Her Pillar

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 64

Her Pillar 


Not even an hour had passed by, when the door to the room opened, and his friends stormed in with puzzled looks. They all looked over frantically at the hospital bed where the kid was sleeping.

Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Junhong all looked pale and worried. Just when their heads turned in Yongguk’s direction, Yongguk pressed his finger to his lips, shushing them before they opened their mouths to ask questions like a fountain.

Yongguk nodded down at the sleeping you on his lap, making their eyes wander down. They all tensed up like statues, when they finally noticed you sleeping.

Then they walked up to Ki Joon’s bed and saw that he was sleeping peacefully. Junhong had a frown, and a pout.

“What happened?” Himchan whispered.

Yongguk took in a deep breath. His eyes drifted down to you. You were sleeping, breathing in and out quietly. He clenched his jaw. Not moving at all, he looked back at his friend.

“He had an accident at an outing today. He fell and received a concussion. He also has a radius fracture. And he is still unconscious.” He explained in a low tired voice.

“This has to be a lie.” Daehyun said in disbelief as he ran his hand through his hair in denial.

Jongup, Youngjae and Junhong walked over to the bed and looked down at the boy. They all seemed paled and stunned, not knowing what to do of themselves.

“Hey, kiddo, your uncles are here, you can wake up now.” Junhong said as he the boy’s hair.

“How is Sera doing?” Youngjae asked in a low tone as he glanced down at you.

Yongguk sighed deeply and ran his hand down the length of his face. He didn’t dare to move an inch, in fear of waking you up from your nap.

“She is really disheartened and scared.” He said in a low tone.

“How about you, hyung, how are you?” Youngjae asked.

“I have to be strong for her.” He said quietly.

“You are really dealing with this well.” Himchan said.

Yongguk didn’t know what to say and just remained quiet. He truthfully didn’t know how to deal with it.

The guys had brought stuffed animals, flowers, and chocolate for the kid, which they placed on the table near the window. Jongup poured fresh water into the vase and put the flowers in.

Youngjae suddenly nudged Himchan’s arm and nodded towards Yongguk. Himchan scrunched his face and looked at his friend, who sat quietly with you on his lap.

They noticed how Yongguk didn’t move, not even an inch. They hadn’t seen him act this way before, so careful and cautious.

Yongguk’s hand moved along your back, carefully and tenderly. He caressed your back as though it came natural to him. They raised their brows and stared at one another with a knowing look.

They couldn’t hide their grins and surprised looks. Himchan had to give them a discreet warning before Yongguk would notice.

However, they chose to let it slide for now. It wasn’t the place or right time to tease neither of you.

A sudden movement by you, made Yongguk tense up. You clutched onto his blouse, when you lifted your eyelids, slowly looked up at him with a tired expression, and he didn’t know what to do of himself.

He tensed up, stiffened, and stared at your face. Your eyes were so puffy from all the crying earlier. He bit onto his bottom lip. You blinked your eyes tiredly.

“Yongguk.” You said his name so softly in a that little broken voice. The sound barely came out of you. He felt his chest tighten.

He clenched his fists at his sides as his hand was about to move out to touch you. His hand no longer touched your back. He moved his hands down to his sides.

“Yes?” He replied.

“Is Ki Joon awake?” You asked him tiredly and with your eyes half-closed.

“Not yet.” He said.

Hating having to tell you something you didn’t want or wish to hear, but he had to be honest with you.

“Why won’t he wake up?” You asked quietly whilst pulling on his shirt.

He sighed deeply, and looked up at his friends, who all had a saddened look on their faces once they also heard how sad you were.

Yongguk rubbed his eyes tiredly. He clenched his jaw, took a deep breath, and looked into your searching deep eyes. He had to be positive for your sake.

“He will wake up soon.” He told you in a resolute voice and firm look, because he believed in it, he had to believe.

Then you pulled away from him and he blinked his eyes, stiffening. Your eyes were suddenly wide open, you seemed more aware, and you looked puzzled to him, embarrassed to have fallen asleep on his lap. He didn’t want you to feel this way.

For a split second, he furrowed his brows, but relaxed quickly, when he saw you grabbing onto your face in embarrassment.

“Sera.” He began, and you looked at him.

“I’m so sorry, I fell asleep on you.” You said, when you were coming back to your senses.

