A Warm Gesture

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 68

A Warm Gesture


The house was too quiet. You lived with an incredibly quiet man, and a little boy who was almost as quiet as his father.

You flipped the pancake on the pan, listening to the sound of the toy cars scrape against the wooden floor in the living room.

The kitchen was filled with the smell of frying butter, maple syrup, blue berries. The buttery smell filled your nostrils, making your stomach tie in knots.

You breathed in deeply, wiped your hands off on the apron, smearing the dough on the blue cotton apron with flower prints, you turned around to look at the kid.

Ki Joon sat on the floor in front of the sofas, quietly playing with his cars. They had a race. The red var vs the green.

It had already been a week since he discharged from the hospital. The first days off, you made sure to keep Ki Joon company, entertain him, and make him happy.

You would watch movies, play puzzles, play football in the backyard, join Ki Joon with his games, but he seemed really bored. You were running out of ideas of what to do with him.

However, the last two days, he has not been cooperative or energetic like usual. For example, when you suggested a few things to do, he would shake his head and turn down your offer.

You had no idea about what to do and started to become worried. You heaved another sigh, knowing he probably missed his best friends from his kindergarten.

Hence, you were making pancakes, his favorite, to make him cheer up. It is alright to learn to be bored.

You did not want to see him be upset or sad, which it seemed like. His head was lowered, his lips puckered, and he let out a little sigh.

The car in his hand moved to left and right. It seemed like a repetitive motion. It was so evident that he was bored.

He was dealing better now with the cast on, but you were not ready to send him to his kindergarten with a cast on. He had stopped complaining about the cast, almost.

Regarding the toad, he had locked himself in his studio the entire morning. He had come out to get a piece of toast earlier and that was the last time you saw him.

You turned off the stove, placed the final pancake on the plate, and took off. Storming towards Yongguk’s scared place, you knocked on the door a few times.

“Come in.” He broke out.

You opened the door, stepped inside, and stared out immediately, becoming stiff. He was not wearing a shirt. You pursed your lips and forced your eyes to stay up.

Why in the world is he shirtless? It isn’t summer.

Somehow, your feet became still, your eyes drifted away from him, from his exposed chest and tattoos. You had to look away right away.

You had to look anywhere else but on his exposed skin, his tattoo that covered up his pecs and up to his collarbones reaching to his shoulders.

You looked up at the ceiling, to the art that hung on his walls, to the frames with records of his work and achievements, to then rub your neck, slowly feeling your cheeks turn wam.

There was something you had to tell him, something important. There was a reason why you showed up in his studio.

What was it again?

“What is it?” He asked as he looked out, sitting in his chair, causing your eyes to avert to his.

Your eyes met his dark ones.

He stared at you, waiting for a reply.

“Do something.” You blurted.

It was the first time you were asking him for help after days. His brows furrowed. He got up from the chair and began to stride towards you.

Why is he coming close? He is shirtless.

Unknowingly, you backed away, instinctively leaned against the door, your feet glued to the carpet underneath you, your eyes locked with his mesmerizing dark eyes.

He stopped in front of you, stared into your eyes, he lowered his head closer to you, meeting you on an eye level.

“Do what, Kwon?” He asked.

Yes, do what? Get your act together and think!

His eyes were narrowed by a millimeter, whenever he looked like this, his eyes seemed even more intriguing, pulling, and compelling.

You folded your arms over your front, and somehow you ended up brushing yours arms against his bare, , exposed chest but just for a brief second. It was only a second. But you felt it.

That brief touch made the muscles in your body tense, wondering why you reacted this way over such a light touch.

When you had realized what you had accidentally done, you tried not to pay attention to it and focus on your goal.

He stood still, unfazed with a curious gaze. You kept your eyes locked with his, focusing on his eyes.

“I’m talking about Ki Joon. He is so bored.” You said as your hand moved up.

Finally, he took a step back, furrowed his brows, and the corner of his mouth suddenly curved up. He smiled.

You tucked some of your hair behind your ear, keeping in that sigh of relief, when he had moved away. You could finally breathe. Though you wondered about that smile.

“It’s okay to be bored occasionally. He needs to learn that too.” He explained nonchalantly.

Somehow, you had seen this cool reply coming from him. Though it was not what you wanted to hear. You were still taken back at his cool response.

