
Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 26



There was a loud sound coming from Yongguk’s studio room three in the afternoon. You just walked into the house after finishing an early morning shift from seven am to two pm. You felt a bit tired after having been at the orphanage and with the kids.

You arched a brow and stared out in the hallway. You couldn’t hear anyone, but the sounds of loud music. You wondered what was going on.

It was Friday, and Yongguk was home. You wondered if he had taken Ki Joon to kindergarten or picked him up. You decided to follow the loud sounds.

As you approached his studio, you could hear what the song was. It was a song from the famous band named BIGBANG. A group you were a fan of.

You hadn’t figured that Yongguk was a fan of BIGBANG, but here you were, hearing BIGBANG. You could finally hear the sounds as you approached the room.

‘bang bang bang’

You suppressed your laughter. It was Ki Joon who was singing. You didn’t knock on the door, as you wanted to surprise him, but also catch them in whatever they were doing. Probably having a son and father bonding moment whilst you had been gone for work.

You stood at the door, leaning against the door frame. You stared out with wide eyes. Ki Joon was dancing on the carpet to the music, looking happy and vibrant, and just so cute. His little dance moves made him look so charming.

On the other hand, Yongguk’s head was buried in some paperwork, he seemed to be writing in a notebook.

You wondered about how he could focus in that loud sound. He hadn’t even heard you open the door, so he hadn’t seen you, obviously.

He had his MacBook in front of him, and his email was open. You narrowed your eyes, and read the mail. He was sending lyric sheets to some composer. 

You walked up to Ki Joon, ruffled his hair, and earned a big smile from him. You then turned down the volume on the speakers.

“Ki Joon?” Yongguk called with his back against the two of you.

You pursed your lips, hiding your grin, because he still hadn’t noticed you. Yongguk thought that Ki Joon turned down the volume. “Want me to change the song, what do you want to hear?” He asked the boy.

“The three bears!” Ki Joon shouted.

“Again?” Yongguk asked, and you could register the hint of tiredness in his tone.

You quickly figured that he had kept Ki Joon home today. He had his MacBook connected to his speakers through Bluetooth.

You finally cleared your throat, you saw him raise his head, fix his posture, and then he spun around in his office chair, and faced you.

“Kwon.” He breathed out surprised.

“When did you come?” He asked.

You finally walked up to him, and leaned down to see at the papers he had been writing on with a black pen.

You stood so close to him that you could smell his aftershave. You breathed deeply, and instantly, his scent filled your nostrils.

Yongguk turned to look at you, his eyes narrowed. Your hair fell over your face and you were reading his lyrics closely.

The words he had written made your cheeks heat up. It wasn’t some bubbly, cute love song. It was song about lovemaking, and you pulled away, feeling flushed.

Oddly, you started to feel uncomfortable, and you rubbed the back of your neck. Yongguk kept his eyes on you, and he saw you freeze.

‘Banana shake, flying on a strawberry sky canvas’

You gulped hard, what kind of metaphor was he using. You couldn’t begin to try to analyze it. But you knew it was something ual, something that described a ual act. That was enough to set your cheeks on flames.

You quickly pulled yourself together, because by the look on his face, you could tell that he was plotting some jokes now. He was ready to tease you, and you weren’t down for such jokes.

“Have you had lunch?” You asked, trying to start a conversation, and you looked away from his papers.

“If you ask about Ki Joon, then yes. I gave him food.” He said, and you furrowed your brows.

“What about yourself. Did you eat?” You asked.

He exhaled deeply and shook his head. “I’ll fix something up, I haven’t had lunch either.” You said, and you took a step backwards.

Yongguk remained quiet, and you hurried out of his studio.

By the time that you were cooking some pasta and making salad, the doorbell rang. You looked out and saw Yongguk walk down the hall, and to the door. Your lips curved into a pout, and you wondered about whom it could be. 