He noticed how you sounded shocked. The fact that your cheeks reddened, and you were trying to pull yourself together.

He clenched his fists even more, wanting to reach his hand out to hold you, to lay you down again, to let you know that he doesn’t mind, not the slightest.

But then, he didn’t know if it was alright for him to do that, when you seemed embarrassed about it. You sat back up, facing him with flushed cheeks.

The blanket slid down your body. You hadn’t even noticed who was in the room with the pair of you and your kid.

“It’s okay.” He said.

You blinked your eyes, still looking at him, and he didn’t look away. He didn’t know why, he couldn’t break off the gaze from you. You looked so sad to him, so vulnerable. He felt his chest tighten even more.

“The guys are here.” He finally gathered himself to say.

You frowned, about to open your mouth, but then you heard some footsteps, someone clearing their throat, so you closed your mouth, turned around, and looked out.

“Noona.” Junhong’s voice called out, and you stiffened.

You noticed Yongguk’s friends, and your eyes widened. You were suddenly wide awake.

“When did you guys come?” You asked, surprised.

“About ten minutes ago.” Himchan replied.

“I’m sorry, I fell asleep.” You apologized as you quickly slipped your fingers through your hair, combing your hair. Your hair was probably messy as a bird nest.

When you could sense Yongguk’s intense deep eyes on you, you moved your hands down to your lap, stopped fixing your hair and kept your gaze lowered.

“It’s okay.” Jongup assured.

“How are you doing?” Youngjae asked in a little worried voice, making you look up at him.

He stood still. His eyes were a bit wide. His already milky complexion looked white like rice cakes. You gave him a little smile at his concerned question. He was so sweet to be so worried.

“I’ve had better days.” You confessed in a quite dry and small voice. You didn’t sound like yourself. You rubbed your eyes tiredly.

“Sera.” Himchan said.

“I’ll be fine as soon we get out of here.” You said.

“I understand how you must be feeling.” Daehyun said.

“Just pray that Ki Joon will wake up soon.” You said.

 “Don’t worry, he will wake up soon.” Youngjae said with a hopeful gleam in his bright brown eyes.

“We know he will. He is a tough boy.” Jongup added with a smile, making you genuinely smile upon seeing how they tried to comfort you.

Yongguk looked at you, noticing how you seemed lethargic and tired. You had that same concerned look on your face, which you have had from the moment he saw you.

Yet you tried to smile to his friends, even when you were disheartened. He couldn’t help himself now.

He moved his hand out to you whilst you were looking at his friends with that warm look in your eyes.

Suddenly, you felt Yongguk lay his hand on your back. The sudden warmth against your back made you shudder. He tapped your back gently.

“Why don’t you get some more sleep.” He said in a small deep voice, and you shook your head quickly.

“I’m okay.” You assured him as you tipped your head to the side to look at him but froze.

His eyes seemed so soft. You had never seen such a look in those hauntingly deep eyes before. Never had he looked at you that way.

His hand rested against your back, and it felt warm. You blinked your eyes. You felt your heart pound against your chest.

You your lips soft as they had become dry. You felt your throat tighten. His eyes bore in yours for a quiet moment.

“I’ll go get something to drink.” Junhong broke out, and he hurried out of the room.

“I’ll go with you.” Jongup quickly added and rushed after his friend.

The three guys were in the room with you- Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae. They were very quiet, they looked around the room, almost avoiding your gaze.

You hadn’t seen them like this before either. You weren’t used to seeing them be this way, careful and so quiet. They are usually so loud and vibrant.

They looked all clueless and helpless. Though, you couldn’t blame them. They were surprised and saddened. You felt just as helpless as they did.

“Thank you for coming.” You said, trying to brighten the mood. They all looked at you and quickly nodded.

“Of course, we had to come, we can’t leave you guys alone.” Himchan said.

“And thank you for bringing Ki Joon flowers and chocolate. He loves chocolate.” You said, smiling at the latter part. You  

“We are here if you need anything, please ask us for help.” Daehyun added.

The sincerity was in their voices, their eyes spoke the truth, and their body language as they stood in front of you, stiff like marble, hands crossed in front of them.

“You guys are just the best. You should all sit down.” You said.

You were about to get up from the couch. Your body wasn’t prepared for it. You weren’t aware of just how much mentally exhausted you were and what impact it could have on your body due to the amount of fatigue you felt.