You shook your head at his answer. You knew there was more to it for Ki Joon than just being bored right now. Learning to feel this emotion is important too, but it seemed more than just that.  

“I’m sure he has already learned enough about being bored.” You said with your hands moving to your hips. Your eyes stayed on his, which narrowed a bit.

“Then?” He raised his brows, not knowing where this conversation was headed.

Yongguk had been working a lot in his studio recently as he had taken a leave from work due to Ki Joon’s injury.

Though he had taken a leave from work, he had to work from home for just some hours a day, to take care of the most important projects, which you fully understand.

However, it was hard for him to balance his work and having to look out for Ki Joon at the same time. Hence, you stepped in a little more than him.

“You’ve been working in your studio either during mornings or the evenings to balance out your working hours and the time you need to spend with the boy, so you probably haven’t noticed it.” You said in a clear voice. You saw how he straightened his posture, his face turned slightly harder.

“Notice what, Kwon? You are speaking in codes to me right now.” He said, and you breathed in deeply.

“That Ki Joon has been feeling lonely. Will you just come out and look at him? Then you can decide if it is just boredom or me overthinking.” You said on one breath and his eyes narrowed, gazing at you intently.

For a quiet moment, he looked into your eyes, taking in your words, processing them, and then his jaw tightened. Your eyes narrowed as well, not looking away, not breaking off your long gaze.

Then he placed his hand on your shoulder, tugging you firmly, but he gently moved you aside to make way for him.

You looked up at him as he opened the door and walked out of his studio immediately without a word.   

Following right behind Yongguk, who was headed towards Ki Joon in his long strides, you rushed to match the level of his speed.

“Where is he?” He asked a few feet ahead of you. His tone lower. You looked up, surprised at the sudden change in his tone.

“The living room.” You answered, catching up to him. He turned and headed in the direction hurriedly.

Just when you got beside him, he stopped up abruptly, and stared out. Your eyes followed the direction in which he was looking.

Ki Joon was still playing the same game with the cars, sitting on the floor. Ki Joon was talking as he was playing. Yongguk observed Ki Joon for a bit quietly.

Your eyes drifted up at Yongguk, seen as he was quietly observing the kid. Maybe it could be hard to decipher when a kid feels lonely.

Judging by this sight, it could also be interpreted as Ki Joon just playing with himself and not feeling alone.

It could be your subjective view on Ki Joon or perhaps you were overthinking now. What if Yongguk did not see the same thing which you saw? You blinked your eyes.

“It’s normal that kids talk to themselves. Even you do that sometimes.” He said out of the blue, looking down into your eyes with that nonchalant cool gaze.

Instantly, your hand flew out, punched him into his ribs at his remark. His eyes widened at the unexpected reaction from you. He flinched slightly, drawing away.

“Kwon.” He hissed, rubbing his ribs but you ignored his deep tone filled with warnings.

“He’s been playing like this for almost an hour and when I suggest things to do things together, he just turns me down. He doesn’t normally do that, Yongguk.” You spoke in one breath, talking faster, and your breathing turned harder.

Yongguk’s brows furrowed as he gazed at you, his jaw clenched, hand still rubbing his ribs. He stared into your eyes.

“Why are you getting angry at me, sweetheart?” He asked with a soft tone but with that cool hard expression. You blinked your eyes.

“I am not mad at you. You just don’t see what I see.” You said quietly.

There was a moment of silence as he was looking at you. Somehow you began to wonder about whether you were being too much and dramatic this time, because of what happened to Ki Joon.

“I can call the headmaster from his kindergarten and ask for the phone numbers of the parents, whose kids Ki Joon play with and try to set a date where they can come to our home.” He said.  

Your eyes widened at this brilliant idea, which had not even occurred to you, and you did not know why you had not thought of it yourself.

“Can we do that? Will they give us their phone numbers?” You asked. Your voice turned higher.

“I will talk to them. Explain them about our situation. I’m sure they will understand.” He said.

“Thank you.” You squealed.

Reaching your arms out instinctively, you slipped them around his waist without giving it a second thought.

Though soon enough, you stiffened, when you felt something different, unfamiliar, the bareness, the warm skin, and you pulled back startled.

“Just a second ago you punched me, now you’re hugging me, Kwon.” He chuckled. His voice was deep, his laughter made his chest vibrate, and you felt the vibrations.

“Quit it.” You hissed, trying to pull away.

