Second Day

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 5

Second Day


The next morning, Yongguk woke up around seven am as he could hear some sounds coming from a room. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, and got up from the bed.

He walked closer to the noise, and could hear that it came from Ki Joon’s room, and he slowly opened the door. He furrowed his brows, when he found the little boy playing with some toys on the carpet.

Yongguk smiled upon seeing how quietly the little boy was playing by himself, and he wondered what time he woke up.

Ki Joon had the red car in his hand, which you had given to him yesterday. The little boy had built a car lane, and was fully concentrated on the game. Yongguk smiled as he looked at the boy.

“Good morning Ki Joon- ah.” Yongguk cooed in a husky tone to the boy, who looked up, and smiled shyly.

He was still shy, Yongguk chuckled to himself, and suddenly heard someone groan. He furrowed his brows, and his eyes fell upon the floor.

He tensed up, and clenched his jaw, when he saw you sleeping on the ground with a blanket on you. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

You had slept on the floor, the whole night beside Ki Joon, because you feared that the little boy might wake up suddenly during the night, and get scared.

It was his first time sleeping in a new place, and you couldn’t risk him getting scared all alone. Hence, you fell asleep beside the boy.

“This woman is crazy.” He muttered to himself in a low tone, so that Ki Joon couldn’t hear.

“How can she fall asleep everywhere.” Yongguk noticed he was talking to himself as Ki Joon just continued to play his game, ignoring him.

“Ki Joon- ah, did Sera sleep here all night?” He asked the little boy, who nodded, and Yongguk gasped.

Yongguk strode up to you, and gazed down at you for a moment. You clung onto the blanket, and Yongguk nudged your leg, gently.

“Get up.” He said, and he got no response as he had expected, and rolled his eyes.

“Ki Joon- ah, I got a little plan as to how we can wake Sera up.” He said amused to the little boy.

Ki Joon dropped his car on the carpet, and turned his attention on the older male. Yongguk gave then boy a quirky smile.

Yongguk hurried down in the kitchen, and poured cold water in a glass, and walked up. He came back to the room with the glass of cold water in his hand.

“Ki Joon- ah, you can pour it on her.” He said.

The boy looked hesitantly at the older male, who asked him to something that you aren’t allowed to do.

But kids like to do what they aren’t allowed to, so the boy did as he was told. Ki Joon took the glass from. Yongguk nodded once more, telling the boy that it is alright.

Yongguk looked at the little boy, and he finally poured the whole glass of water on you. It only took a few seconds for you to yelp, and jump up, startled.

“Oh my god!” You screamed.

Ki Joon was standing beside you with an empty glass in his hand, and Yongguk was right beside him. The boys burst out laughing at your reaction.

You were about to scold Yongguk, because you knew that Ki Joon couldn’t have done it himself. However, you forgot all about scolding Yongguk, as you saw how Ki Joon was laughing so brightly. It was your first time hearing Ki Joon’s laugh so wholeheartedly.

You couldn’t, and really didn’t want to ruin that. He had a very childish, and cute laugh. You melted in awe as you looked at him giggle.

“Was that fun?” You asked Ki Joon, who lowered his head before nodding shyly.

Boys will be boys you thought, and groaned as your pajama was getting soaked, and water was dripping down your hair.

Yongguk stopped laughing suddenly as he saw that your shirt had gotten slightly wet, and he could see some of your skin through it. He swallowed hard, averted his gaze elsewhere from your chest, and he suddenly coughed deeply.

It didn’t take long for you to register what had happened, and your eyes wandered down to your soaked top.

You were getting revealed, and you jumped up from the floor, and hurried out with your hands on your chest. You felt embarrassed now, and groaned. You could kill Yongguk.

“You should be glad the kid is here!” You exclaimed as you closed the door to your room behind you.

Yongguk heard you, and he stood still in the room together with Ki Joon, and smirked. He shook his head, and laughed.

“Are you hungry buddy?” He asked the little boy.

The little boy nodded, and they went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

You walked around in your room feeling so embarrassed at what had happened just now. Luckily, he couldn’t see much, but only a little skin, and yet it was so embarrassing to you.

You dressed into some casual clothes- jeans and a white t-shirt after you washed up, and you walked down to the kitchen.

The boys were already making breakfast together, and you stopped abruptly. The view was really sweet, you thought until you saw Yongguk, and grimaced.

You strode over to him as he was pouring some orange juice for himself in a cup. He walked off to the ice making machine, and poured ice in his glass.  You leaned over to him, and whispered in a low voice.

“If you ever do that again, I’ll do something back, something you won’t like either.” You said carmly with a low tone, so the little boy behind you didn’t hear anything.

Yongguk chuckled amused at your threat, and he turned his eyes towards you. You stiffened, when you saw the cool look on his face. He looked unbending, and then the corner of his lip curved up to a smirk, and his eyes seemed to beam a bit.

“I think I’d like to see that.” He said, and walked over to Ki Joon.