Instantly, you were hit by a sudden dizziness, when you stood up, which caused your knees to buck. You felt the strength in your legs surrender.

But you reached your hand out to grab onto your head that was spinning. It felt like the floor was moving under you.

Unexpectedly you were pulled in for a tight embrace before you hit the floor. Your cheek slammed against something quite hard but warm. It all happened so fast.

“Don’t just stand up so fast, you’ll get dizzy.” You heard Yongguk say.

Your cheek was pressed against his warm chest, and his arms enveloped your waist. Your legs still felt like overcooked noodles.

You leaned against him for support. Your arms hung down your sides, but his were securely wrapped around you tightly, keeping you up.

“I-I’m okay.” You said in a tiny voice that trembled.

“You clearly aren’t.” He said in a firm tone.

He shook his head, pulled you back slowly, and helped you sit down on the couch. Your eyes followed up to him as he grabbed the blanket and began to tuck you in. He laid the blanket over your body.

Neatly he pressed the blanket down your arms. You sat still as you were stuffed in like wrap. Once he was done, he pulled back and looked at you with that same hauntingly stare. His face inches away from you.

“Don’t overwork yourself.” He said, sounding firm just like his usual self. You gave him a weak little smile and saw him stiffen for a mere second. His left eye twitched. Then he pulled away.

“I have to call the company.” He said.

He turned around, walked up to his friends, grabbed onto Daehyun’s hand, and pulled him towards the couch.

“Go sit with her and keep an eye on her whilst I’m gone.” He ordered in his deep voice.

“Yes, sir.” Daehyun nodded.

Yongguk stole a glance at you and when he saw his friend sit next to you, he left the room. You stared at the closed door.

The moment he made a turn down the hall, he took out his phone and called his company ‘consent media’. Soon, the call was picked up by his director- friend.

“Yongguk where did you suddenly go, why did you leave the meeting?” His employer asked.

“Hyung, something happened. My kid is hurt, so I must take a leave from work. You need to cancel every upcoming project. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone but I have to for Ki Joon and for Sera.” He told.

“Is Ki Joon alright, and how is his mother?” He asked.

“Don’t worry, they will be alright.” Yongguk said.

“And you? Are you keeping yourself together?”

Yongguk became quiet at that question with the phone pressed to his ear. He shook his head to himself, closed his eyes, becoming quiet, not knowing what to say. His silence spoke for him.

Yongguk took in a deep shaky breath. He ran his hand down the length of his face, rubbing his eyes that were wet. He let out a deep sound of frustration.

“Are you alright.” His friend asked.

“Yeah.” He croaked. His voice was barely there. It was rough and low.

“You know I’m here with anything that you need. I’ll lend you my shoulder to cry too.” His friend said, making Yongguk let out a chocked chuckle.

“Stop it. I’m not crying.” Yongguk scoffed.

“Yes, sure.” His friend said.

There was a moment of silence as he was collecting himself. His eyes were lowered, avoiding the curious gazes by the random passerby’s in the hall. He didn’t want anyone to see his vulnerable side.

“I have to call Sera’s family and mine too. I need to inform.” He added.

“Why don’t you give it a day? Make sure your family is alright first and get yourself together. The rest can wait.” His friend said.

Yongguk took in a deep breath, nodding at the wise words his friend gave him. It seemed more rational to wait.

“I guess you are right. I need to make sure that Sera is collected before I call her parents. She will probably break down again. I can’t have that happen.” He said aloud as he was thinking deeply.

“I agree on that.” His friend said.

It would be too much consuming if everyone were told of it now. Then you would have to deal with your families too.

He closed his eyes as he could imagine that you would break down again once you would see your mother. He didn’t want that to happen.

“Thank you for the talk.” Yongguk said.

“You, call me when you need anything, I’ll take care of the situation here.” His friend from work said.

“Thanks.” Yongguk said quietly and hung up the call.

He stood still outside the hall for a moment. He reached his hand inside the pocket of his jacket. He felt the package that was there. Then he went to the elevator.

The wind was chilly at the roof of the hospital. He strode over to the metal railing and looked up at the clear skies.

The sun was peeking out the clouds. His eyes then drifted down to the busy roads. Everything seemed small from up there.