Much to your surprise, he gripped your arm, drew you back, making your cheek press against his bare chest that felt hard yet warm. He placed his hand behind the back of your head, keeping you close.

Foolishly, you gave in to that warmth, you shut your eyes, breathed in. Slowly, letting the heat from his body envelope you. You became still. He started to your hair gently.

“I know that you are really trying your best to make him feel happy all the time.” He said and became quiet. “I know you don’t like seeing him be sad, unhappy or alone. Even he will go through these emotions, Kwon. We just have to brace ourselves, you know, be there for him through those days.” He added whilst his hand tenderly moved along your hair.

His words were spot on, they hit you right into your heart. His words, his touch, it all made you become still, numb.

“Stop being so smart, I know that.. I just don’t like seeing him be sad or alone.” You sighed.

“I know.” He said in a quiet voice.

This was becoming emotionally dangerous. You bit onto your bottom lip. Your arms hung down your sides helplessly. You felt like a mannequin. A lifeless doll.

You clenched your fists, nails dug into your palms, but slowly loosened your fingers, relaxed, moved your hands up, behind, and up his .

You placed your palms right below his shoulder blades, feeling his back muscles move at your touch.

His chest felt hard and solid, but yet so warm. You breathed in deeply with your eyes closed. He had spoken his words. It was time to let go of him, right? You had to retrieve.  

Just a second longer. Just one more second. Please, just one more second.

Yongguk cleared his throat. Now was time to pull back or it would become awkward between you, right? You lifted your eyelids.

Just as you were going to pull away, Yongguk’s hands slipped away from you and he moved one hand into his hair, ruffling his long messy locks.

“Put on a shirt, will you?” You said with lowered eyes as you took a step away from him. Your face felt hot like an oven.

He let out a chuckle and walked away with no words. Your eyes wandered out, gazed at his back, you suddenly felt a tingle in your palms, thinking of how you laid your hands on his back.

You rubbed your palms, you wondered about why he said those nice things to you which obviously made sense.

You have to brace yourself for Ki Joon and be his pillar and support. Yongguk always knew what to say.

Time went by as you waited for Yongguk to return with some answers. You sat at the barstool in the kitchen, eating the pancakes, which you had made for Ki Joon. Ki Joon had gone to his room to play with his toys.

Your mind was filled with questions, possibilities, ideas, and you needed to know if Yongguk had been able to reach out to Ki Joon’s friends. You took another bite, huffing frustrated.

You had finished probably your second piece of pancake, when you heard the sound of those familiar footsteps approaching from the hall.

You quickly munched the last bite of pancake in your mouth, swallowed it, your teeth clean right before Yongguk entered the kitchen.

He was finally fully dressed. He wore plain blue jeans and a black t-shirt. You held in your breath. His long hair was tousled. It did not even make him look bad the slightest. 

“Sorry, it took a while.” He said in his deep voice that was slightly deeper.

Your eyes were wide of anticipation. You had not mentioned it to Ki Joon yet. Obviously, because you did not want to get his hopes high to then have them get crushed, if the parents of his friends could not set up a meeting.

“So?” You asked as he approached you, eyes locked.

He pulled out the barstool beside you and sat down quietly. Your eyes began to blink faster. Yongguk was typing a message on his phone.

“Did they decline you?” You asked.

Yongguk did not reply. He was still typing on his phone. You rubbed your neck, looking at him and waiting.

Perhaps because some of the parents have not met neither of you, so they did not feel safe about this? You pursed your lips.

The last option is to send Ki Joon to kindergarten earlier with his cast still on, but you were not prepared for that nor did you want to take any risks.

What if he would get injured again? What if he would play wildly and get his cast dirty or ruined? He could get a new cast, of course, but still. It did not end your worries.

Because he is a kid and cannot take responsibilities or control, you decided that it is best for him to stay at home till he gets the cast off.

Yongguk seemed to be quiet for too long, making you dwell for his answer. Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

He received a reply. Then he began to read that message quietly. You tapped your nails on the counter impatiently.

“Bang?” You called out after few minutes of silence had passed by.

“Sorry, I was just reading the last message I just received.” He said as he lifted his eyes from his phone, finally meeting your long gaze. Then he became tense like a rock when he saw your distressed look.

“Kwon, don’t stress about it.” He broke out.

“I cannot help it.” You breathed out and straightened your posture.