You bit on your bottom lip, took a deep breath, and turned around. How could he be so cold?

“Ki Joon-ie, what would you like to eat, I’ll make anything that you like.” You asked in a sweet tone.

You saw Yongguk chuckle at you, and you made a grimace. You ignored him, and focused on Ki Joon.

The boy jumped down from the chair, and went to open the fridge. The both of you looked at the boy as he was trying to make signs, to tell what he wanted.

“Ki Joon ah, it’s okay if you say what it is.” Yongguk said, and you walked over to the little boy, and bent down to his level.

“You can whisper it in my ear.” You suggested, and got surprised as he actually moved closer, and whispered in your ear.


Yongguk raised his brow as he saw the two of you talking together, and he wondered what Ki Joon told you.

“Oh pancakes.” You cooed aloud. “I can make that.” You said with a bright smile, and the little boy smiled brightly, and you ruffled with his soft hair.

“I don’t think he wants toast.” You said as you watched the breakfast that Yongguk had prepared.

Finally, you saw his face turn hard, he clenched his jaw, and shot you a deadly stare, but you smiled in return.

It was his first time seeing such a woman like you, normally every woman he met would do as he said.

But you were different, you answered him back, and you weren’t going to do as he said, so easily. Yongguk wasn’t really mean to women or witty like he was towards you or what you would call it.

There was just something different about you that made him be like this, maybe it all started due to the fact that you were going to raise the child together, the child he had planned to bring up alone.

However, he had to admit it was refreshing, and fun to tease you, even though, the both of you could get so irritated at each other.

The kitchen was filled with the aroma of the sweet pancakes that you had made. The three of you were seated around the dining table. It was almost past eight am now. You were up early, because Ki Joon woke up early.

“Don’t you have some kind of work?” You asked Yongguk.

He tilted his head up, and looked at you, were you trying to get rid of him? he thought to himself. He had told you last night that he took off some weeks from work, for Ki Joon’s sake. But he did have some paper work to do at home.

“I only have some paper work to do, I’ll do that in the evening or night.” He explained, and you nodded.

The reason you asked him was because you had to know, if he would suddenly leave or not. But you couldn’t care that much.

You didn’t mind him working at evenings, and nights. You would just enjoy some time alone with Ki Joon, and get to know him better.

“Why won’t you eat some pancakes?” You asked Yongguk as you saw that he was just eating the toast he had made, and he shook his head.

He was so stubborn, you thought, and made a face. He wouldn’t eat your food.

“Are you afraid that you’ll like it?” You asked him, teasingly with a smirk on your face, and he snickered.

He suddenly took a pancake, and put some jam on it before wrapping it. You observed him as he got it up to his mouth.

Your eyes landed on his plump lips for a moment, and you broke of the gaze once you noticed that you were looking at him. But his lips were really full, and he suddenly spoke, almost whispering.

“I bet you poisoned some of them.” He said, and your eyes widened at how petty he sounded.

Ki Joon suddenly giggled at the two of you, and you gasped. Yongguk ruffled with the kid’s hair, happy that he also found this funny.

You rolled your eyes at Yongguk’s childish comment, and he finally took a bite of the pancake. You waited for him to speak.

You wondered what he thought about it. Did he like it or not? He probably wouldn’t admit if he liked it, but you still observed his reaction. Maybe his expression could reveal it.

“Ugh.” He suddenly said, and made a face, and you frowned.

“Ki Joon ah, how can you eat these horrible pancakes?”

He asked as he looked towards the little boy, who laughed at Yongguk’s expression. Ki Joon shook his head laughing, when Yongguk criticized your pancakes.

“He likes it.” You fired, defending yourself as you saw how the little boy munched on the pancakes and you poured some milk for him in a glass.

“Don’t forget to drink your milk. You eat so well.” You cooed as you patted Ki Joon’s back, and the older male shuddered at your cute voice towards the kid.

Yongguk’s phone rang suddenly, and he excused himself from the table. He got further away from the kitchen before answering the phone.

Yongguk had to admit to himself that the pancakes tasted really good, he just didn’t want to admit it to you, and rather tease you. It was more fun.

He saw the name on the caller id, and picked it up.

“Hello mom, how are you?” He asked his mother on the other line.

You heard Yongguk answer his phone, and who it was before he was completely out of your sight. His mom had called him, and you furrowed your brows.

Yongguk was walking around in the living room as he was talking with his mom, and he was gone for minutes. You walked back into the hallway whilst holding Ki Joon’s hand.

The little boy, and you were on your way up to his room, to change Ki Joon’s clothes. On your way to the stairs, you overheard some of Yongguk’s conversation with his mother.

“No mom, right now isn’t a good time, unfortunately. The boy isn’t easy around new people, he needs some time alone with me before meeting you guys.” He said to his mother, and you furrowed your brows.

It seemed like he hadn’t told his family about you living with him, and raising Ki Joon together. But you were surprised that he wasn’t letting his family m

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^