He took out the package from his pocket, opened it and brought out one cigarette. Then he lit it with a lighter.

He brought the cigarette to his lips, took the first long drag, breathed in, and let the smoke out. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back.


“I wonder where hyung went.” Junhong said aloud.

Himchan tapped his shoulder, looking intently into the younger guy’s eyes. You looked at the two men as they shared a look.

“He’s probably out getting some fresh air. He needs that.” Himchan said.

“Yeah, probably.” Junhong said as he rubbed his neck.

You looked around the room. You had been sitting for too long till your bottom started to sleep. It made you feel even more tired. You had to get up and walk a bit.

Hence, you stood up and the guys instantly gathered around you, making you laugh as Jongup grabbed your arm.

“I’m okay.” You guaranteed.

Your voice was so different than your usual steady voice. It was small like a mouse. You shrugged casually and gave them a little assuring smile, but they swarmed you.

“I want to see his face.” You said.

With that sentence, Jongup freed your arm and the guys took a step back. Then you walked over to the bed exhausted. You just wanted to sit beside the little sleeping angel.

There was a chair nearby, which you lifted and carried towards the bed, but stopped as Youngjae took the chair from your arms and placed it near the bed for you. You muttered a silent, “Thanks.” He nodded and took a step back.

You seated on the chair. You pursed your lips, looked out at the boy. Then you reached your hand out and grabbed the small hand in yours. His hand somehow felt a bit cold. You looked up.

“He’s warm.” You said in a scared voice. “Why is he so warm?” Your voice raised in fear as you stood up from the chair.

You looked at the monitor near the bed. You were reading the numbers and his pulse, heart rate, it seemed fine.

In that moment, Yongguk walked in and you were pulled in his arms. “The nurse is coming to check on him, calm down.” He whispered in your ear.

His voice was as soft as silk and smooth. His hand along your spine, calming your nerves. You were on the edge.

You breathed in deeply to calm down, but scrunched your nose, when you could smell something strong from Yongguk. You couldn’t think further about it.

“Where were you?” You asked.

“I’m sorry I was gone.” He said.

“I can’t take it anymore, Yongguk.” You said in a small voice.

Whilst Yongguk held onto you, you turned over and looked at the boy. You clutched onto Yongguk’s shirt.

“He’s so warm.” You said to him as you looked into his eyes. “Why-why is this happening to our boy?” You asked.

Yongguk looked around him, taking in a deep breath, he held you securely as he could sense that you were trembling, and he needed you to calm down.

“Hey, shh-shh, look at me.” He said in a soothing tone.

Your eyes drifted up to him. He cupped your cheeks, making you look into his eyes, not that you had any other choice. You blinked the tears away before they trickled down your cheeks.

“Ki Joon needs you to be strong for him, okay?” He said. You were quiet but listened to his words. “Kwon?” He called out. You finally reacted and nodded.  

The pair of you pulled apart, when the door opened, and a nurse walked in. She stepped near the bed, started to check up on Ki Joon’s vitals on the monitor, pressed her index and middle finger over the underside of his wrist, feeling his pulse.

Then she checked his temperature and heart rate through the machines. Once she was done, she turned to look at the parents- you and Yongguk.

“Ki Joon seems to have a mild fever. It’s just a mild fever, which should subside over the night. I will bring his food.” She said before she left.

You sighed weakly and looked over the boy. You slowly walked to his bed, sat down on the chair, grabbed his hand, and kissed the surface of his palm. Then you rested your head on the bed and closed your eyes.

Yongguk stood still behind you, eyeing you quietly for a few seconds, before he turned to look at his friends, whom he had somehow briefly forgotten about.

“Guys, I’m sorry for being so distant right now.” He said.

“It’s okay.” Daehyun quickly assured.

“Maybe we should head home.” Youngjae suggested.

“The two of you need each other right now.” Himchan said and the rest of the guys nodded in agreement. Yongguk shook his head.

“No, it’s alright for you to stay a little longer.” Yongguk assured, but Himchan walked up to him, patted his back gently and gave him a silent nod. “I’ll call you, when there is more information.” Yongguk added.

The guys patted Yongguk’s back before they left, and let you stay with Ki Joon, thinking it was for the better.

Once they left, Yongguk turned to look at you. He watched you, leaning over the bed, your hand rested over Ki Joon’s.