“I just spoke with Bora’s mother. She will be here in an hour. There was also a little boy from Ki Joon’s class, who will be here later. I could only get in touch with two families.” He explained, held a break, was about to speak, but you reached your hand out and grabbed his quickly.

His eyes fell to your hand that laid gently on his. He became still whilst you looked at him with a genuine bright smile on your face. Your eyes lit up. You were finally calm again.

His eyes were dark, and they remained on your hand as his jaw clenched. His hand felt soft and a bit cold. Your fingertips along his hard knuckles.

“You’re the best. He’s going to get so excited.” You squeaked happily, squeezing Yongguk’s hand unknowingly. His eyes blinked.

Yongguk finally looked into your eyes so quietly with his same granite hard expression. You jumped off the barstool, mumbling about what to make for dinner for the kids as Yongguk still remained quiet, like usual.

You did not detect anything different about him as he was acting the way he usually does, being still like mount Everest.

He became quiet after that. Hence, you rushed off to tell the great news to Ki Joon and see the look on his face.

“Ki Joon?” You called aloud from the hallway.

“I’m upstairs.” The little boy chimed from his room.

Yongguk remained seated on the barstool. Once you were out of Yongguk’s sight, he reached his hand up, staring at it for a while till he let out a deep groan.

“She only held my hand, what’s wrong with me.” He muttered before going back to his studio. “Kwon, I’m in the studio, if you guys need me.” He yelled for you.

On your way up the stairs, you heard Yongguk saying that he will go back to his studio and to call him, if you needed him.

You stopped in your tracks, turned around, rushing back downstairs, calling his name. You needed his help in preparing some things.

You did not have much time left till Bora and the other friend, whose name you do not know yet will be here.

If the kids were arriving in an hour, you had a lot to prepare and too little time in your hands to do everything on your own.

“Yongguk, wait!” You called out.

“What is it now?” He yelled.

Yongguk appeared from the corner in the hallway. He stood at the end of the stairs. His eyes drifted out to you, but widened upon seeing you rush down the stairs. Instinctively, his arms reached out.

“Stop! Don’t run.” He yelled with a panicked look on his face.

You saw it coming, just when he told you not to run, but it was too late to react on it. Your eyes widened like a deer in headlight, your foot slipped off the stairs.

Screaming, you lunged forward like a swimmer who lunges down for the deep water and typically that jump looks beautiful, but this fall looked nothing like it.

Yongguk shut his eyes tightly, tensed his body, preparing himself for the blow. It all happened too fast for your body to prevent this.

Sometimes the mind does wonders. It processes things first, sends signals to your body to react in instinct. Hence Yongguk’s arms opened, ready to catch you.

You crashed into Yongguk, falling against him with a strong force that pushed him down onto the floor. You heard the loud bang, the sound of his head and back hitting the floor.

Not a second later, you looked up from his chest, grabbed onto the back of his head, calling his name.

However, his eyes were shut tightly. He did not speak. He did not move. He just laid still like a lifeless toad. Your heart began to beat harder.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. Yongguk, please open your eyes.” You gently rubbed the back of his head. Still sitting on top of him, your hand searched for any injury. He did not budge, which started to make you become scared.

“Yongguk, have you fainted? Say something!” You spoke rapidly.

Suddenly, he let out a deep sound, that did not sound nice. You scrunched your face, feeling awful. Your hands reached back to cup his face in your palms.

“Yongguk don’t joke with me.” You said.

His skin felt soft like a baby, smooth like rose petals, but you could not think of that right now. You slipped your hands from his cheeks to shake his shoulders, trying to wake him up.  

“Ghnn. How would a person, who has fainted be able to reply, you dummy?” He groaned.

“Ah! You are alright.” You sighed of relief.

As you were about to get up, he lifted his eyelids, gripped your wrists, and hauled you down to him, surprising you, you gasped.

Your face came close to his, just inches apart. His eyes pierced through yours. You fluttered your long lashes, blinking your eyes innocently.  

“I told you to stop running.” He said. His voice was low and husky.

“I couldn’t stop.” You replied.

He closed his eyelids, breathed deeply, looking in pain. Seconds passed with quietness and stillness.  

You pursed your lips, feeling bad for being so clumsy. You were just excited and did not think it through.

Who even runs on stairs?

“I’m sorry.” You whispered in a small voice, looking into his eyes, when he finally opened his eyes. When your gazes locked, your lips pursed.

