulders, keeping him in place as you bit harder.

Sensing that you wouldn’t stop, he quickly reached his hands out, grabbed you by your hips, spun you around, and pressed you up against the wall, forcing you to look into his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he lowered down you, meeting you on an eye-level. His jaw was clenched. Your heart was hammering against your chest.

“Be gentle.” He said with a hard look as his eyes bored in yours.

“No.” You said firmly. His eyes widened by a millimeter for a split second and you could have worn he quickly smiled.

Even you were surprised at yourself. You had just said that aloud. You didn’t know why you did that.

“Do it again, and I’ll bite you back, kwon.” He warned, and you gasped.

“No, you wouldn’t.” You narrowed your eyes at him.

“Are you testing me?” He asked as he lowered even more. You blinked your eyes.

Yongguk was looking at you so intently, like he was daring you. Just looking so deeply into your eyes, stirring all sorts of feelings inside you.

It struck you how close you were standing, that his hands were on your hips, and you pulled away, flushing up, because you had been in close intimacy.  

You were about to turn around, walk away, end this childish game of yours, but he then grabbed onto your shoulders, and drew you back to him, making you gasp of surprise. He placed his hands back on your hips and held onto you firmly.

Somehow, you were unmovable as he pulled you even closer, narrowing the gap between you, and you felt like a lifeless doll in his hold.

Trying to fight against whatever this feeling was within you, your shoulders tensed up, and you couldn’t pull away or move, when you noticed his piercing eyes on you.

“Is that it? I don’t get more, sweet Kwon?” He asked with a little smile.

S-sweet Kwon? You stared at him, dumbfounded.

His voice was cool as cucumber and calm like a breeze, sending chills down your spine. He clenched his jaw, looking intently at you.

How could he be so mischievous once moment, and then look so calm, when he uttered those words to you?

You couldn’t faze his words that made your heart get jittery-wobbly-giddily and all that weird nice feelings that bubbled within you, making your knees become soft like overcooked noodles.

You wanted to grab him by his broad and firm shoulders, shake him vigorously for stirring these emotions within you, and not being responsible for it, but who were you kidding.

You were responsible for your own feelings, which you have learned after having had those unrequited love in the past. So, you had to look just as nonchalant as he does, right?

You must not let him deter you with his otherworldly behavior, not let him figure out just how he makes you feel, whenever he acts this playful with you. 

“You don’t get more for poking fun of me.” You said with a deadpanned look, and he finally smiled, making your chest tighten.

Don’t smile. It makes my stupid heart flutter.

His smile seemed to grow, making his eyes light up, making him look so innocent, making him look younger, making your heart tighten even more. These feelings were so absurd to the very bone. It felt like a constipation inside your heart.

“Wash off that grin and stop joking around.” You added with a blank look.

“Who said I was joking?” He asked as his smile got replaced with that hard look he has.

A moment of silence passed by as he looked at you with a straight face. You held in your breath and closed your eyes, when you felt the trail of his thumb on your cheek.

It was a tender touch and almost light like feathers. His hand seemed so careful as if you were made of glass.

“Sera, why aren’t you coming?” Your mother shouted from the living room, pulling you out from your reverie. You opened your eyes and looked up.

His eyes kept you locked, made you become still. You breathed out deeply. You almost forgot to breathe.

Your heart was pounding against your chest, and your feet seemed to be glued to the ground, and you were unmovable.

“Sera!” Your mom shouter louder this time. 

“I’m coming!” You shouted back in a slightly panicky voice.

Quickly, you pulled away from Yongguk, and your hands retrieved to your sides, away from him. You blinked your eyes, flushing up like a teenager.

This feeling was too absurd. Your heart had an annoying constipation today. It was definitely some sort of constipation or perhaps a virus, a very rare one.

Snapping out of your little reverie, you took another step back. Your eyes met briefly before he spun around and was already heading to the living room.

Taking in a few deep breaths to calm your unsteady heartbeat, you nodded to yourself once you had calmed down a bit and strode off.

“Stupid constipation.” You sighed quietly and deeply.

For a second there, you had really forgotten that you were in your parent’s house, in the hallway, and that the rest of your family were waiting for you.