In the blink of an eye, you had fallen asleep near Ki Joon with your head on the bed. Yongguk let out a small sigh, strode over to the opposite side of the bed, looked at the boy and his cheek.

“Hey, pumpkin. It’s dad. Mom and I want you to wake up soon, so we can have fun again. We want you back home.” He said whilst he rubbed Ki Joon’s other hand.

Suddenly, he sensed the little boy’s thumb move. He looked up instantly and he noticed a movement.

“Sera.” He rasped out, but you didn’t respond.

He knew you would want to be awake right now and see this so your mind would be reassured. Hence, he reached his hand out, shook your arm, making you jolt of surprise.

You opened your eyes with the same saddened look, making him feel bad for a second for waking you up, but he knew that you had to be awake. You were feeling puzzled. You had dozed off for a few minutes.

“Sorry, I woke you up, sweetness.” He said.

“It’s okay. I suddenly fell asleep.” You said in a small voice as you rubbed your eyes tiredly.

His eyes remained fixed on you. You sounded so hurt. He felt his chest tighten yet again. You rubbed looked over at Yongguk, whose eyes were on you, making you tense up.

“Has something happened?” You asked.  

“I think he will wake up in a bit.” He said averting his eyes from you and to the boy.

“What?” You asked.

You jumped up from your chair and stared at the bed, at the boy who was still sleeping. You sighed deeply, when you noticed that his eyes were still closed.

“Ki Joon?” Yongguk called out.

Suddenly you saw a movement in his hands. His little thumb moved, then his lips quivered, and a small sound escaped through his lips, when he opened his mouth. Your eyes widened, and you reached down to him just when his eyes opened.

His lips trembled more and more. Water trickled down his cheeks, when he saw you and Yongguk hovering over him.

“Baby?” You said softly.

But Ki Joon was crying, which scared you. You hadn’t seen him cry like this before, cry so much as though he was in pain.

“Yongguk.” You shouted, and he was gone like the wind to fetch the doctor.

“Hey, baby, it’s okay. Mom is here. Dad is here too.” You spoke softly as you caressed his cheek and rubbed the tears away.

Your little angle finally nodded, reacting to your words, which made you calm down a bit, and you remembered Yongguk’s words.

“Ki Joon needs you to be strong for him.”

“I’m scared.” Were the first words he said.

You gasped, leaned down to him and pressed your cheek against him gently. You pressed a soft kiss on his cheek.

His cheeks were wet from the tears he had shed that made your heart rip into tiny pieces. You never wanted to see your kid cry of pain and sadness.

“I’m here.” You assured him in a sweet little tone that made him nod and slowly calm down.

His small hands reached out and he wrapped them around your neck, keeping you close to him. Your heart swelled up immensely.

You breathed in, letting his warm hug consume you and recharge you. It was all you needed right now. It was what you had been waiting for. He was still himself.

“I missed you.” He said in his little voice, sounding like himself. You wanted to wail, sob aloud, but you had to stay collected for him.

Suddenly, you were acting rational. You pulled back, pressed your hand on his forehead to feel his fever, which still seemed mild. Then you looked behind you, when you heard the approaching sound of footsteps.

Doctor Choi from earlier walked into the room with Yongguk behind him. The doctor had a bright and warm smile on his face as he looked at your little boy. He stopped in front of the kid.

“Hey champion. Did you wake up from your nap?” The doctor asked, and Ki Joon nodded. “I’m just going to check you, okay?” He asked and Ki Joon nodded. “Open your mouth.” Ki Joon followed the doctor’s instructions as he got a checkup.

Once the doctor was done, he grabbed Ki Joon’s hand with a smile. “You are one strong boy.” The doctor said with a sweet smile.

However, Ki Joon didn’t smile, he didn’t speak, he pursed his lips, looking sad, and didn’t say much.

It wasn’t like Ki Joon to not respond. He was like that the first day he stepped onto this new family.

“Can I have a word with one of you?” The doctor asked, and Yongguk instantly stepped in.

Yongguk left the room with the doctor, and you were alone with the little angel in that white gown. You sat back down on the chair and looked at the boy.

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Hello everyone, it’s been too long. I’ve published a chapter. If you’re still here, and reading, kindly leave a comment after reading. Hope everyone has been well and that life is treating you kindly <3


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2026 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^