“Kwon, I’m-”

“What happened?”

The little voice made your eyes drift away from Yongguk, who was still somehow underneath you, you realised, and quickly pulled away from him.

Ki Joon stood at the stairs, staring confused at the both of you. His eyes drifted to Yongguk and they widened of shock.

“I fell on your dad.” You quickly explained.

“Oh no, are you okay?” Ki Joon asked sweetly as he walked towards Yongguk.

Yongguk shook his head as he sat up, surprising you. You did not know how badly hurt he was, or whether he was pretending to be hurt to make Ki Joon care for him or get mad at you.

Ki Joon looked at you, folded his arms, and shook his head disapprovingly at you. You lowered your head, sighed deeply.

“It was an accident.” You explained.

“You know what to do.” The little boy said adamantly with his arms folded over his front.

Your eyes drifted back to Yongguk, who finally sat up, ruffling his long dark locks, he looked up at you, waiting.

You blinked your eyes, meeting his calm gaze, knowing what you had to do in such situations, when one of you gets hurt. You bit onto your bottom lip.

“Where does it hurt?” You asked dryly with a straight face.

Yongguk quickly lowered his head, pointing at the middle of the back of his head. You breathed in deeply, reached your hands out, touching the part.

His kept his head lowered. You gently brushed his hair, finding the sore spot. He flinched for a short second and you froze. He did get hurt then.

“There?” You asked, touching the spot.

“Yeah.” He replied.

You leaned in, held onto his head, froze for a moment, imagining how you could bang your head on his.

You breathed in, refraining from acting on your imagination. You leaned closer and planted a kiss on the spot. This had become your rule or ritual because of Ki Joon.

It was the cringiest yet somewhat the cutest thing to do even if you did not want to admit it. Especially since Ki Joon was watching, you had to kiss it better, or he would be disappointed in you. Nor could you knock his hard head.

Once you had kissed him, he pulled back, but you hurriedly gripped onto his head, keeping him in place.

“What now?” He asked.

“I need to make sure there’s not any bump there.” You told, examining his scalp now.

“Are you a little monkey, checking my head for lice.” He said as you ruffled his hair, touching every part of his head, but your hands stilled on his head at his comment.

“Well, do you?” You teased as you tugged at his hair on the back of his head.

His head tipped back, and your eyes drifted down his adam’s apple that visibly moved as he gulped. It was so visibly big and even more as his head was tipped back, exposing his neck more.

He breathed out deeply, looking into your eyes with half-lidded eyes, but you loved to grab onto every opportunity that arose, where you could mess with him.

You blinked your eyes, smiling cunningly back at him and somehow his face hardened even more. At this point, he will turn into an actual rock.

“Kwon.” He said in a low tone. 

“You seem fine to me.” You said with a smile as you looked into his eyes. “Not that I ever-ever thought that your precious hard head would get damaged with that fall.” You continued to smile, and he noticed your sarcastic point.

A gasp of surprise slipped through your lips, when the roles got reversed unexpectedly, slipping you underneath him. He gripped your head with his hands, started to ruffle your hair into a messy nest.

“What did you say?” He asked, but you could not reply as you were fighting to hold back your giggles.

“Yongguk. Sto-haha-phh.” You giggled uncontrollably.

“It’s monkey from now on and not Kwon.” He said.

He ruffled your hair, tangling it all into a wild bird nest. You tried to wriggle free, to move your legs, but his thighs and his weight kept you pressed down to the floor. You sighed aloud of struggling from his pressure on you.

“Stop teasing me.” You said aloud, laying on the ground.

“Alright, little monkey.” He said right away.

“I’m not a monkey.” You stared at his face with a stony look.

His eyes met yours and then he stopped ruffling your hair. He quickly pulled away and got up from the floor.

He let out a deep breath. His eyes drifted to you seen as you were still on the ground, breathing deeply.  

“Why did you call for me?” He asked as he reached his hand out to help you get up.

That fun moment was over as soon as he changed the topic, the atmosphere changed, becoming serious. The smiles on your faces faded. You looked out at his hand that was extended for you.

For a brief second, you thought of how nice it felt to be teasing each other with no seriousness between you, nothing that could ruin the good mood. It had been a while since you had let loose.

It dawned on you that Yongguk stood in front of you, hand extended for you, waiting for you to grab it, and you were not moving anywhere from the floor.