Suddenly, you could hear the sounds of guys, loud noises, and laughs. Then Ki Joon came running down to the open room, and he headed straight to the hall, where the rest of the noise came from. 

A moment later, the kitchen was suddenly full of six men. Six very handsome men. Yongguk’s friends showed up, and you didn’t know that they would come.

“Hey, Sera.” Himchan smiled with his bright eyes.

You greeted all of them. It had been a while since you last saw them. You had kind of missed them. Yongguk’s friends were all so nice.

“How have you guys been?” You asked.

You fell into a little conversation with each of them, and Yongguk suddenly disappeared from the room with Ki Joon. You wondered about what their plans were.

“Oh my God. You have made pasta!” Daehyun exclaimed, and he hurried up to the island.

He grabbed a plate from the shelf and began to pour pasta on his plate, and he added the salad you had made. He smiled like a kid.

You giggled at his actions, and grabbed some pasta for yourself. “There’s enough for everyone, if you want.” You said aloud.

The rest of the guys shook their heads, and explained that they already had lunch a while ago. “Daehyun just eats like a cow, might as well get used to it, Sera.” Youngjae said, and laughed.

“Shut up, computer boy.” Daehyun fired back.

“Computer boy?” You asked with a confused look.

“Youngjae is pro-gamer.” Himchan quickly explained.

“You don’t want to ever play games with him, he holds grudges against people, and won’t back down until he wins.” Jongup said, sounding like he had experienced that a couple of times, and you laughed at their silliness.

Zelo couldn’t help but to laugh as well, and Youngjae scoffed at his friends, and pulled his guards up.

“That is so not true.” He said, growing angry, and everyone were just laughing.

“It’s true.” Zelo added and you shook your head.

They were all so silly, but it was clearly just banter. To you, they seemed like such close friends, and practically like family.

Youngjae joined the laughter soon after, and you couldn’t help but to smile as well. You had always wished to have such friends like them.

You sat down on a stool in front of the island, and you began to eat. The guys pretty much acted like themselves, like this place was their home, and it was quite nice to see this side of them.

Just when you were wondering about Yongguk and Ki Joon’s whereabouts, the two showed up. Your eyes fell to Yongguk. He wore a black bag over his shoulder. He headed to the island, and placed his gym back on the island.

“Where are you guys going?” You asked and blinked a couple of times.

Himchan gazed at Yongguk, and you waited for a reply.

“I’m taking Ki Joon out to the beach with the guys.” Yongguk finally explained, and you nodded, not knowing about his plans.

The guys stared at you with a blank look, and you turned around. You had finally finished your pasta, and placed your plate in the dishwasher, along with your fork.

Then Himchan nudged Yongguk’s shoulder, and he looked up at his friend with a clueless look. Himchan nodded towards you, and Yongguk blinked a couple of times, looking lost.

“We’ll get in the cars now.” Daehyun announced and he took off, and you heard the guys leave.

You stood in front of the sink, and you began to wash the pot you had used to cook the pasta. You were in your own mind, and you couldn’t help but to frown, and feel a bit saddened.

You were all alone now, and you didn’t want to be alone at home. You had nothing to do. You sighed, thinking about calling Taecyeon and make plans with him.

“Hey, Kwon?” Yongguk’s voice suddenly broke out from behind.

You thought he had left the house, and you accidentally dropped the pot into the sink, and got water splashed on your shirt. You hissed and stepped back.

“You can’t creep up on me like that. I thought you had left.” You groaned, pulling on your blouse, so it didn’t stick to your body and reveal your curves.

“Get changed.” He said, his voice sounded dry.

His eyes wandered down to your soaked blouse, and you stared up at him with a blank look, and burning cheeks. Then he rubbed the back of his neck, averted his eyes and stared out. He cleared his throat.

“Bring your swimsuit. I’ll be waiting in the car for you with Ki Joon.” He said and then he took off with his bag hung over his shoulder.