Yongguk made a turn, he disappeared into the room, out of your sight, and you heard your fathers voice coming from the living room.

Yongguk’s laugh echoed in the house mixed with your father’s. Then you heard the soft yet deep voice from your little brother.

“Hyung.” Hyuk cooed.

You had to get in there and greet your father. You could only hope that he wouldn’t act like how your mother did. Your father is a bit softer than your mother.


Just when you entered the room, you found Hyuk hugging Yongguk tightly, and you stiffened. The two boys were laughing.

The two hadn’t even seen each other in a while. Yet they seemed so close as though they had been in touch every day.

Upon hearing someone clear their throat, you tipped your head to the side, and glanced out. You stiffened, when you saw that deadpanned-serious-furious look. You gulped hard.

Now was the time of discovery, whether he would be angry too or not. You shut your eyes tightly, took in a deep breath and waited for your verdict.

Your father walked up to you, slipped his arms around you, and pulled you in for a tight embrace. Shocked, you dropped your arms to your sides, as you had expected him to be a bit mad at you.

You slipped your arms around him and leaned into him, glad that he didn’t embarrass you in front of Yongguk.

“Dad.” You said in a small voice.

“Thank you for coming home, my girl.” He said as he patted your back gently.

“Dad, I missed you.” You said as you tightened your hold on him.

He let out a deep-heartfelt laughter that made your heart soothe as you had expected him to be disappointed.

“I’m so sorry for not visiting you enough like I used to.” You whispered in a small voice as he held onto you, and he shook his head with a smile.

“It’s okay. I know it’s hard being a parent.” He said.

As you pulled away from your father, he gave your back a quick and light tap, making you smile. He had clearly noticed the sappy- sad look on your face.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” He added with a warm smile.

You looked out and saw in the distance that Yongguk was watching you with a rigid posture until, Hyuk appeared from behind him and laid his arm over his shoulder.

“Hey sis, are you back from the dead.” Hyuk smiled, and you shook your head.

“Hyuk, don’t talk like that.” Your father hissed.

Your little brother hid his face into Yongguk’s shoulder, what a good hiding place. Yongguk gazed down at your brother with a smile on his face. Then he placed his hand on Hyuk’s back. The two looked like buddies.

“I got you.” Yongguk said, making Hyuk stick his tongue at you.

You scrunched your face at him. Yongguk was smiling coyly at you. He was totally siding with Hyuk. You rolled your eyes at him. Nonetheless, ended up smiling.

“Grow up.” You said to your teenager brother, who pulled off a face, and Yongguk was laughing at it.

You cleared your throat and strode off to the kitchen, where your mom had gone to clearly set the dining table.

In the distant, you could hear Yongguk and Hyuk catch up on things. Oddly enough, it all felt so normal to you now, bringing Yongguk to your family.

Ki Joon asked if he could watch cartoon with your father. That made you smile. The sound of the television turning on was the last sound you heard.

As though, your mother sensed your presence, she turned around and looked at you. Halfway to her, you stopped in your tracks.

Scared she might flip out again, you kept a distance. She had that questioning expression, like she was onto something. You gulped hard.

“Be honest with me.” She began and paused.

Does she a have hunch about something?

She had a feeling that something was wrong. You could tell. You knew that look on her face very well.

That look she had, when she first found out that you liked Taecyeon. It was her motherly instincts that were kicking in again.

No matter how hard you tried to cover up or act, she would always see through you. You closed your fists to your sides, looking at her, hoping she didn’t discover this.

“Sera.” She called out as you spaced out.

“Huh?” You mumbled and rubbed your arm, looking back at her. She was standing in front of you now.

“You’ve been avoiding your family, tell me why you have done that?” She asked.

She wiped her hands on her apron and folded her arms over her front, narrowed her eyes by a millimeter, looking at you with much interest.

You looked around you, hoping for someone to walk in and take you out from the kitchen, so you could run away from this question. If you lied to her, she would probably see through you.

Sweat was breaking out on your back, your palms became sticky and you breathed in deeply. Your lips became dry, so you them so

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2026 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^