“I need you in the kitchen. Can you help?” You asked as you gripped his hand and he helped you up.

“You don’t need to make dinner. It’ll take too long. We’ll just order.” He told.

You stopped in front of him and began to fix your tangled strands. He stood still, watching you. You sighed deeply as it was difficult to straighten your strands with your fingers. He let out a low chuckle at your reaction.

You scowled at him for what he had done, but he was smiling like a goof. Somewhat, you could not be mad, when he teased you.

“I still need you in the kitchen.” You said with a scowl.

“Sure, little monkey.” He said with a sly smirk, and you rolled your eyes.

“Ah, now I have to hear that.” You breathed deeply.

The corner of his lip curved up to a grin. With a hard look on your face, you stared at him till he stopped grinning. Clearly, he was very amused at this new nickname.

“Of course, monkey.” He lifted his eyebrow at you. You sneered in return.

All the while, Ki Joon was watching the pair of you with eyes wide and beaming like crystals. His eyes drifted from you and to Yongguk whenever you replied one another, intrigued by your conversation. He silently giggled by himself.

“At least, I’m not a toad.” You stuck your tongue at him.

His grin vanished. He on his teeth, clenching his jaw afterwards, eyes narrowing. His face became hard. You gulped upon seeing that hard look.

He could look so intimidating, whenever his expression changed to this one specific look, but mostly he looked incredibly handsome.

“Is that really supposed to be an insult?” He asked with a frowned expression, truly looking hopeless like a toad.

“Hmm, I won’t tell.” You said.

You placed your hand on your hip, tipped your head to the side, looked deeply into his eyes, seeing his expression become hard as granite, but those deep and dark eyes seemed lost. You shook your head.

“Don’t call me that.” He said with a serious hard expression.

“You won’t understand it, since you are a toad.” You said, and he snickered in return.

Then he turned around and strode off. You stood still, stared at his back, and became lost in your own thoughts. He just does not see it. He does not get why he is a toad.

“Aren’t you coming, little monkey?” He asked.

“I’m not a monkey.” You fired back as you went after him.

“Can I also help.” Ki Joon asked, making your eyes drift to his. Ki Joon ran along, chiming in a bright voice, and you had not heard him this happy all day.

“Yes, I’d love that.” You said, and he giggled coyly.

It made you wonder for a moment about why Ki Joon suddenly became this excited, when he had been silent all day, just like his father.

Yongguk laughed at the bright and positive response from the kid. He reached his arms down, grabbed the boy, and picked him up in his arms.

When he entered the kitchen, he put the boy on the counter, and the kid laughed as Yongguk ruffled his curls that had grown longer, reaching to his neck. He looked like a little prince charming.

“My boy.” Yongguk said with a smile so bright it could blind you.

“I guess we should let it be a surprise.” You said. Yongguk’s eyes drifted from the boy, who looked at him clueless, and to you.

For a second, he was quiet as his brows deepened and he tipped his head to the side. His bangs flipped to side, away from his eyes.

“Sounds like a plan.” He said, and you nodded.

“A surprise? what surprise?” Ki Joon asked in a bright voice, tapping his feet against the counter excitedly, making you giggle.

“It will not a be a surprise if we tell you about it.” You said.

“Ohh.” He nodded.

However, from then on, he kept asking about the surprise, what was going to happen, whether he would be getting a present and he had many ideas, but he did not figure it out.

None of you wanted to reveal it yet. It would be fun to see how he would react once his friends would show up.


Time was approaching for Ki Joon’s friend’s arrival, so you had to step back to get ready. Yongguk and Ki Joon said they would set the dining table with the snacks and drinks whilst you got ready.

“Can I know now?” Ki Joon asked, causing Yongguk to laugh.

He had been very patient, though he had to endure a little longer. You looked behind you as you were leaving the room. Yongguk ruffled the boy’s curls as the kid looked up into his eyes.

“You’ll know soon.” Yongguk smiled.

“Is it my uncles?” Ki Joon asked, and Yongguk shook his head.

“You’ll meet them soon, but not today.” He told.  

You had a smile on your face as you left the area. Since it was slightly chilly, you could not decide to wear a dress or not but decided to be rational.

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Hello everyone, it’s been too long. I’ve published a chapter. If you’re still here, and reading, kindly leave a comment after reading. Hope everyone has been well and that life is treating you kindly <3


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^