“Don’t take long now.” He added after he disappeared from your sight.

“Okay.” You said with a clueless look.

You thought he would never ask you to come along, and that this trip was only for the boys. But you had hoped that he would ask you to come along, because you didn’t want to be alone home and get bored.

You hurried upstairs and into your room. You stopped in front of your white dress, and pulled the bottom drawer out, and rummaged for your swimsuit. You knew that you only had a two- piece suit laying somewhere in your drawer. You rarely got to the beach or swimming pools, hence you only owned one pair.

The reason you had this two- piece swimsuit was because of your friend named Soomin. She pestered you into buying it, when you went on an overseas trip with her to Hawaii.

She wanted you to a have a summer fling with this really handsome mixed man who lived there. Of course, that never happened. You had a long history with Soomin. Today, you actually felt grateful to her, because she made you buy a swimsuit.

You could imagine Soomin jump from wherever she was right now, because you picked the swimsuit, and you were finally going to wear it.

You breathed deeply, feeling your cheeks flush when you saw at the tiny material. You had never before exposed this amount of skin in front of Yongguk.

What am I thinking, what do I do? Lord help

You decided to bring a tunic cover up, so you wouldn’t look too much. You packed your stuff into a bag along with your sunblock, and flipflops. You hurried down, and locked the front door.

There were two cars parked in front of your house, Yongguk’s car and the other was Himchan’s. You could see that Yongguk’s friends were in Himchan’s car. Ki Joon was in the backseat. You hurried up, opened the door and moved into the front seat.

“Are we good to go now?” Yongguk asked, and you made a small nod.

He then drove off, behind Himchan, who was leading the way. You took a glance at Ki Joon, who was playing with a small ball in his hands. He seemed happy and excited to be going to the beach.

“Did you remember your stuff?” Yongguk asked, and you nodded.

“When did you plan this?” You finally asked, and he glanced at you.

“This morning. The guys were off work, as well, so I asked them to come along. I didn’t know what time you would be coming home from work.. I was going to tell you about it.” He explained, and you nodded.


The sunrays lingered on your skin and you felt warm in this hot weather, but thankfully the summer breeze was there, helping you soothe up a little.

The guys had just parked the cars, and they headed down to get changed, and Ki Joon went with Yongguk. You agreed to meet at a spot.

They all took off and you headed to the ladies dressing room. Your heart raced a bit and you felt something tingle inside you, and you didn’t know why you felt this way.

You had kind of wanted to go to the beach and have fun with Ki Joon, Yongguk and the others. You had a pool at home, but had never used it. Maybe it was time to buy some swimsuits, and actually use the pool you had at home.

But today you had to wear what you had. You regretted not having bought a one piece earlier, but you pulled on the tunic cover up.

You glanced at yourself in the mirror, and breathed deeply, feeling at his uncomfortable. Your bikini was black. It was simple, but yet the top had some detail, it had a strap with a cross over detail. The straps went around your waist. The good part about this bikini top was that it had good support, which you needed, hence you bought it. The cover up didn’t do that much of a difference, but you looked more toned down and less exposed. It made you feel a bit comfortable.

You shook your head, wondering about why you were stressing out over your bikini. There were girls who wore tight and small sized bikinis and left the changing room.

You finally walked out, and you could see the guys from the distance. They seemed to be only waiting for you.

Ki Joon was playing around with Zelo, the youngest guy of Yongguk’s group of friends. They all wore shorts, and were ready to hit the beach.

You looked out, and your eyes instinctively seared for Yongguk. He wasn’t hard to spot. His tattoos made him stand out amongst his friends.

He seemed to be laughing a lot, and you wondered about what they were talking about. He ran his hand through his thick long black locks, and pushed them back so smoothly. Your heart actually skipped a beat, and you shook your head.

Your eyes wandered down his back. He was quite toned, and lean. As you approached them, the closer you got, you could see his back tattoo on his shoulder blade.

The guys hadn’t noticed you, as they were in a deep talk and they laughed. You quickly tugged on your lace cover up, and pulled your hair to your front. You took a last glance down your body, and you breathed deeply.

Then you looked up, and your eyes slightly widened. The guys were all looking at you, and they stopped talking, and laughing. They had a blank look. But your eyes were stuck on Yongguk’s.

His eyes bore into yours, and you suddenly felt out of place. You wanted to run back, and put your layers back on, and hide.

Why was he staring at you so much? You finally stopped in front of the guys, and you looked up at Yongguk.

“Let’s find a spot.” You said, and took off.

You walked past Yongguk, his mouth was ajar, and he spun around. His eyes followed you as you went to Ki Joon. You grabbed the little boy’s hand, and walked down the beach.

Yongguk’s friends all stared back at him, and they caught him gazing at you.

“I didn’t expect her to wear a damn bikini.” He said aloud, sounding frustrated.

“Why are you staring at her?” Himchan asked with an amused chuckle.

Yongguk instantly glared at his friend, who had an amused grin plastered on his handsome face. Yongguk scowled, ignoring his friend’s comment, and hurried after you and Ki Joon.

Ki Joon was jumping up and down whilst he held your hand, and you giggled aloud at his antics. He seemed so happy and it warmed your heart. You couldn’t stop smiling.

“Are you happy?” You asked him, and he nodded.

“How much?” You asked further.

“This much.” He said and spread his small arms, making you giggle.

You glanced out at the water, it was crystal blue and clear. You breathed deeply, letting the cool breeze hit you, and feel it linger on your skin.

The sound of the waves was so soothing to your ears, and there were quite a lot of people on the beach at this sunny day.

You turned to look at your side, and you saw Yongguk suddenly beside you. Then you glanced behind you. His friends were right behind you, and they were goofing around.

“We can sit over there.” He said, pointing at an empty spot, and you nodded.

Yongguk’s friends seemed to have planned it all, and you were quite taken back. They brought blankets, and even drinks and food.

They set up a few chairs, and you helped with setting the blanket on the sand. You were in the middle of putting the fruit out, when Yongguk came from your behind.

“Remember to keep an eye on Ki Joon. There are a lot of people here.” He said, and you looked up at him and nodded.

“Let’s not let him go alone in the water.” You added, and he nodded, and he looked into your eyes.

“He’s really excited to be here.” You said, and broke of the gaze. The pair of you looked at the boy.

He hung down Jongup’s shoulder, and got swayed around. The little boy was laughing out loud, and you giggled. Jongup knew how to make him happy, and his friends seemed happy around Ki Joon.

Yongguk glanced back at you, and he caught the smile on your face as you looked at Jongup and Ki Joon fooling around.

“You have such great friends.” You said, meeting his deep look, and the smile he had on his face faded.

“Yeah, they mean a lot to me.” He said, his tone turned deeper, and then he took off to Ki Joon.

You looked at him as he walked away. He really cared about his friends. It was somehow endearing to see how much he cared for them.

“Ki Joon, come and get sunblock on.” He waved to the boy.

Jongup finally set the kid down, and he hurried up to Yongguk. You saw them approach you, and you opened your bag.

Just as Yongguk showed up with the boy, you reached the cream to him. “Thanks.” He muttered.

He began to rub the little boy with the sunblock, and Ki Joon giggled and jumped, when it tickled. Yongguk laughed at his reaction, especially when he had to rub the back of his neck with crème. That was when Ki Joon squealed aloud, giggling because he was ticklish.

“You are so cute, my son.” Yongguk said to the boy.

He squeezed his cheek, leaned in and gave him a smooch on his cheek, making the boy giggle louder.

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Hello everyone, it’s been too long. I’ve published a chapter. If you’re still here, and reading, kindly leave a comment after reading. Hope everyone has been well and that life is treating you kindly <3


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^